if you are talking to someone with hearing impairment, you should do which of the following course

by Dr. Lemuel King 5 min read

Face the hearing-impaired person directly, on the same level and in good light whenever possible. Position yourself so that the light is shining on the speaker's face, not in the eyes of the listener. Do not talk from another room. Not being able to see each other when talking is a common reason people have difficulty understanding what is said.

Full Answer

What should I be aware of when speaking to a hearing impaired person?

Be aware of possible distortion of sounds for the hearing-impaired person. They may hear your voice, but still may have difficulty understanding some words. Most hearing-impaired people have greater difficulty understanding speech when there is background noise. Try to minimize extraneous noise when talking.

How to communicate with a person with hearing loss?

Hearing Loss: Tips to Improve Communication With People with Hearing Loss. 1 Gain attention. Gain the listener's attention before you begin talking, for example, by saying his or her name. If the person with hearing loss hears ... 2 Maintain eye contact. 3 Keep hands away from face. 4 Speak naturally. 5 Rephrase rather than repeat. More items

How can a speech pathologist help a person with hearing loss?

Often a speech-language pathologist (a professional trained to teach people how to use speech and language) will work with the person with hearing loss and the family. Speech Reading (or lip reading) helps a person with hearing loss understand speech.

Why do people with hearing loss need special skills?

People with hearing loss and their families often need special skills to be able to learn language and communicate. These skills can be used together with hearing aids, cochlear implants, and other devices that help people hear.

What are the things you should do when communicating with people with hearing impairments?

Communicating with People with Hearing LossFace the hearing-impaired person directly, on the same level and in good light whenever possible. ... Do not talk from another room. ... Speak clearly, slowly, distinctly, but naturally, without shouting or exaggerating mouth movements.More items...

How do you communicate with a hearing impaired person on the phone?

Get connected. This is where the National Relay Service (NRS) comes in — a 24-hour phone service for people who are deaf, or have a hearing impairment and/or speech impairment. The NRS uses specially trained staff, called relay officers, who convert voice to text, text to voice, or Auslan to English.

How could you best support someone who is hearing impaired?

Try an assistive listening device, like a personal amplifier. Provide your friend with the key word of what you said—write it down or spell it if necessary. Don't get frustrated and say, "Never mind, it's not important." This can make a person with hearing loss feel worse. Patience goes a long way.

Is a technique for communicating with hearing impaired callers who can speak?

Voice carryover (VCO) is a communication hybrid of TTY and voice. With VCO, a person with hearing loss can speak directly to the call taker and read the response that is typed back.

What are the rules in communication?

Nevertheless, these five golden rules should help you to become a more expert communicator:Know your audience. ... Timing is everything. ... What you say is less important than what other people want to hear. ... Don't confuse broadcasting with communication. ... Leave your ego at the door.

How do you talk to a deaf person?

Speak clearly and at a normal pace; do not yell or over-enunciate. Look directly at the individual while speaking. Do not cover your mouth or look around while speaking. Avoid standing in front of a light source, which can make it difficult to see your face clearly.

How can a healthcare professional communicate with someone who is hearing impaired?

Patients with hearing impairments, with or without hearing aids, may communicate in a variety of ways with health personnel. Some patients speak and speech-read or lip-read, some use sign language or communicate by writing notes, and some bring someone with them to interpret.

Which of the following should be done when communicating in a group setting to ensure people with a hearing impairment can understand spoken words?

Which of the following should be done when communicating in a group setting to ensure people with a hearing impairment can understand spoken words? Avoid situations with loud sounds.

How to communicate with people with hearing loss?

Some environments are much easier for communication for people who are hearing impaired. Here are some things you can do to ensure the environment is perfect for communication: 1 Make sure the room has enough lighting. People with hearing loss often rely upon lip reading, facial expressions, speech reading, body language and gestures to supplement their remaining hearing and improve communication. 2 Pick a place that has minimum background noise. Though our ears and brain are able to filter out background noise in most situations, people with hearing loss often have a difficult time hearing over excessive noise. Keep in mind that small rooms with no carpeting or curtains tend to have poor acoustics and can distort voices. 3 Make it easy to see everyone's faces. If you will be in a group setting, choose a location—or if you're at a restaurant, a round table —where the person with hearing loss will have visual access to everyone's faces to facilitate better communication.

