how to view your course syllabus at hcc

by Grayce Feeney Sr. 4 min read

Why take online classes at HCC?

Required of majors. Open to non-majors. Core Curriculum Course (As listed in the 2009-2011 HCC Catalog.) Course Prerequisites: Must be placed into GUST 0342 (or higher) in reading and ENGL 0310/0349 (or higher) in writing. Course Goal: Students shall study and investigate “the theatre” as a living art form. Students will study all facets of theatre as well as the relationships of …

How can I improve my academic performance in HCC?

There is no short cut for success in this course; it requires reading (and probably re-reading) and studying the material using the course objectives as your guide. See the FAQ for more details and wisdom in this matter. Instructor and Student Responsibilities. As your Instructor, it is my responsibility to:

What happens if you miss a class at HCC?

Mar 20, 2017 · HCC utilizes Eagle Online (Canvas) for the online portion of this course. Students should check the PHRA 1304 Eagle Online (Canvas) homepage for instructor news, e-mails, and announcements on a daily basis.

How do I withdraw from a class at HCC?

HCC offers online courses in more than 80 areas of study. Most online courses are conducted entirely online; however, some online courses may have face-to-face requirements for exams, laboratory sessions, and other activities—check the course syllabus for detailed course requirements. Search your area of study

How do you read a course syllabus?

2:123:07How to Read a Course Syllabus - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipRead details carefully and highlight or make notes within the margins. Use your syllabus to guideMoreRead details carefully and highlight or make notes within the margins. Use your syllabus to guide your learning throughout the semester. And refer back to it often when questions arise.

What information is available in a course syllabus?

The purpose of a syllabus is to provide information on the course and define the scope of the content. A course syllabus consists of a general overview, course information, instructor contact information, required reading, course schedule, course policies and a summary of the content.

How do I access my HCC canvas?

Logging Into Eagle Online (Canvas) Your Eagle Online Canvas Username is your HCC Email (issued upon enrollment through the Student System) and the password is the same as your HCC Email password. If you have never used your HCC student email, you must claim your account here before using it.

What is the value of a course syllabus?

It conveys information about expectations. The syllabus lays out your expectations for the quality of work you expect from your students and shows students how they should prepare for class. For example, the syllabus can explain whether students are supposed to do the readings before or after class.Mar 7, 2016

How is syllabus different from curriculum?

Syllabus is the focused outline of a subject. Therefore, the main difference between curriculum and syllabus is that curriculum is a set of guidelines set out for educators whereas a syllabus is a more descriptive list of concepts that are to be taught in a class.Apr 14, 2016

Why do we need to read the course syllabus?

The best course survival tip is to properly appreciate the role of the syllabus. The syllabus is the instrument your professor uses to set the course expectations. It lists how grades will be determined, when exams will be given and other important information for the class.

Is Ad passing in college?

At most schools, a D is the lowest passing grade. That means students who earn a D or higher receive credit for the course. However, some schools set special policies around D grades.Aug 4, 2021

What is a canvas in HCCC?

Canvas is the learning management system through which you access your online courses. Used at colleges and universities throughout the nation including USF and UCF, Canvas is considered intuitive and user-friendly. Check the links below for an overview and resource guides.

What are the disadvantages of syllabus?

Curricula and syllabus do not necessarily have a legal character and they are not binding, they are indicative. The curricula does not contain a detailed lesson plan, this is usually included only in the subject syllabus. The curricula does not cover everything a student needs to know.

Is a syllabus a contract?

Although there have only been a handful of cases involving syllabi, the courts have consistently ruled that a syllabus is not a contract. In these cases, students brought lawsuits for breach of contract where the professor did not follow the syllabus or applied a different grade assessment.

How do you attend class regularly?

Tips For Making the Most of Each ClassComplete all of the reading or other assigned materials. ... Review notes before class. ... Arrive early. ... Be present. ... Listen actively. ... Ask questions. ... Take effective notes. ... Summarize the class meeting.

What is the final exam?

Final Examinations. The Final Exam has two parts: a comprehensive, multiple-choice grammar test and a Final Comp. The finals will be given on two different days at the end of the semester. See the Final Exam dates on the Course Calendar.

