how do female vital signs change over the course of pregnancy

by Maryam Jaskolski 9 min read

Such changes are normal during pregnancy. However, other abnormal heart sounds and rhythms (for example, diastolic murmurs and a rapid, irregular heart rate), which occur more often in pregnant women, may require treatment. Blood pressure usually decreases during the 2nd trimester but may return to a normal prepregnancy level in the 3rd trimester.

Full Answer

What are the normal vital sign values during pregnancy?

Vital Sign : Nonpregnant Adult: First Trimester: Second Trimester: Third Trimester: Systolic Blood Pressure mmHg: 90 to 120 : 94.8 to 137.6: 95.6 to 136.4 : 101.6 to143.5

How does pregnancy affect the vital signs?

  • Persistent or unusual headaches
  • Persistent nausea and vomiting Nausea and Vomiting During Early Pregnancy Up to 80% of pregnant women have nausea and vomiting to some extent. ...
  • Light-headedness
  • Disturbances of eyesight
  • Pain or cramps in the lower abdomen Pelvic Pain During Early Pregnancy Early in pregnancy, many women have pelvic pain. ...
  • Contractions

More items...

What are the positive signs of pregnancy?

Positive signs of pregnancy are those signs that are definitely confirmed as a pregnancy. They include fetal heart sounds, ultrasound scanning of the fetus, palpation of the entire fetus, palpation of fetal movements, x-ray, and actual delivery of an infant .

How your body will change during pregnancy?

What Bodily Changes Can You Expect During Pregnancy?

  • Overview. Pregnancy brings a variety of changes to the body. ...
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy. The hormonal and physiological changes that come with pregnancy are unique. ...
  • Sensory changes. ...
  • Breast and cervical changes. ...
  • Changes in the hair, skin, and nails. ...
  • Circulatory system changes. ...
  • Respiratory and metabolic changes. ...

How do vital signs change during pregnancy?

Median (3rd–97th centile) heart rate rose progressively until 34.1 weeks of gestation to a maximum of 91 (68–115) bpm, a difference (95% CI) of 9 (8–10) bpm. Heart rate then decreased slightly to a median (3rd–97th centile) of 89 (65–114) at 40 weeks, a difference (95% CI) of −2 (−3 to 0) bpm (Fig. 3).

What are vitals during pregnancy?

Heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen saturations and temperature are key vital signs used to assess the clinical status of women presenting acutely throughout pregnancy, intrapartum, during anaesthesia and in the early postpartum period.

Does blood pressure change during pregnancy?

Previous studies have reported changes in blood pressure (BP) throughout pregnancy, and it was generally accepted that in clinically healthy pregnant women, BP falls gradually at first trimester, reaching a nadir around 22–24 weeks, rising again from 28 weeks, and reaching preconception levels by 36 weeks of gestation2 ...

Does your heart rate increase when pregnant?

How does pregnancy affect the heart? Pregnancy stresses your heart and circulatory system. During pregnancy, your blood volume increases by 30 to 50 percent to nourish your growing baby, your heart pumps more blood each minute and your heart rate increases. Labor and delivery add to your heart's workload, too.

What are the musculoskeletal changes during pregnancy?

Other musculoskeletal changes seen in pregnancy include: 1 exaggerated lordosis of the lower back, forward flexion of the neck and downward movement of the shoulders 2 joint laxity in the anterior and longitudinal ligaments of the lumbar spine 3 widening and increased mobility of the sacroiliac joints and pubic symphysis.

When does nausea go away after pregnancy?

The nausea symptoms usually resolve by week 20 but about 10–20% of the patients experience symptoms beyond week 20 and some until the end of the pregnancy.21In most cases minor dietary modification and observation of electrolyte balance is sufficient.

What happens when you turn from the lateral to the supine position?

Turning from the lateral to the supine position may result in a 25% reduction in cardiac output.

Why are natriuretic peptides higher in pregnant women?

The levels of natriuretic peptides are higher in pregnant women with chronic hypertension and pre-eclampsia.18. Respiratory changes. There is a significant increase in oxygen demand during normal pregnancy. This is due to a 15% increase in the metabolic rate and a 20% increased consumption of oxygen.

How does peripheral vasodilation affect cardiac output?

Peripheral vasodilation leads to a 25–30% fall in systemic vascular resistance, and to compensate for this, cardiac output increases by around 40% during pregnancy. This is achieved predominantly via an increase in stroke volume, but also to a lesser extent, an increase in heart rate.

What is the normal platelet count during pregnancy?

The platelet count tends to fall progressively during normal pregnancy, although it usually remains within normal limits. In a proportion of women (5–10%), the count will reach levels of 100–150 × 109cells/l by term and this occurs in the absence of any pathological process.