How to help someone with hearing loss speak better?

If the person with hearing loss hears better in one ear, take note of that and try to speak more toward their right or left side.

What are the challenges of talking to people with hearing loss?

For people with hearing loss or other hearing impairments, a noisy environment or friends who speak too quickly can make communication extra challenging. Restaurant background noise is one of the. most common challenges when talking to.

How to avoid loud music at dinner?

If you're planning a dinner out, pick a restaurant that you know has ample lighting, does not play loud music and has decent acoustics. Choose a restaurant that you have been to before, where you know the noise levels do not get too loud. Another good tactic is to select an off-time: Rather than having dinner at 7 p.m. on Friday or Saturday night—the busiest dinner hours—opt instead for a late lunch or early dinner, between the hours of 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. when restaurants are likely to be the least busy.

What to ask the listener in a break down?

Ask the listener what he or she needs you to do to facilitate better communication in the event of a break down.

How to improve hearing loss?

People with hearing loss often rely upon lip reading, facial expressions, speech reading, body language and gestures to supplement their remaining hearing and improve communication. Pick a place that has minimum background noise. Though our ears and brain are able to filter out background noise in most situations, ...

How to talk to a friend with hearing loss?

During a group gathering at your home, if you'd like to have a conversation with a friend or family member with hearing loss, invite him or her to speak in a different, quieter room. Turn off the TV and any other sources of noise.

How can I better communicate with someone with a hearing loss?

Hearing aids are beneficial in many situations. However, there are some listening events where hearing aids alone cannot provide enough benefit. In those situations, communication partners can help the person with hearing loss be more successful in hearing. Remember, communication involves at least two individuals: a talker who sends the message, and a listener who receives the message. You, as a member of this communication pair, can improve the conversation by following a few simple strategies.

How to help someone with hearing loss?

Face the person who has the hearing loss. Make eye contact. Your facial expressions and body language add vital information to the message being conveyed. For example, you can "see" a person's excitement, joy, confusion or frustration by watching the facial expressions or body language.

How can a communication partner help a person with hearing loss?

In those situations, communication partners can help the person with hearing loss be more successful in hearing. Remember, communication involves at least two individuals: a talker who sends the message, and a listener who receives the message.

Why is speechreading important?

Speechreading helps to improve speech perception. Many sounds can been seen that are hard to hear. For example, the sound /s/ is very difficult to hear but easily speechread. It is important to not over exaggerate your talking, talk with food in your mouth or chew gum when talking to a person with hearing loss.

How to explain something you said to someone?

If they are still having difficulty find a different way of saying it. Use different words with the same meaning. For example: “I am going to the gro cery store." Repeat once and then rephrase. “I am going to the supermarket," If he or she did not understand the words the first time, it's likely he or she will not understand them a second time. So, try to rephrase it. Another option is to ask what the person did not understand and just repeat that phrase or word. For example, "grocery store" is what was not understood, so just repeat those words "grocery store."

How to make your speech clearer?

When talking, try to keep your hands away from your face. You will produce clearer speech and allow the listener to make use of those visual cues by keeping your mouth and face visible. In addition, most listeners can improve their perception by watching the talker’s face – also known as speechreading.

Can a person with hearing loss use a speechreader?

A person with hearing loss can speechread to assist in hearing so lighting on your face is important. When in a restaurant or other social gathering, sit where there is good lighting so that your face can be more easily seen. Poor lighting may cause shadows on the face of the talker. Conversely avoid sitting with strong lighting coming from behind, such as through a window, as that will cause difficulty looking into the bright light.

How to help someone with hearing loss?

