mario odyssey water course how to climb the stairs

by Ollie Thompson 3 min read

How do you get all the moons in Super Mario Odyssey?

Oct 31, 2017 · Drop through the hole in the roof of the Water Plaza dome and follow the coin trail to the back of the shaft. Hit the button to open the doors, then swim up. Hit the button on the right at the top...

How do you get to the courtyard in the Odyssey?

Oct 26, 2017 · IGN's Guide to Super Mario Odyssey, featuring every main objective as well as Power Moons and Purple Coins along the way. In Part 26, Mario must find a new w...

How do you get the viewing balcony in Super Mario Odyssey?

Nov 02, 2017 · Use him to move the stairs so you can get through the archway, then continue past. The next Ty-Foo you come to isn’t fenced in. Capture him and backtrack to the stairs. Blow the stairs back into...

How do you get the Ty-Foo in the Odyssey?

Nov 25, 2017 · Float on South to the island where the Odyssey is parked above. Blow the wood block on the South side to reveal a Hat Door! To solve this puzzle, first blow the red block right, then up to lock it...

How do you get up the stairs in Mario Odyssey?

After you beat this area's boss, the stairs will appear from the Odyssey's landing area to a new area called the Courtyard. Handle the Goombas and then use the trampoline on the right. Jump to the ledge above the water on your right, then use the zipper to open up a long hallway.Nov 6, 2017

How do you get past Broodals over the lake?

Hit it with Capy to turn it into a flower jump pad. Jump on and float over so you land on the Broodal's head. He'll now start jumping around inside a larger hat.Feb 22, 2018

How do you get up the wall in Lake Kingdom in Mario Odyssey?

Jump or swim across the lake to reach the platform with the flower bulb. Hit it with your cap to open it, then use it as a jump pad to reach the platform above. Follow the line of gold coins and throw Capy at the zip at the bottom of the wall.Feb 22, 2018

How do I get to the balcony in Lake kingdom?

The Viewing Balcony is a high ledge that can be seen across the lake from the Courtyard. It has a treasure chest containing a Power Moon. It can only be accessed via the Lake Kingdom's secret painting.

How do you move the big rocks in Super Mario Odyssey?

0:521:58How to smash the big metal blocks in Super Mario Odyssey - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipOnce you get to one you'll be able to crack it open simply by throwing Cappy at it doing. So willMoreOnce you get to one you'll be able to crack it open simply by throwing Cappy at it doing. So will release even more moons.

Who are the Broodals?

The Broodals are recurring bosses and the secondary antagonists of the video game Super Mario Odyssey. They are a group of anthropomorphic and villainous white rabbits who are wedding planners hired by Bowser to help organize his wedding and marriage to Princess Peach.

How do you get to floating sky island in Mario Odyssey?

It is located in the Luncheon Kingdom, found above a pit. It can be accessed by entering a painting found in either the Lake Kingdom or the Wooded Kingdom, depending on which kingdom the player chooses to go to first; the one that was visited second will contain the painting leading here.Sep 3, 2021

How do you get the wedding dress in Mario Odyssey?

A replica of Peach's wedding dress (though it did have to altered a bit to fit Mario's measurements). Unlocked after collecting 520 Power Moons. Available in all Crazy Cap stores. This outfit just goes all the way with the gold thing.Feb 22, 2018

How do you beat Bubblaine boss?

To defeat this squiddy boss, head towards the stone pillar when you collected the first of the Moons in this kingdom. Watch out for the spiked shells it will fire at you. Possess a Gushen, rise up to the first platform, then use your rear spray to hit the lava on its head. Hit him enough and he'll flee.Feb 22, 2018

Should I go to Lake kingdom or wooded kingdom?

Overall this area is actually pretty tiny, but most of it is spent underwater. If you don't mind swimming then you can blaze through this area quicker then the Woods so go here first. If you don't like swimming, like me, then pick the woods first. Either way, you will be hitting both back to back.Oct 27, 2017

Where is the secret entrance to the lake Kingdom?

Go to the exterior section of Snow Kingdom in the northeastern side. Capture a Ty-foo to blow a block and enter the area to see the Painting. The painting will warp you to Lake Kingdom. Use Cappy on the treasure chest to obtain the Power Moon.Nov 8, 2017

What paints cause lakes?

Lake Kingdom Warp PaintingLake Kingdom Warp Painting Head to Lake Kingdom and warp to the Courtyard flag.Jul 9, 2018

Where to find a timer challenge in Odyssey?