What is homework in ENGL 0346?

Homework is a very important part of ENGL 0346. Students must have a binder in which they keep their work for this course. Some homework will be collected, and some of it will be checked in class. Students must complete the homework before coming to class and be prepared to turn in some exercises during class.

What is the purpose of English 0346?

English 0346 helps English as a Second Language (ESL) students prepare for the reading and writing assignments in college classes . Students learn basic grammar, simple sentence and some basic compound/complex structures, vocabulary, and paragraph writing skills. English 0346 is part of a sequence of classes (English 0340, 0341, 0346, 0347, ...

What is the grade at the end of a semester?

The grade at the end of the semester is based on the total number of entries when the journal is collected. Sometimes the teacher will give the journal topic, and sometimes the students will choose a topic. The journal may not be handed in late.

What happens if students are absent from class?

If students are absent from class, they must ask the teacher for the assignments that they missed. When students are absent on the day of a composition, they must make up the work on the day they return to class. A make-up composition will not be on the same topic as the original comp that was missed.

What does IP mean in college?

College Grading System. Students in English 0346 class may receive a letter grade of A, B, C, IP or F. IP means "In Progress. ". This is not a failing grade, but it is for students who complete the course but who are not yet ready for the next level. Anyone who receives an IP must take English 0346 again.

What is plagiarism in college?

If a student copies sentences from another person's work without giving credit to the writer by naming the writer as the source of the ideas and words , it is called "plagiarism." This is a serious offense in American colleges, and it is unacceptable. Academic honesty is expected of all college students. Any homework, journal entry, or composition that is not a student's own work will be given a grade of “0.” The student may receive an F for the course when plagiarism occurs repeatedly.

How does HCC make learning accessible?

HCC strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience academic barriers based on your disability (including mental health, chronic or temporary medical conditions), please meet with a campus Abilities Counselor as soon as possible in order to establish reasonable accommodations. Reasonable accommodations are established through an interactive process between you, your instructor (s) and Ability Services. It is the policy and practice of HCC to create inclusive and accessible learning environments consistent with federal and state law. For more information, please go to If you are reading this sentence, then you are doing a very good job of reading the entire Syllabus (instead of hunting for answers during the Syllabus/FAQ Quiz). As a reward, please email me an image of Alf (Google it) before the end of the first class week for six points added to your first exam score.

What happens if you stop attending classes?

If you stop attending classes or doing work after the “Last day to withdraw”, the following consequences will apply: Academic consequence – grade of “FX” (same impact on your GPA as an “F”) Any student who fails to take the Final Exam will be considered as “stopped attending,” and so earn a grade of FX.

What is supplemental instruction?

Supplemental Instruction is an academic enrichment and support program that uses peer-assisted study sessions to improve student retention and success in historically difficult courses. Peer Support is provided by students who have already succeeded in completion of the specified course, and who earned a grade of A or B. Find details at

What is US History II?

US History II is a survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, and intellectual history of the US from the Civil War/Reconstruction era to the present. US History II examines industrialization, immigration, world wars, the Great Depression, Cold War and post-Cold War eras.

Is there hard work along the way?

I think if you really want to understand what’s going on around you, you MUST know how things came to be, or else you’ll always be lost. Yes, there will be hard work along the way, but you will be a better student when you are done.

Does Canvas reflect your grade?

The Grades tool in Canvas sometimes (particularly early in the term) may not accurately reflect your current course grade. Consult your syllabus and your assignment grades to calculate your course grade and speak with the professor if you have questions.

Can you record lectures for online courses?

Use of the recorded lectures is recommended, particularly for Online students, as there is a lot of information and perspective in them that is not in the notes or in the main course textbook. Face-to-face students may also benefit by using them for review.

Education Teacher Preparation AA Transfer Track Curriculum ..

Education Teacher Preparation AA Transfer Track Curriculum Degree > Education Teacher Preparation AA Transfer Track This curriculum is from the current college catalog and is meant to provide prospective students an example of courses taken in this degree/certificate.

