ivy learn how do you get back from speedgrader to the course

by Maud Jacobson 10 min read

How are grades saved in speedgrader?

In SpeedGrader, all values for an assignment are loaded and saved in the browser, including student submission data, any grades (including original grades for resubmitted assignments), rubrics, and comments.

How can I improve speedgrader performance for large courses?

To improve SpeedGrader performance, large courses should be separated into sections, which allows SpeedGrader to display submissions for a specific section and decrease the overall loading time for an assignment's data. SpeedGrader is generally designed for one instructor role to grade submissions at a time.

When will I be able to use ivylearn?

IvyLearn will be used for all classes in the Summer 2017 semester and beyond. Faculty and staff, you can log in to IvyLearn now at Ivylearn.IvyTech.edu.

How do I view inactive student submissions in speedgrader?

For instance, if the Gradebook settings show inactive enrollments, inactive student submissions also appear in SpeedGrader. You can access SpeedGrader through: Assignments, Quizzes, Graded Discussions, and the Gradebook.

How does SpeedGrader work on Canvas?

As an instructor, SpeedGrader allows you to view and grade student assignment submissions in one place using a simple point scale or complex rubric. Canvas accepts a variety of document formats and even URLs as assignment submissions.

Whats SpeedGrader?

SpeedGrader is a tool within Canvas that allows instructors to quickly view and grade students' submissions for Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes. This guide covers the following aspects.

Does Ivy Tech use Blackboard?

Blackboard is the platform Ivy Tech uses to give you access to class syllabi, assignments, and grades. There is also an email-like function in it for student/instructor communication. You do not have to login to Campus Connect to use Blackboard.

What is IvyLearn?

IvyLearn is the student portal to access your course information, syllabus, online coursework. Note that the new portal for the College, MyIvy, has replaced Campus Connect and IvyLearn has replaced Blackboard.

Can students see SpeedGrader comments?

If you add annotations using the DocViewer in Speedgrader, you can see when the students have opened and viewed your feedback. There isn't a way to see if they have viewed comments left from the gradebook or under assignment comments.

Do students have access to SpeedGrader on canvas?

You can access SpeedGrader in Canvas through: Assignments, Quizzes, Graded Discussions, and the Gradebook. To access through Assignments, click on the name of the assignment you want to grade. Once you are in the correct assignment page, click on SpeedGrader in the right side-bar. This will open up into a new page.

How long is a semester at Ivy Tech?

16 weeksCOLLEGE CALENDAR Ivy Tech is on a semester schedule. Fall and spring semesters are 16 weeks long. Summer terms are of varying lengths.

Is Ivy Tech a good school?

Ivy Tech Community College- Bloomington, is a good starting college for students fresh out of high school, and returning students of all ages and backgrounds. Its a decent size but not overwhelming and has a pleasant campus that is easy to navigate.

How do I drop a class at Ivy Tech?

From the end of the second week to the end of the week marking the completion of 75% of the course, a student may withdraw from a course online using MyIvy or by filing a change of enrollment form at the Registrar's Office.

How do I log into Ivy Tech?

Faculty and staff, you can log in to IvyLearn now at Ivylearn.IvyTech.edu. Or click our IvyLearn logo to go straight to the site. The links on the right provide quick access to the most popular pages within this site.

How do I contact Ivy Tech?

Call 1-888-IVY-LINE (1-888-489-5463), 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. daily (EST), or chat online now with an Ivy Tech representative. Get live help with: Programs.

How do I find my Ivy Tech C number?

You may find your C-number by logging into MyIvy and clicking on any of the links. Your C-number will appear in the header at the top of the screen. If you are unable to locate our C-number, please contact your campus Human Resources Office. Contact information can be found at: www.ivytech.edu/hr.

Function Junction

Function junction sessions provide quick introductions to short introductory tasks in IvyLearn.

IvyLearn Fundamentals

IvyLearn Fundamentals are one hour sessions designed to give you an overview of a specific set of features. Sessions are scheduled in a "lunch and learn" format - you bring the lunch - we'll help you learn! Sessions are offered several times in one week.

IvyLearn Instructor Workflows

IvyLearn Instructor Workflows are one hour sessions designed to share tips and tools specifically for faculty who will be teaching with IvyLearn. Sessions are scheduled in a "lunch and learn" format - you bring the lunch - we'll help you learn! Sessions are offered several times in one week.

