in the state of texas who is responsible for paying a required course for employees

by Mr. Boris Ratke Sr. 4 min read

Full Answer

Are your reimbursement policies compliant with Texas free enterprise and antitrust laws?

When determining the parameters of the reimbursement policies, companies should make sure that they comply with the Texas Texas Free Enterprise and Antitrust Act of 1983, which prohibits the restraint on trade. In the case above, it appears that the company provided significant amount of training that took up to 1/3 of employee’s working time.

Can an employer be held liable for negligence in Texas?

In Texas, before an employer can be held liable for its employees’ negligence, the following two questions must be answered: At the time of the negligent act, was the worker an employee (as opposed to an independent contractor) of the employer?

What was the Texas Supreme Court ruling on the scope of employment?

The Texas Supreme Court rejected this argument and stated that once the employer-employee relationship was established, the only remaining question was whether at the at the time of the accident the driller was acting in the scope and course of his employment. The “Scope and Course of Employment” Question.

How should Texas employers address vicarious liability in litigation?

Therefore, Texas employers must carefully consider how they structure employment relationships, contractual obligations and risk-shifting provisions, and how they describe and define employees’ duties. In facing the question of vicarious liability in litigation, employers should carefully analyze the situation using the Painter framework.

Do employers have to pay for training in Texas?

Pay for Meetings or Training The Payday Law requires that employees be paid for all time worked. While state law does not specifically address pay for meetings or training, the DOL does address the issue of compensable time.

Do employers have to pay for mandatory training?

If you earn the National Minimum Wage or close to it then your employer should pay you for time spent on mandatory training. This is because the pay received compared to the hours worked in the pay reference period might bring you below the National Minimum Wage.

Can employers charge for training?

Employers can only deduct money for training courses if it was agreed in the contract or in writing beforehand. For example, an employer could ask someone to agree in writing before a training course to pay back costs if they leave within 6 months.

Can my employer make me do unpaid training?

'Mandatory training' is any training that your employer says you need to do. ( Legally, employers do not have to pay employees if they request time off for training or study that isn't required for them to carry out their job. ... So, employees should be paid for any time that's taken to undertake this. ).

Who pays for training in the workplace?

The employerThe employer pays for all the training and repayment terms are set out in a formal training agreement.

Do employers have to pay for online training?

Employers in Alberta are typically required by law to pay their employees for training time.

Are training agreements legal?

A training agreement is a legally enforceable contract that sets out the terms and conditions of any training that you provide your employees. It establishes the cost of undertaking training, and who is responsible for paying.

What is a training agreement?

A training agreement is a written agreement between an employer and their employee setting out the conditions of any training the company pays for them to take. It will set out how much the training costs, who is providing the training and who is responsible for paying for it in the first instance.

Who determines which employees qualify for each special pay stipend?

Each agency is ultimately responsible for determining which employees qualify for each special pay stipend.

Who is paid a monthly stipend?

Certain agencies are authorized to pay a monthly salary stipend to employees classified as commissioned peace officers in Salary Schedule C who achieve certain levels of skill or certifications as approved by the departments. The bases for paying stipends may include the following: Education level. Commission on law enforcement standards ...

Can you get certification pay and education pay?

Note: An eligible employee may receive either Certification Pay or Education Pay but not both .

Can you transfer stipends to an agency?

These salary stipends are to be paid monthly with eligible employees’ regular salary and do not transfer with an employee to an agency not authorized to pay these stipends. An eligible employee may, if properly qualified, receive Bilingual Pay and either Certification Pay or Education Pay.

What are the types of payday laws in Texas?

The kinds of payments subject to the Texas Payday Law include: Compensation for services rendered regardless of how they are computed. Commissions and bonuses according to the agreement between the parties. Certain fringe benefits due under a written agreement with or policy of the employer. Return to Top.

How long can you claim unpaid wages in Texas?

Texas Payday Law does not address how long a paycheck must be kept active before an employee must cash it, but does state that an employee has the right to file a claim for unpaid wages up to 180 days from the date the wages were due to be paid.

What happens if an employee is not paid on a payday?

If an employee is not paid on a payday for any reason, including the employee's absence, the employer must pay those wages on another business day as requested by the employee.

How long does a Texas pay day bond last?

It must guarantee the payment of any sum recovered against the employer under Texas Payday Law and that the employer will pay the employees in accordance with the Texas Payday Law for a period of up to three years. If an employer fails to deposit the bond required, we may pursue a court order that the employer cease doing business until they furnish the bond.

What is required to withhold from wages?

An employer who has received an income withholding order is required to withhold from wages, including any severance pay, commissions, bonuses or amounts paid in lieu of vacation time that the employee may be due under company policy or agreement.

Why do you have to pay for coffee breaks?

They are paid because they are considered to be beneficial to the employer since they generally promote productivity and efficiency on the part of the employee.

When is final pay due?

