in "the road not taken", how does the speaker's tone change over the course of the poem?

by Breana Rowe 10 min read

The tone of attitude of the poem changes as the traveller considers his choice of roads. The first attitude is reveals the speaker to be somewhat indecisive. He comes across a fork in the road and wishes to “travel both” but then decides that would be impractical.

Full Answer

What is the tone of the poem The road not taken?

The tone of attitude of the poem changes as the traveller considers his choice of roads. The first attitude is reveals the speaker to be somewhat indecisive. He …

How does the tone of the poem change as the traveller considers?

Jul 13, 2018 · The poem The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost illustrates an insightful, yet regretful tone through use of setting, characterization, imagery, and diction, for the sole purpose of making the reader aware of the haste and intricacy of life.

Why did Frost call the poem The road not taken?

Feb 01, 2021 · The tone of the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost is a contemplative one. The speaker is nostalgic as he reflects upon the moment when he stood considering which of two roads to take.

What literary devices are used in the road not taken?

Oct 21, 2015 · The poem, “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost is about one of those special moments where one choice will change the course of one person’s life. We believes that depending on the road a person chooses, their life will turn out for better off for worse. In this poem in which we learn that sometimes we have to let fate take the lead.

How does the tone change in The Road Not Taken?

The tone of sadness and regret in Robert Frost's poem “The Road Not Taken”, creates an emotional roller coaster that everyone has been on and can relate to. The poem depicts a man forced to make one of the biggest decisions of his life through the use of allegory and ironic tone.

What is the tone and mood of the poem The Road Not Taken?

The mood of the poem; “The Road Not Taken” is a feeling of anticipation because the traveler have to choose which road to take. The tone of this poem is satisfy with a bit of curiosity because even though the speaker wishes he could have taken both roads, the speaker is please with the one he chose.

What is the tone of the poem above The Road Not Taken?

Robert Frost's poem “The Road Not Taken” discusses the choices that a person may face in his life. The poem has a literal and a figurative meaning. Its tone is therefore reflective and pensive. It is also a serious tone.Feb 13, 2019

What is the tone of the speaker in the first stanza of the poem The Road Not Taken?

The tone of the speaker in the first stanza is that of HESITATION AND THOUGHTFULNESS. In this poem the poet suggests that the choices which one makes in one's life are made forever. The poet had to choose one of the two roads.Aug 18, 2018

What is the tone of the road?

The tone is very bleak and melancholy throughout the narrative. There is a sense of both desperation and resignation as the man and boy travel through the scorched landscape. They can only believe in each other: the rest of the world is on its last gasps of breath.Mar 15, 2017

What is the tone of this poem?

The tone of a poem is the attitude you feel in it — the writer's attitude toward the subject or audience. The tone in a poem of praise is approval. In a satire, you feel irony.Mar 26, 2016

What can be said about the author's tone in The Road Not Taken?

What can be said about the author's tone in “The Road Not Taken”? He feels some remorse about his decision. He feels that he has accomplished something great. He feels that his path has been different.

How would you describe the tone of the poem in the second stanza?

I would say that the tone of this second stanza is one of disappointment and longing. In this stanza, the speaker has sent his love a wreath of flowers. He hopes that it will stay on her and remain beautiful there. He is sending it as a token of love and of praise for her beauty.

What is the tone of the poet in the last stanza?

Answer: The overall tone of the poem is one of regret. He believes that at some time far in the future, he will still be thinking of his two possible paths “with a sigh”.Jun 13, 2020

What is the tone of the speaker in the line?

The Tone is defined as the attitude that a particular speaker or person projects when he\she speaks. In simple words, this is used to express how a person is feeling or his present condition at a given time. Tone can be of different types they can be sarcastic, angry, sad, etc.Oct 17, 2019

What is the tone of the poem The Sunne Rising?

"The Sun Rising" must be one of the most joyous love poems ever written. It interrogates the troubadour genre, the "Alba" or dawn song, in which the lovers lament their obligation to separate at daybreak. Donne's speaker greets the sunrise undismayed. Right away, he establishes a teasing, boastful tone.Oct 5, 2009

What is the tone of poem in the first stanza Garden of Love?