Head to the northeast of the Odyssey. About halfway to the Ice Well, you’ll find another timer challenge scarecrow next to a door. This one isn’t a traditional timer challenge, though — your timer this time is the freezing water you need to navigate. Make your way all the way through the area and you’ll get a moon as a reward.

How to find the moon in the Odyssey?

Inside, there’s a small arena with a Ty-Foo and two blocks. Capture the Ty-Foo, then blow the blocks into the colored slots. Do the red one first, then the green one. Climb up the stairs you’ve created to find your moon.

How to win the power moon?

The trick to winning this power moon is bounding (which is really just jumping) as soon as you land. In the GIF above, you’ll see three examples of bounding that you can use throughout the race: 1 Bound before you get to a corner so that you’ll land somewhere on the slanted part of the track. Then bound as soon as you land. It’s the fastest way to take a turn. In fact, it’s more like skipping a corner than rolling through it. 2 Bound as soon as you land. You can keep a streak if you bound as soon as you hit the ground. You’ll even see your character give off a bit of a glow to indicate that you’re doing well. (You can see that happen once for each jump above.) 3 Even on straightaways, you can get a bounding speed boost from the bumpy areas.

Where is the second scarecrow in the Odyssey?

The second scarecrow is down on the bottom level, a little to the northeast of the Odyssey. Climbing the poles takes up a lot of the time, so make sure you’re shaking the controller (s) to climb as fast as you can.

Where to plant seeds in Odyssey?

Carry it back along the islands toward the Odyssey. You’ll have to set the seed down for a second to uncork an updraft. Pick it back up and ride the updraft up. There’s a pot on the pillar when you land where you can plant your seed. Climb up the beanstalk to get to a new area.

How to get Moon 3?

On your way to pick up moon 3 (in the first tunnel on the left side of Shiveria Town), you’ll have to capture a Ty-Foo and blow a set of stairs out of your way — he’s the second one of the pair of dueling Ty-Foos. Use him to move the stairs so you can get through the archway, then continue past. The next Ty-Foo you come to isn’t fenced in. Capture him and backtrack to the stairs. Blow the stairs back into place, then ground pound the top of the arch to find your moon.

Where are the shards in Moon 10?

You’ll probably see the first of these shards while you’re chasing the rabbit to claim moon 10. The second is back to the west behind the large column of ice. There’s another on top of an ice block right next to the Ice Well. Grab a nearby Cheep Cheep, and swim over to the west to find a ring of coins and another shard. The final shard is on an ice platform just to the south of the Ice Well.

What is the secret path to Tostarena?

Secret Path to Tostarena! is one of those Power Moons that differs depending on which kingdom you visit first. If you had went with the Wooded Kingdom before Lake, then you would have had found the painting in there to get this moon.

How to beat Rango in Broodal?

He’ll begin the fight by tossing his spike-brimmed hat at you, in a straight path. Hit his hat with your own to flip it over, turning it into a flower springboard, which you can use to reach Rango and stomp on his head. Once you do this, Rango will retreat into his hat and chase you while bouncing around. As long as you keep moving, you shouldn’t be hit by the boss while he bounces.

Jump Rope Glitch

Recently, users have discovered a way to get 99,999 jumps in the Jump Rope minigame in the Metro Kingdom using a glitch. It can be tricky to pull off - here's the steps you'll need to take:

Use Amiibo for Unlimited Hearts

Each amiibo can give you some items when you use them while playing - but Peach Amiibos in particular are especially good to have. Tapping a Peach Amiibo when playing (not at uncle amiibo) will give you a Life-Up Heart - and the best part: It can be used as many times as you want with no cooldown!

8-Bit Marios in the Wild

When adventuring around, there's a chance you may spot 8-bit Marios or 8-Bit Peaches hiding on certain walls. They take on the form of their Cat-Mario and Cat-Peach varieties from Super Mario 3D World, and throwing Cappy at them will reward you with Hearts or lots of coins!

The Odyssey Globe Secret

When standing on the Odyssey, there's more you can do with the globe than just toss Cappy on it.

Hint Toad Save Abuse

If you really want to know the locations of nearby Power Moons (but don't want to use our Power Moon Locations guide), there's a way to get a lot of hints without having to spend money or use amiibo - creating extra save files!

Unlock the Mushroom Kingdom

A secret kingdom - the Mushroom Kingdom, can be unlocked by completing this game. This area serves as your intro to the Post Game, whereupon you can find even more Power Moons, and you'll learn of new secrets and unlock more features that include:

A Dog Joins the Crew

No doubt you may have seen a certain pup running around certain Kingdoms after completing the main quests in that area. But there's also a way to have the hat-adorned pooch come aboard the Odyssey.