Where is glucose filtered during pregnancy?

As in the non-pregnant state, glucose is freely filtered in the glomerulus. During pregnancy, the reabsorption of glucose in the proximal and collecting tubule is less effective, with variable excretion. About 90% of pregnant women with normal blood glucose levels excrete 1–10 g of glucose per day.

What happens to breasts during pregnancy?

During the last weeks of pregnancy, the breasts may produce a thin, yellowish or milky discharge (colostrum). Colostrum is also produced during the first few days after delivery, before breast milk is produced.

When does cardiac output decrease during pregnancy?

During exercise, cardiac output and heart rate increase more when a woman is pregnant than when she is not. At about 30 weeks of pregnancy, cardiac output decreases slightly. Then during labor, it increases by an additional 30%. After delivery, cardiac output decreases rapidly at first, then more slowly.

Why does the heart work harder during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the woman’s heart must work harder because as the fetus grows, the heart must pump more blood to the uterus. By the end of pregnancy, the uterus is receiving one fifth of the woman’s prepregnancy blood supply. During pregnancy, the amount of blood pumped by the heart (cardiac output) increases by 30 to 50%.

How does pregnancy affect hormones?

Pregnancy affects virtually all hormones in the body, mostly because of the effects of hormones produced by the placenta. For example, the placenta produces a hormone that stimulates the woman’s thyroid gland to become more active and produce larger amounts of thyroid hormones.

How fast does heart rate increase during pregnancy?

As cardiac output increases, the heart rate at rest speeds up from a normal prepregnancy rate of about 70 beats per minute to as high as 90 beats per minute. During exercise, cardiac output and heart rate increase more when a woman is pregnant ...

How long does it take for a woman's abdomen to protrude?

Reproductive tract. By 12 weeks of pregnancy, the enlarging uterus may cause the woman’s abdomen to protrude slightly. The uterus continues to enlarge throughout pregnancy. The enlarging uterus extends to the level of the navel by 20 weeks and to the lower edge of the rib cage by 36 weeks.

Why does estrogen increase during pregnancy?

Levels of estrogen and progesterone increase early during pregnancy because human chorionic gonadotropin, the main hormone the placenta produces, stimulates the ovaries to continuously produce them. After 9 to 10 weeks of pregnancy, the placenta itself produces large amounts of estrogen and progesterone.

Who wrote the report on pregnancy?

The authors, Dr. Naveed Sattar and Dr. Ian A. Greer of the Glasgow Royal Infirmary University in Scotland, based their report on a review of the scientific literature. They found that a variety of problems during pregnancy could spell trouble later for the mother.

What is the risk of having a baby at low weight?

Women whose babies are born at very low weights, among other complications, have a higher death rate from cardiovascular disease. They should be screened for risk factors in their late 30's, the report said.

Is pregnancy a sign of vascular disease?

These and other complications during pregnancy appear to be signs that a woman is at a higher risk for vascular diseases and other conditions later in life, they report in a recent issue of The British Medical Journal.

Is pregnancy a window of opportunity?

The good news, he said, is that ''pregnancy is a window of opportunity to pick up women at risk.''. The report also suggested that reducing women's risk factors before pregnancy might reduce the possibility of complications during pregnancy. Advertisement. Continue reading the main story.

What changes do you see during pregnancy?

They can range from common and expected changes, such as swelling and fluid retention, to less familiar ones such as vision changes. Read on to learn more about them.

What are the changes in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Breast and cervical changes. Hormonal changes, which begin in the first trimester, will lead to many physiological changes throughout the body. These changes help prepare the mother’s body for pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding.

What hormones affect the uterus during pregnancy?

A woman will produce more estrogen during one pregnancy than throughout her entire life when not pregnant. The increase in estrogen during pregnancy enables the uterus and placenta to:

How does the cervix change during pregnancy?

The cervix, or the entry to the uterus, undergoes physical changes during pregnancy and labor. In many women, the tissue of the cervix thickens and becomes firm and glandular. Up to a few weeks before giving birth, the cervix may soften and dilate slightly from the pressure of the growing baby.

Why is estrogen important during pregnancy?

The increase in estrogen during pregnancy enables the uterus and placenta to: improve vascularization (the formation of blood vessels) transfer nutrients. support the developing baby. In addition, estrogen is thought to play an important role in helping the fetus develop and mature.

Why does my cervix have a bloody streak?

This is also called bloody show. Mucous streaked with a small amount of blood is common as the uterus prepares for labor. Prior to delivery, the cer vix dilates significantly , softens, and thins , allowing the baby to pass through the birth canal.

Why is progesterone so high during pregnancy?

In addition, high levels of progesterone cause internal structures to increase in size, such as the ureters.
