in which part of a stream's course would one typically find bedrock channels?

by Aimee Wiegand 5 min read

When does the maximum velocity of the stream occur?

True or False: Maximum velocity occurs when the stream is at the bankfull stage. (Refer to P1) What kind of stream channel is visible here? a. Meandering channel

What are the three types of sediments in a stream?

Larger sediments that bounce, roll, or slide along the bottom 2. Ions in solution that are dispersed throughout the flow 3. Fine sediments that are held up by the water and carried throughout the water column 1. Bed Load 2. Dissolved Load 3. Suspended Load (Refer to P4) What kind of stream channel is visible here? a. Overflow channel b.

Where will erosion occur in a stream?

Erosion will occur near the head of the stream, but nowhere else c. Water is moving so smoothly that the sediments are carried in the center of the water current. d. Turbulent flow contributes to erosion because it lifts particles from the stream bed. d. Turbulent flow contributes to erosion because it lifts particles from the stream bed.

What are the two sources of water in streams?

Streams generally receive their water from two sources. What are those two sources? a. Groundwater and evaporation b. Lakes and meteorites d. Meteorites and comets Why are urban areas susceptible to flash floods? a. Oil, gasoline, and other auto fluids repel more water into the stream system b.

What are bedrock streams quizlet?

bedrock stream. A stream that is carved into bedrock, commonly in mountainous areas. ( 16.2) braided stream. A stream or river with an interconnecting network of branching and reuniting shallow channels. (

Where are you most likely to find a braided stream?

Braided channels are found in a variety of environments all over the world, including gravelly mountain streams, sand bed rivers, on alluvial fans, on river deltas, and across depositional plains.

When a stream is in av shaped valley running on bedrock the stream?

When a stream is a v-shaped valley running on bedrock, the stream is? Well above base level. A stream meanders across a broad, flat valley with numerous swamps and lakes.

Which of the three stream cross sections is associated with a high gradient stream?

Which of the three stream cross-sections is associated with a high-gradient stream ? The second stream cross-section (B) is associated with a high-gradient stream.

Are bedrock channels more likely to be found near the head or the mouth of a stream?

Are bedrock channels more likely to be found near the head or the mouth of a stream? Bedrock channels are more likely to be found at the head of a stream where gradient is steep.

In which course of the river does a braided stream form?

How are Braided Rivers Formed? Braided river formations are common where water flow is slow and there is a build up of sediment in the river. This can cause changes in the direction of the river and create new channels. This can occur to form a river delta, which is a form of braided river.

What is a middle course of a river?

The middle course of a river is found on gently sloping land, and is typically identified by its meandering path - the sweeping side to side curves. The middle course has two main features - meanders and ox-bow lakes.

What does a meandering stream channel tell you about a stream's gradient?

Meandering Streams High-gradient streams can result in downward erosion, or downcutting. This makes steep, straight valleys with little or no floodplains. On the other hand, low- gradient streams wear land away both sideways and downward. This makes wider and wider valleys.

Which of the following choices correctly describes two processes that cut channels into bedrock?

Which of the following choices correctly describes two processes that cut channels into bedrock? During abrasion, the bed and the banks of the river are constantly bombarded by the particles carried in the water. During corrosion, soluble bedrock such as limestone is gradually dissolved by the flowing water.

What is a stream corridor?

Stream corridors are complex ecosystems comprised of stream channels, their banks and riparian areas, and the plants and animals within them. Stream corridors and shorelines play an important role in providing unique and diverse habitat, flood protection, and water pollution attenuation.

What is the area of land from which water runs off into a stream system?

drainage basinAll of the land area whose water drains into a stream system is called the system's watershed, or drainage basin.

What happens over time as a stream's channel erodes?

Over time, as the channel erodes, it becomes wider and deeper. When the stream becomes longer and wider, it is called a river. As a river develops, it may form curves and bends. A river that has a low gradient tends to have more bends than a river that has a steep gradient does.