Welcome to Housatonic Community College

Housatonic Community College Ranked Among Top 100 Producers of Associate Degrees for Minorities. Housatonic Community College ( HCC) was recently named one of the nation’s top colleges for helping minority students earn their associate degrees.

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Courses available at Hutchinson Community College.

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If you're tech-savvy, consider a career in computer science. Training at HCC can help you prepare for opportunities in computer programming and software development.

Work for the Greater Good

Public service is an honorable pursuit. Paralegals support attorneys by conducting research, preparing legal documents and interviewing clients.


Fully online instructor-led course, with live interactive weekly class meetings facilitated by your instructor in Canvas. Meetings and communication are through chat, email and/or videoconferencing. Faculty and students are online at the same time for the class meetings with additional online work done on their own.

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About the Program

The HCC philosophy program provides students opportunities to explore and cultivate open, critical ways to understand the search for truth and to examine the moral implications of thinking and action in an increasingly technologically driven multicultural world.

Degrees and Certificates

Learn more about the Degrees and Certificates offered by this program by visiting the HCC Catalog.


Texts and Materials

  • Focus On Grammar 4, 3rdedition, by Fuchs and Bonner Focus On Grammar 4 Student Workbook, 3rdedition, by Fuchs and Bonner loose-leaf notebook paper a stapler ,red and black/blue pens , an email address a one-inch ring binder, four divider sheets with tabs , a highlighter one Scantron (for the final exam) English-only dictionary (recommended: theCollins Cobuild Dictiona…
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Course Goals

  • English 0346 helps English as a Second Language (ESL) students prepare for the reading and writing assignments in college classes. Students learn basic grammar, simple sentence and some basic compound/complex structures, vocabulary, and paragraph writing skills. English 0346 is part of a sequence of classes (English 0340, 0341, 0346, 0347, and 0349). After students pass t…
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  • There are 4 grammar quizzes based on the textbooks. If there is time, the class will have a review session and a short practice quiz during the class period before the actual test day. It's important that students come prepared to ask questions about the grammar that they don't understand well. In addition, the instructor will give vocabulary quizzes as needed.
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  • Students will write a total of 4 compositions (comps.) and the Final Comp. The firstfour comps. are written twice; the first draft is written in class, and the second draft is written for homework. The grade for a comp is recorded after the second draft is written and evaluated. Therefore, students mustwrite draft 2. No late second drafts of comps. will be accepted. All comps must b…
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  • Homework is a very important part of ENGL 0346. Students must have a binder in which they keep their work for this course. Some homework will be collected, and some of it will be checked in class. Students must complete the homework before coming to class and be prepared to turn in some exercises during class. Because these assignments do not receive a letter grade, the hom…
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Final Examinations

  • The Final Exam has two parts: a comprehensive, multiple-choice grammar test and a Final Comp. The finals will be given on two different days at the end of the semester. See the Final Exam dates on the Course Calendar.
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Classroom Policies

  • Students are expected to arrive in class on time. If students are absent from class, they must ask the teacher for the assignments that they missed. When students are absent on the day of a composition, they must make up the work on the day they return to class. A make-up composition will not be on the same topic as the original comp that was missed. There are no make-up tests …
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Attendance Policy

  • Houston Community College requires students to attend classes regularly. Any student who misses more than 12.5% of the class in a semester may be dropped from the class. In 0346, this amounts to 8 hours (total) of absence. If students are late 10 minutes or more, they will be marked tardy; if students leave the classroom during class, return from a break late, or leave bef…
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College Grading System

  • Students in English 0346 class may receive a letter grade of A, B, C, IP or F. IP means "In Progress." This is not a failing grade, but it is for students who complete the course but who are not yet ready for the next level. Anyone who receives an IP must take English 0346 again. However, if a student has already received an IP in this course during a previous semester, that s…
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English 0346 Grading Formula

  • The final grade for the course is calculated as follows: Homework: 10% Comp. 4: 15% Quizzes : 15% Comp. 1: 10% Final Comp: 20% Comp. 2: 10% Final Exam: 10% Comp. 3: 10%
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