lone star college what course is right

by Albin Halvorson 4 min read

What type of certification can you get from Lone Star College?

Types of Degrees & CertificatesAssociate of Arts Degree (AA) ... Associate of Science Degree (AS) ... Associate of Applied Science Degree (AAS) ... Associate of Arts in Teaching Degree (AAT) ... Certificate (CERT) ... Fast Track.

What is Lone Star College best known for?

Lone Star College will be a model college globally recognized for achieving exceptional levels of success in student learning, student completion, gainful employment, equity and affordability.

What grade do you need to pass Lone Star College?

In order to pass the class with a grade of C or better, a student must score at least 50% on the final exam and have an overall average of at least 70%. Students who do not take the final exam by the scheduled time, will receive a grade of 0 for the final exam to be used to calculate the students average.

How many areas of study does Lone Star College offer to students?

LSC-CyFair offers more than 60 areas of study for the traditional, full- or part-time student; uni- versity partnerships, academic transfer courses and degrees; and workforce development and continuing education.

What does Lonestar mean?

Why is Texas called the "Lone Star State"? Texas's nickname pays tribute to the Lone Star flag, which was adopted after Texas became independent from Mexico in 1836.

Is Lonestar College good?

Overall, LSCS was ranked 4.0 (out of a possible 5.0) for overall quality. LSCS also ranked 4.0 for reputation, 4.4 for location and 4.6 for happiness. Additional categories and LSCS average rating include: library, 4.4; Internet speed, 4.1; opportunity, 3.8; and clubs, 3.7.

What is considered a full time student at Lone Star College?

A "full-time load" is four courses, or 12 credits. Click here to visit Lone Star's tuition and fees page for more information on tuition rates. All CE students pay $207 per course. Additionally, all students pay an "infrastructure fee" of $20 once a semester.

Does Lone Star College have a dean's list?

Students named to Dean's List for fall semester. Degree-seeking undergraduate students are eligible for Dean's List if their term GPA is greater than or equal to 3.400; they do not have any grades of "Incomplete", "D" or "F"; and they have registered for, and completed, at least 12 credit hours.

How does Lone Star College calculate GPA?

That means it is the average result from all of your grades. As calculated by the Universities of the United States, it is certainly a quite complicated system....The Scale 4.0 and how it will affect your marks.% numberLetter4.0 Scale93 to 100A4.090 to 92A-3.787 to 89B+3.383 to 86B3.08 more rows

Is Lone Star College a 2 or 4 year school?

Watch the video above to find out what programs will be offered. Starting in fall 2020, Lone Star College will be one of the first community colleges in the state where students can work toward certain four-year degrees.Dec 16, 2019

What is the difference between AA and AAS degree?

Associate of Arts (A.A.) is typically set up for completing foundational coursework necessary for a four-year (bachelor's degree) or transferring to another college or university. A.A.S. Associate of Applied Science degree(A.A.S.) is a two-year degree that meets requirements for specific skill sets in the workplace.Mar 15, 2018

How much is an associate's degree at Lone Star College?

Tuition rates are based on residency and you can get an estimate of your costs by using our LSC Tuition & Fees chart. Average full-time tuition is $862 per semester.

Arts, Humanities, Communication & Design

Programs in this area prepare you for careers involving design, production, performance, and writing, many of which are based on creative design, video production, and web design. The Associate of Arts, Music, and Speech programs are also designed to transfer to a 4-year institution.

Business & Professional Services

These programs prepare you for careers in management and administration in many types of businesses and organizations. The focus in this area of study lends to specific career training for leadership, finance, accounting, business, administrative services, & paralegal services.

Energy, Manufacturing & Construction

A variety of skilled trade programs in this area meet the overwhelming need for oil & gas, manufacturing, and construction careers. Programs in this Area of Study prepare you for technical, high demand careers as a technician, operator, manager, or supervisor in the energy, manufacturing, and construction industries.

Engineering, Mathematics & Sciences

All programs in this area prepare you for successful transfer to a university bachelor degree program for careers in engineering, biomedical engineering, medicine, math, and various laboratory settings. If your goal is med school or vet school, this Area of Study is the place to start.

Health Sciences

Focused on either human or animal medical care or technical research in the health industry, careers in this Area of Study lead to roles in large or small hospitals, lab facilities, veterinarian offices, and pharmaceutical companies.

A.A. Associate of Arts

Prepares you to transfer to a Texas public university or college as a junior with the intention of declaring a major in liberal or fine arts.

A.A. – F.O.S. Associate of Arts- Field of Study

Prepares you to transfer to a Texas public university or college as a junior with transferability of courses chosen for a specific major (Criminal Justice, Speech, Music, Business and others).

A.A.T. Associate of Arts in Teaching

Prepares you to transfer to a Texas public university or college as a junior with a specific teaching major (Early Childhood through grade 6 Generalist).

A.S. Associate of Science

Prepares you to transfer to a Texas public university or college as a junior with the intention of declaring a major in the sciences ( Math, Engineering, Biology, Social/Behavioral Science and others).

A.A.S. Associate of Applied Science

A degree program for the student seeking technical career skills for work in a specific career.


Prepares you to enter a specialized career field or upgrade your skills for job advancement.

Lone Star College 49th Annual Catalog

A system of comprehensive, public, two-year colleges, Lone Star College offers academic, workforce development, continuing and technical education, and general programs and services, as well as customized contract training.

Lone Star College Catalog

The 2021-22 LSC Catalog is now available online in a user-friendly format for easy program and course research, and updated in real-time for the most accurate information.


Application fee may vary by program and may be waived for certain students. Please check with the school.


Cost per credit hour refers to the amount of tuition charged for each credit the course awards upon completion.


Hybrid/blended classes combine online educational material with traditional in-person teaching.