Delivery of final wages can be made by the methods listed above. If an employee is laid off, discharged, fired, or otherwise involuntarily separated from employment, the final pay is due within six (6) calendar days of discharge. If the employee quits, retires, resigns, or otherwise leaves employment voluntarily, the final pay is due on the next regularly-scheduled payday following the effective date of resignation.

What is the labor code for a non-payday employee in Texas?

TX Labor Code 61.013

How often do you have to pay overtime in Texas?

Texas labor laws require employers to pay wages to each employee who is not exempt from the overtime at least twice per month (semi-monthly). If wages are paid twice a month, each pay period must consist as nearly as possible of an equal number of days. An employer must pay an employee exempt from overtime at least once per month. TX Labor Code 61.011

How does a payroll card account work?

pays wages through a payroll card account plan that is linked to a federally insured financial institution and uses electronic funds transfer to deposit wages in the employee’s payroll card account

How long does it take to pay a laid off employee in Texas?

An employer must pay an employee who is discharged or laid off all wages due within six (6) days after the date the employee is discharged. TX Labor Code 61.014

What is delivering wages?

delivering the wages to the employee at the employee’s regular place of employment during regular employment hours;

What is the payday in Texas?

An employer must designate paydays. If an employer fails to designate paydays, the employer’s paydays are the first and 15th day of each month. An employer must post, in conspicuous places in the workplace, notices indicating the paydays. TX Labor Code 61.012

What is the labor code for a quitter in Texas?

TX Labor Code 61.014

What happens if an accountant takes a course in drafting employment contracts?

Conversely, if the accountant takes a course in drafting employment contracts, he/she is not participating in a course that is likely to enhance his/her accounting skills and the employer would not be required to pay this employee.

Why do you need to take a training course?

The purpose of the training course is to help the employee be more effective in his/her job duties, so it is directly related to the job, the employee is performing productive work during this time and the training course is taught during work hours.

Is training related to the job?

Further, if the purpose of the training course is to prepare an employee for advancement by upgrading the employee to a higher level within the organization, the training is considered “not directly related to the employee’s job,” despite the fact that it incidentally improves his skill in performing his regular job functions.

Is training time considered hours?

Employers are often unsure if training time is considered hours worked or if this time should be unpaid. According to the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), when employees spend time in training courses, the time is considered hours work and payment is required, unless all of the following is met:

Do small employers pay for orientation training?

Often, small employers will provide orientation training to new employees and mistakenly not pay them if they fail to pick up the skills they are being trained. This is not acceptable according to many state Departments of Labor who take the informal position that training at the outset of employment must be paid.

What is the Texas overtime law?

Sec. 659.0155. PAYMENT TO EMPLOYEES OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE FOR OVERTIME. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice shall compensate a person employed by the department for any overtime accrued by the employee for which the employee is entitled to compensation under Section 659.015in the same month the department compensates employees at the regular rate of pay for the period in which the employee accrued the overtime.

How often do state officers get paid?

Sec. 659.081. PAYMENT ONCE A MONTH. Except as provided by this subchapter or the General Appropriations Act, annual salaries for state officers and employees shall be paid once a month.

How many hours can an employee work in a week?

When an employee does not work more than 40 hours in a workweek and the number of hours worked plus the number of hours of holiday or other paid leave taken during the week does not exceed 40 hours, the employee may not accrue compensatory time for the week under this section.

What is considered a remuneration?

(2) "Remuneration" includes salary, compensatory per diem, expense per diem, reimbursement for expenses, longevity pay, and fees.

What is the 659.006 rule?

Sec. 659.006. ADJUSTMENT FOR INACCURATE PAYMENT. The comptroller by rule shall prescribe procedures for state agencies to follow in making adjustments to payrolls for the pay period immediately following the period in which an inaccurate payment or deduction is made or in which other error occurs.

How to decline remuneration?

To decline remuneration, the officer shall execute a declination form prescribed by the secretary of state. The form shall be designed to permit the person to decline all remuneration or to decline particular remuneration from among various types associated with the office. The form shall be filed with the secretary of state.

Does a state campaign manager charge a fee?

FEES. (a) The state campaign manager or any local campaign manager appointed by the state policy committee may not charge a fee to the comptroller, a state agency, or a state employee for the services the state campaign manager or local campaign manager provides in connection with a state employee charitable campaign.

How many hours of training do you have to attend to get paid?

For example, if your employer changed its system for tracking and scheduling employee time, and it requires all employees to attend a two-hour training on using the new system, employees are entitled to be paid for those two hours.

Is attendance required for a job?

Attendance or participation is voluntary and not required for your job. The training takes place outside of regular work hours. The training is not job-related. You do not perform any work during the training.

Do employers have to pay for work related expenses?

Some states, including California, require employers to pay for all work-related expenses.

What is workers compensation in Texas?

