is it true that people who course are more honest

by Reilly Deckow 9 min read

Does cursing make you honest?

Science has also found a positive link between profanity and honesty. People who cursed lied less on an interpersonal level, and had higher levels of integrity overall, a series of three studies published in 2017 found.

What does it say about people who curse a lot?

Science Says That People Who Curse a Lot Have Better Vocabularies Than Those Who Don't. If someone's ever accused you of sounding less intelligent because you swear too much, don't worry - science has got your back.

Is it healthy to swear?

Studies show cursing during a physically painful event can help us better tolerate the pain. Experts say using curse words can also help us build emotional resilience and cope with situations in which we feel that we have no control.

Why do we curse?

Taboo words can be used for a variety of reasons, including to achieve a specific reaction from others. Swearing injects a direct, succinct emotional component into the discussion, usually in order to express frustration, anger or surprise (up to two-thirds of our swearing is for just such expressions).