if his rapid strep antigen test had been negative, what would the course of action been and why

by Myrna Ondricka 10 min read

No further testing will be needed. If the rapid test was negative, but the provider thinks you or your child might have strep throat, he or she may order a throat culture. If you or your child has not already provided a sample, you will get another swab test.Nov 8, 2021


Sep 09, 2020 · Since 5 of 100 patients with strep throat will be missed using a rapid strep test, all negative swab specimens should be sent for culture to confirm the absence of strep bacteria. A positive culture requires antibiotics. The rapid strep test has a 98% specificity.

What does a positive strep test result mean?

Thirty-six patients (0.25%) had a suppurative complication, and one had a nonsuppurative complication. Of the 71 patients with suppurative complications whose charts were available, 40 had been seen before the complication, and 23 had received a throat culture (12) or rapid antigen test (11). However, only 3 throat cultures and 3 rapid antigen ...

What is Streptococcus antigen testing and why is it important?

If the rapid strep test is negative for strep bacteria, your doctor will give you tips on how to ease the pain of a sore throat (see treatment). If the rapid strep test results are negative, but all physical signs and symptoms point to an infection, your doctor may send the sample to an outside lab for additional testing.

Is rapid streptococcal antigen test more accurate than throat culture test?

What are the limitations of the rapid strep test?

What if rapid strep test is negative?

A rapid strep test involves swabbing the throat and running a test on the swab. The test quickly shows if group A strep is causing the illness. If the test is positive, doctors can prescribe antibiotics. If the test is negative, but a doctor still suspects strep throat, then the doctor can take a throat culture swab.

Why does a negative rapid strep test result need to be confirmed by a throat culture?

A negative rapid test indicates that you probably do not have strep throat. However, a throat culture may be performed to confirm the results if your healthcare provider still suspects strep, especially among children and teens. A throat culture that is positive for group A strep means you have strep throat.Jan 27, 2021

How does a rapid antigen detection test work for strep?

How does the test work? Most rapid strep tests use lateral flow technology. The sample on the cotton-tipped swab is applied to a strip of nitrocellulose film and, if Group A strep antigens are present, these will migrate along the film to form a visible line of antigen bound to labeled antibodies.Jun 24, 2019

How often are rapid strep tests negative?

Sensitivity and Specificity There would be 5 “false negatives”, meaning 5 of 100 patients with strep throat will be missed using a rapid strep test. Therefore, patients are always advised to follow up with their doctor, especially if their symptoms continue so that a throat culture can be performed.Jun 26, 2019

Can you still have strep with a negative test?

If the rapid strep test indicates a strep infection, the doctor usually will prescribe antibiotics. Keep in mind, though, that up to a third of negative rapid strep test results are false (meaning someone actually has a strep throat infection even though the rapid strep results were negative).

Are rapid strep tests accurate?

According to sources, the rapid strep test has a 98% specificity rate. This means that 98 of 100 positive tests correctly indicate the presence of Group A Streptococcus bacteria.Jul 1, 2021

Which group of streptococcus bacteria is detected by the rapid strep test?

The rapid strep test (RST) is a rapid antigen detection test (RADT) that is widely used in clinics to assist in the diagnosis of bacterial pharyngitis caused by group A streptococci (GAS), sometimes termed strep throat.

How often is rapid strep negative and culture positive?

The clinical issue is that rapid strep tests have very high specificity – in the range of 98 percent to 99 percent – so there are very few false positives. However, the sensitivity of most current rapid strep tests ranges from 90 percent to 95 percent, so there is a greater chance of false negatives.

Can you have white spots on your tonsils and not have strep?

Infectious mononucleosis This highly contagious viral infection, also called mono, can cause white spots on your tonsils and in your throat. Additional symptoms of mono include: fever.

Can a strep test come back false positive?

This means that 98 of 100 positive tests correctly indicate the presence specifically of Group A streptococcus bacteria; 2 of 100 positive results are "false positives" - indicative of similarities between various surface proteins found on strep bacteria and other non-strep bacteria found in the mouth.

What is rapid strep test?

There are several manufactures of rapid strep tests. Each manufacturer has designed their test to respond only to the presence of the particular streptococcal bacteria (Group A) responsible for strep throat. Other bacteria which are less much less likely to cause sore throats are not identified by the rapid strep test.

How long does it take to get strep throat?

After becoming infected with strep throat, it usually takes about two to five days to fall ill. By comparison with culture methods, a rapid strep test is much quicker and can produce results within minutes.

What are the symptoms of strep throat in children?

Children (> 3 years of age) sudden onset sore throat, moderate fever (> 101 F, 38 C), headache, upset stomach, and enlarged and tender lymph nodes in the neck area. Other upper respiratory symptoms such as runny nose and cough are not usually associated with strep throat. The majority of sore throats (70% to 85%) are caused by viruses.

When is strep most common?

Infection is most common during the winter/early spring season. This is likely due in part to the seasonal variation of strep bacteria concentration in the community as well as the higher likelihood of close proximity of individuals due to either weather conditions and/or school attendance during winter months.

What is a cotton swab?

A cotton swab (similar to a Q-tip) is quickly rubbed over both tonsils as well as the back wall of the mouth (the posterior pharynx). It is important to avoid contact with other structures inside the mouth such as the tongue or cheeks. The swab is then placed in a specialized container and the rapid test performed.

How long does a swab last?

Many people find that obtaining the swab produces a gagging sensation. However, since the entire swabbing process lasts less than five seconds this inconvenience is minimal.

Is tonsillitis a contagious disease?

Tonsillitis is a contagious infection with symptoms of bad breath, snoring, congestion, headache, hoarseness, laryngitis, and coughing up blood. Tonsillitis can be caused acute infection of the tonsils, and several types of bacteria or viruses (for example, strep throat or mononucleosis). There are two types of tonsillitis, acute and chronic.