Our expectations of what we might physically find in a garden of love are confounded, echoed by the confounding of our expectations regarding pattern and rhyme. Furthermore, the new double rhymes of the closing couplet create an impression of how comprehensively the speaker's hopes have been crushed.Jan 14, 2019

What is the theme of the poem The Road Not Taken?

Robert Frost’s work The Road Not Taken conveys a very simplistic, yet introspective theme . The poem describes the dilemmas and choices one must make in life, and how those specific decisions affect that person. Frost establishes this theme with an allegorical illustration of two paths in the woods. Later in the poem, the author reveals ...

What is the purpose of the poem The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost?

The poem The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost illustrates an insightful, yet regretful tone through use of setting, characterization, imagery, and diction, for the sole purpose of making the reader aware of the haste and intricacy of life. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Your time is important.

How does Frost draw the reader into the story?

Frost draws the reader into the story as he characterizes the man or woman standing in the woods. The character evidently appears conflicted throughout the story as he or she faces a dilemma and eventually has mixed emotions when one of the options were chosen.

What does the author reveal in the poem?

Later in the poem, the author reveals the attributes and personality of the main character as he or she contemplates past life choices. This characterization helps to bridge the gap between the reader and the character, allowing the poem to communicate a deeper resonance.

What does the author suggest about the second stanza of The Forest?

The author seems to suggest that the character is highly impulsive, while also adventurous, considering that he or she is wandering through the forest, almost aimlessly.

What is the most important element of Frost's poem?

One of the most significant elements of this poem is Frost’s use of imagery. In the opening lines of the poem, the main character stops at a forked path in the forest, pondering which direction he or she will go. This part, being one of the most vital, symbolizes a choice needing to be made, most likely in life.

What is Frost's most famous metaphorical imagery?

One of the most eminent include metaphorical imagery, such as autumn, a forest, and paths. He further exemplifies the tone as he employs setting and characterization.

What is the tone of the poem "The Road Not Taken"?

The tone of the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost is a contemplative one. The speaker is nostalgic as he reflects upon the moment when he stood considering which of two roads to take. However, he makes explicit that he is not regretful. He knew when he made his choice that he would not be able to come back and change it, and he feels that it "has made all the difference."

What is the tone of the poem "No matter which road you take, you’ll always sigh"?

The poem has a literal and a figurative meaning. Its tone is therefore reflective and pensive. The tone of the poem is serious and does not necessarily have an optimistic outlook.

Why did Frost write "Tones"?

Tone depends on context. Frost wrote this poem in 1915 in England to poke fun at the indecisiveness of his friend and walking companion Edward Thomas.

What is the tone of Frost's poem?

The original tone of the poem was humorous and light-hearted. However, once a work of literature is sent forth into the world, it no longer belongs to the artist.

What is the meaning of the poem "The Last Word"?

It has been widely understood as a poem about being true to oneself, even if that means becoming a nonconformist. It has been read as an earnest poem about being willing to follow one's own path in life. The words of the poem lend themselves to this kind of contemplative reading.

What happens to literature once it is sent forth into the world?

However, once a work of literature is sent forth into the world, it no longer belongs to the artist. Readers impose their own meanings and interpretations. From early on, readers have heard in this poem a tone of high seriousness,.

What is the speaker's attitude toward his decision?

The speaker's attitude toward his decision is positive until the end of the poem when he looks back many years later; then, he thinks about the other possibility that he left behind. He relates the story of his choice with a sign indicating that he wishes that he could have at least tried the other way.

What does the poem "The Road Not Taken" mean?

The poem, “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost states that in life we come upon many decisions, and there are points where we have to let fate take the lead. “The Road Not Taken” uses two paths as a symbol of a life decision. To understand this poem you have to have understanding of life’s meaning. The author helps us better understand the message by his use of tone and literary devices such as metaphors and symbolism. In this poem we come to realize that life is a combination of decisions and fate. The two paths symbolize the life of the traveler and all his life decisions. This poem expresses life, because in life, there are important decisions that in some instances can make a really big change, sometimes it’s hard to find your way out of something, and there are many possible ways you can do it.

