which of the following is an advantage to using microstock photography? course hero

by Bernita Brakus 9 min read

Is it difficult to enter the stock and microstock photography area?

Mar 19, 2020 · The advantage of street photography is that you can catch people in their daily routines , which gives a good idea of what a culture is like . ... Microstock photography; 3 pages. Unit 6 Text Questions. ... Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. ...

What is a microstock model?

View Notes - Notes for WDS Lesson 9 Quiz from SOC SCI 101 at Florida Technical College, Jacksonville. Notes for WDS Lesson 9 Quiz Which term is …

What are the benefits of using microstock?

Advantages: Actively sells brand, inventory and customer service Gets company in front of high-value targets Proven success – low cost, high return b. Drawbacks: Duplicates Shutterstock approach 2. Use of “developer” APIs: Getting website builders to include an area on a site that links to Fotolia’s. a. Advantages: Low investment by ...

What is a microstock photo agency?

Below are seven benefits from my own experience. However, you may find even more benefits yourself. So here we go: 1. It improves the overall quality of your photography. The reason for this is simple: Microstock agencies have strict guidelines for accepting submitted photos, in order to maintain quality.

1. It improves the overall quality of your photography

The reason for this is simple: Microstock agencies have strict guidelines for accepting submitted photos, in order to maintain quality. Guess what that means? Yep, you will have to actually put some efforts into taking those photos.

2. It pushes your creativity to new levels

There comes a point as you go through a microstock website, searching for similar photos when you think, “oh man, is there any idea that’s not thought about already?” This will make force you to actually brainstorm more creative ideas, to come up with images that no other contributor has submitted yet.

3. It makes use of unused photos

While some shots you will need to purposely take for stock, others are just what you can find in your archives. If you are anything like me, you probably have hundreds, if not thousands, of unused photos laying around, taking up more disk space, let alone backup drives and cloud services.

4. It gives your hobby a purpose

Hobbyist or not, you are likely into photography because it’s what you love to do. If you are not a pro who is getting paid to do photography, justifying staying up late editing your photos to your non-photographer spouse, or explaining slowing down on that family dream vacation to your kids, can be a little too difficult to do.

5. It is as demanding as you want it to be

Selling your photos as microstock is, well, almost like running your own mini-business, minus all the struggles that come with a full-blown business, while keeping some of the advantages. As is the case with running your own business, it’s up to you how much time and effort you want to pour into it, and subsequently, how much return you will get.

6. It can bring you satisfaction and fame

Have you heard of Google Images search? Once you started selling your photos, go ahead and search on Google using one of your images and see for yourself where, and how many times those photos of yours are being used. Your mind will be blown away by the places that your photo might end up.


I wish I had someone open my eyes to these benefits a long time ago – so here you go, I hope I’m opening yours. If you are already a microstock photographer, or can think of other benefits, I would love to hear and discuss them with you in the comments section below, maybe you will open my eyes to something I’ve not seen before myself.

What is Photoshop Elements?

While Photoshop combines features for both image editing as well as other areas like graphics and animation, Photoshop Elements focuses on the image editing side of things.

What is a royalty free license?

In a royalty free license, the buyer is given an exclusive right to use an image for a particular amount of time. False. Copyright is an important legal concept for photography because without it, people would be free to use any photograph that you take without paying any money for its use. true.