Tips That Can Help. Make sure the person with hearing loss can see your face. Stand or sit 3 to 6 feet (90 to 180 centimeters) away. Position yourself so the person you are talking to can see your mouth and gestures. Talk in a room where there is enough light for the person with hearing loss to see these visual clues.

Where to choose quiet area?

Choose a quiet area of a restaurant, lobby, or office where there is less activity and noise.

Why do you not exaggerate when talking?

DO NOT exaggerate your words because this may distort how they sound and make it harder for the person to understand you. If the person with hearing loss does not understand a word or phrase, choose a different one rather than repeating it.

Can someone with hearing loss understand?

It may be hard for a person with hearing loss to understand a conversation with another person. Being in a group, conversation can be even harder. The person with hearing loss can feel isolated or cut off. If you live or work with someone who does not hear well, follow the tips below to better communicate.

How can people with hearing loss learn language?

How People with Hearing Loss Learn Language. People with hearing loss and their families often need special skills to be able to learn language and communicate. These skills can be used together with hearing aids, cochlear implants, and other devices that help people hear. There are several approaches that can help, ...

Why do we need to add hearing aids to speech?

Since speech can only be used by a person to express him or herself other building blocks, such as hearing with a hearing aid, must be added in order to help the person understands what is being said so they can communicate with others. Speaking may seem easy to a person with hearing.

What is MCE in sign language?

Manually Coded English (MCE) is made up of signs that are a visual code for spoken English. MCE is a code for a language — the English language. Many of the signs (hand shapes and hand motions) in MCE are borrowed from American Sign Language (ASL).

How many words can a speech reader read?

A good speech reader might be able to see only 4 to 5 words in a 12-word sentence . Children often use speech reading in combination with other tools, such as auditory training (listening), cued speech, and others. But it can’t be successful alone.

What is case in communication?

CASE is flexible, and can be changed depending on the people using it. Other communication tools can be used with CASE. Often, finger spelling is used in combination with CASE. Finger spelling is used to spell out words that don’t have a sign, such as names of people and places.

What skills can children use with ASL?

Children can use many other skills with ASL. Finger spelling is one skill that is almost always used with ASL. Finger spelling is used to spell out words that don’t have a sign — such as names of people and places. [ View Video Clip]

How does speech reading help with hearing loss?

Speech Reading (or lip reading) helps a person with hearing loss understand speech. The person watches the movements of a speaker’s mouth and face , and understands what the speaker is saying. About 40% of the sounds in the English language can be seen on the lips of a speaker in good conditions, such as a well-lit room where the child can see the speaker’s face. But some words can’t be read. For example: “bop,” “mop,” and “pop,” look exactly alike when spoken. (You can see this for yourself in a mirror). A good speech reader might be able to see only 4 to 5 words in a 12-word sentence.

What to do if you think the patient will benefit from hearing aids?

If you think that the patient will be benefitted by the use of hearing aid, then arrange for them.

What to do when a patient is trying to speak something you can't understand?

If the patient is trying to speak something which you are not able to understand, politely ask him/her to repeat again. Repeat what you understood, this will prevent any misinterpretations.

How to find out if a patient can hear loud?

Find out whether the patient can hear loud voice or is incapable of hearing. Provide hearing aid machine to patients who are capable of hearing loud voice. Always face the patient and then talk verbally or with actions. Patient will get to understand lip movements.

Why is sign language important?

In such cases, sign language proves to be very important, which is convenient for the patient. But, for that, both patient as well as nurse aide must be aware of it. In case, a patient can hear loud voices; then it is important for you to speak loudly but clearly.

Why do you have to construct simple sentences when speaking to patients?

While speaking to the patients, you must construct simple sentences as they might not be able to understand tough medical terms.

Why do you keep the bell close to the patient?

Always keep calling bell close to the patient so that he/she can call in times of emergency.

Do nurses use hearing aids?

The patients who hear loud voices often use hearing aids. It is the duty of a nurse assistant to keep these hearing aids clean and within reach of the patients. You must ensure that the volume of hearing aid is adjusted according to the convenience of the patient. A hearing impaired person understands you better when you communicate ...