IvyLearn Faculty Connection

Led for faculty by faculty, Faculty Connection session presenters are encouraged to go deeper into describing and showing how IvyLearn works for them or how they extend the power of IvyLearn through connection to other sites and tools.

IvyLearn Q & A

You've got questions...we've got answers. In these office hour style sessions drop in and come as you are. Ask anything you want, play stump the presenter. The IvyLearn team will be on hand to try to answer every question you have. Scheduled for two hours on several Fridays these are a great time to get a really specific burning question answered.

IvyLearn Content Partner Webinars

Intended Audience: If you have an interest or a need to know more about a specific tool, this is the place for you.

Sneak Peek: Getting to Know IvyLearn

Description: Faculty are encouraged to take this one hour, guided tour of the new IvyLearn, Canvas Learning Management System. Participants will see some of the great features of the new LMS, have a chance to hear answers to some of the most frequently asked questions and learn a bit more about the roll out plan for the new LMS.

What does SpeedGrader do?

SpeedGrader displays assignment submissions according to the current Gradebook settings for inactive enrollments and concluded enrollments. If an assignment includes a submission from an inactive or concluded student, a notice appears at the top of the SpeedGrader window.

What is speedgrader assignment?

In SpeedGrader, all values for an assignment are loaded and saved in the browser, including student submission data, any grades (including original grades for resubmitted assignments), rubrics, and comments . This behavior reduces load time while using SpeedGrader, allowing instructors to grade all submissions quickly without continually refreshing the browser. Advancing from one submission to the next does not dynamically load any updated content.

What is read only mode in SpeedGrader?

If you are grading a moderated assignment and the maximum number of graders has been reached, SpeedGrader will be displayed in a read-only mode to hide all student names and submission details.

Can you edit assignments in a closed grading period?

Assignments in a closed grading period cannot be edited.

Can multiple users grade at the same time on SpeedGrader?

Because of how SpeedGrader data is loaded and stored in the browser, multiple users should not grade assignments at the same time since each grader cannot view the most recent information for a submission.

Can multiple graders be added to a course?

If your course includes multiple graders, graders added to a course can be limited to only interact with users in a section and only grade submissions in the section where they were enrolled. This enrollment option prevents assignment grading overlap so multiple instructor roles cannot grade the same assignment.

Function Junction

Function junction sessions provide quick introductions to short introductory tasks in IvyLearn.

IvyLearn Fundamentals

IvyLearn Fundamentals are one hour sessions designed to give you an overview of a specific set of features. Sessions are scheduled in a "lunch and learn" format - you bring the lunch - we'll help you learn! Sessions are offered several times in one week.

IvyLearn Instructor Workflows

IvyLearn Instructor Workflows are one hour sessions designed to share tips and tools specifically for faculty who will be teaching with IvyLearn. Sessions are scheduled in a "lunch and learn" format - you bring the lunch - we'll help you learn! Sessions are offered several times in one week.

IvyLearn Faculty Connection

Led for faculty by faculty, Faculty Connection session presenters are encouraged to go deeper into describing and showing how IvyLearn works for them or how they extend the power of IvyLearn through connection to other sites and tools.

IvyLearn Q & A

You've got questions...we've got answers. In these office hour style sessions drop in and come as you are. Ask anything you want, play stump the presenter. The IvyLearn team will be on hand to try to answer every question you have. Scheduled for two hours on several Fridays these are a great time to get a really specific burning question answered.

IvyLearn Content Partner Webinars

Content Partner Webinars feature presentations by many of our partners who will demonstrate how to use their tools with IvyLearn

Sneak Peek: Getting to Know IvyLearn

Description: Faculty are encouraged to take this one hour, guided tour of the new IvyLearn, Canvas Learning Management System. Participants will see some of the great features of the new LMS, have a chance to hear answers to some of the most frequently asked questions and learn a bit more about the roll out plan for the new LMS.

Can you open SpeedGrader for a specific student?

However, if you open SpeedGrader for a specific student, SpeedGrader will open filtered by the first available student group in which the student is a member. Additionally, if you open SpeedGrader from a specific student who is not a member of a student group, group filters will not be applied.

Can you change the student group in SpeedGrader?

In areas that do not provide this option, SpeedGrader will open filtered to the first group that contains students. You can change the student group that opens by first selecting a student group in the New Gradebook.

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