What is the road not taken about?

The road is really a metaphor explaining decisions that we make. Sometimes there are monumental choices that will affect the rest of someone’s life, whether they know it or not. The poem, “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost is about one of those special moments where one choice will change the course of one person’s life.

What does the two paths symbolize in the poem?

The two paths symbolize the life of the traveler and all his life decisions. This poem expresses life, because in life, there are important decisions that in some instances can make a really big change, sometimes it’s hard to find your way out of something, and there are many possible ways you can do it.

What does the Frost symbol mean in the poem?

Towards the end of the poem, signs of regret shows, how in life a decision can really impact your life and who you become as a person.

What does "Those paths" mean?

Those paths shows that it doesn’t matter which side has been taken more but which is the best one for you. Life is made up of choices. The choices people make in their lifetime not only shape their life, but they can make or break it.

Is indecision part of life?

However, indecision is part of the beauty of life. Some of the best choices are result of careful thought. A person does not always have to take the road of the ones before them; they can take an entirely new path with an unknown future.

Does Robert Frost know which road to take?

Still, knowing a choice needs to be made does not make it easy to decide. In this line, “sorry…could not travel both”, Robert Frost does not know which road to take, what decision to make. He only knows that he cannot travel both. However, indecision is part of the beauty of life. Some of the best choices are result of careful thought.

What is the metaphor in "The Road Not Taken"?

The metaphors in "The Road Not Taken" work together to convey an ultimately ambiguous tone. First, the speaker arrives at a fork in the road. Metaphorically, he has arrived at a tough decision in...

What is the meaning of the two roads in The Road Not Taken?

Please describe the two roads in the poem The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. This poem by Robert Frost describes the dilemma a walker faces when the path he is treading diverges into "two roads.". The two roads are, in fact, nearly identical. The first one, as the speaker...

What does the speaker say in Stanza 1?

In Stanza 1 of Robert Frost's poem The Road Not Taken, the speaker is in a wood in autumn when leaves fall and comes upon a fork in the road ("Two roads diverged"). He laments that he can't divide...

What does it mean when two roads diverged in a yellow wood?

It means there is a fork in the road, and it is autumn in the woods. The two roads diverged into a fork in the road, meaning that the roads went in two separate directions.

What does the narrator mean by "fair"?

The narrator says in the second stanza of the poem that after looking at the first road, he decides to take the second, as it's "just as fair." By "fair," the narrator could mean "good" and...

What does Robert Frost mean by "The Road Not Taken"?

In "The Road Not Taken," Robert Frost looks at the difficulties involved in making a decision that will affect the rest of one's life. The speaker begins by simply looking at the two roads and...

What is the significance of the title "road not taken"?

would it have been more appropriate to use the title'road... The title of a poem is often a good indication of where the poet's focus lies . While this poem is, ostensibly, about deciding between two fundamentally very similar paths in life, the significance...

Did Frost introduce the poem in this manner?

Yet, the fact that Frost did not always introduce the poem in this manner, nor was he always known for straightforward language, along with his having made a pretense of being a New Englander when, in fact, he was not originally from this area of the United States, raises some doubt in Frost's credibility in his audiences. ...

Is the road not taken written in first person?

Share Link. Because " The Road Not Taken " is written with the use of a first person narrator, there is often debate regarding who the speaker is; however, it has been noted by Frost biographer Lawrance Thompson that when giving a public reading of these verses, Frost himself would frequently introduce this poem as one based ...


in the first half of the poem, the tone is joyful and celebratory, then it shifts into a heartbroken and depressed tone in the end. the tone of "o captain! my captain!" does not so much change over the course of the poem as it maintains a tension between happiness and melancholy throughout its three stanzas.


Having rejoiced that "the fearful trip" of the war is over, Whitman moves the tone of his poem in three stanzas from the exultation of triumph to despair as the country is now without a leader. The speaker himself feels a personal loss: "But I with mournful tread,/Walk the deck my Captain lie,/Fallen cold and dead."

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