Workers’ compensation insurance coverage provides covered employees with income and medical benefits if they sustain a work-related injury or illness. Except as otherwise provided by law; Texas private employers can choose whether or not to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage for their employees. Except in cases of gross negligence or an intentional act or omission of the employer, workers’ compensation insurance limits an employer’s liability if an employee brings suit against the employer for damages. Certain building or construction employers who contract with governmental entities are required to provide workers’ compensation coverage for each employee working on the public project. Some clients may also require their contractors to have workers’ compensation insurance.

What happens if you fail to comply with workers compensation requirements?

Employers that fail to comply with workers’ compensation requirements commit an administrative violation and may be subject to administrative penalties. The information provided in this fact sheet and workers’ compensation requirements are pursuant to: Texas Labor Code

What is voluntary payment?

voluntary payments, that voluntary payments are being made. The insurance carrier is only required to reimburse the employer for the amount of benefits the insurance carrier would have paid. If the employer made payments in excess of what the insurance carrier would have paid, the excess amount is not reimbursable, unless there is a written agreement between the injured employee and theemployer that the excess amount can be recouped fromfuture impairment income benefits paid by the insurance carrier, if any. The employer must file the DWC Form-Employer’s Report forReimbursementof Voluntary 002, Payment. The DWC Form-002 may be obtained from

What is scope and course of employment?

This question seeks to determine whether an employee committed a negligent act while performing his duties for the employer or while he was doing something unrelated. A classic law school example would be a driver, who is still “on the clock” taking a detour to run a personal errand and getting into an accident while doing so. In that situation, his employer would not be vicariously liable because the employee was acting outside the course and scope of the employment.

What is the control question?

The Supreme Court clarified that the “control” question is not evaluated on a task-by-task basis, but is a question of general control over the worker.

Did the driller get a bonus for driving the crew?

However, in this case, the driller received $50 bonus from his employer for driving the crew between the drill ing site and the campsite, the employer was contractually required to pay such a bonus, and there was evidence that the driller was providing the driving services as part of his assigned job duties. Therefore, when the driller got ...

Can an employer be held liable for negligence in Texas?

BOTTOM LINE: Texas employers can be held liable for their employees’ negligence as long as the negligent act occurred when the employee was performing his or her duties for the employer.

What is a violation of the Texas occupations code?

It is a violation of the Texas Occupations Code to advertise, solicit business, bid on contracts or perform any investigative services without being properly licensed. Violations can result in administrative and civil penalties as well as criminal filings against the violator.

How to contact the Private Security Bureau of Texas?

For additional information, click here to visit the Private Security Bureau of Texas (PSB) Web Site, or contact the PSB by phone: 512-424-7710

What state regulates private investigators?

Each state regulates the private investigators and licensing requirements within their particular state. In Texas, private investigators are regulated by the Texas Department of Public Safety/Private Security Bureau ( as provided in the Private Security Act (Chapter 1702, Texas Occupations Code).

How old do you have to be to be a private investigator in Texas?

The person must. Be at least 18 years of age;

Do you have to charge taxes to a client?

Taxes do not have to be charged to a client if they are a government agency (city, county, state, etc). Depending on how you decide to set up your business, you may decide to incorporate and this is done through an attorney and/or the Secretary of State ( ).

Do private investigators have to pay sales tax in Texas?

Private Investigators in Texas are required to charge their clients sales tax. The taxes must be collected and paid to the State Comptroller ( by the 20th of each month. Taxes do not have to be charged to a client if they are a government agency (city, county, state, etc).



  • Certain agencies are authorized to pay a monthly salary stipend to employees classified as commissioned peace officers in Salary Schedule C who achieve certain levels of skill or certifications as approved by the departments. The bases for paying stipends may include the following: 1. Education level 2. Commission on law enforcement standards and education certifi…
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  • These salary stipends are to be paid monthly with eligible employees’ regular salary and do not transfer with an employee to an agency not authorized to pay these stipends. An eligible employee may, if properly qualified, receive Bilingual Pay and either Certification Pay orEducation Pay. back to top
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Eligible Agencies

  • The following agencies are authorized to pay these salary stipends: 1. Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) 2. Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) 3. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) 4. Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) 5. Office of the Attorney General (OAG) 6. Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) Each agency is ultima...
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Amount of Certification Pay

  • The amount of Certification Pay paid to an eligible employee is based on the level of certification attained on the Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Education Certification exam as follows: 1. $50 per month for certification at intermediate level 2. $100 per month for certification at advanced level 3. $150 per month for certification at master level back to top
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Amount of Education Pay

  • The amount of Education Pay paid to an eligible employee is based on the type of degree held by the employee as follows: 1. $50 per month for an associate’s degree 2. $100 per month for a bachelor’s degree 3. $150 per month for a master’s degree Note: An eligible employee may receive eitherCertification Pay or Education Pay but not both. back to top
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Additional Resources

  • To learn more about entering these salary stipends, see Chapter 10, “Special Pays” of the USPS Process Guide (FPP R.017) or the SPRS Entitlement Code Table in the SPRS User Guide (FPP O.003).
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