indiana course titles high school how accurate

by Madeline Ledner 10 min read

Is the Core 40 diploma required for high school graduation in Indiana?

The Core 40 diploma has been required for high school graduation in Indiana since 2007. To graduate with less than Core 40, a student must complete a formal opt-out process involving parental consent.

What are high school course titles and descriptions?

Indiana Department of Education High School Course Titles and Descriptions interpretation, analysis, comparisons, and evaluation to read and respond to representative works of historical or cultural significance in classic and contemporary literature balanced with nonfiction.

What is the 2021-2022 Indiana Department of Education high school course?

Indiana Department of Education 2021-2022 High School Course Titles and Descriptions technologies. This course will also explore the various technical processes used to link ideas and people through the use of electronic and graphic media.

What are the dual credit requirements for Indiana high schools?

Indiana law requires each Indiana high school to offer a minimum of two dual credit courses. According to the Indiana ommission for Higher Education’s Policy on Dual redit ourses Taught in High Schools by High School Faculty, all post-secondary institutions shall generate transcripts for all students who complete advanced courses for dual credit.

What is an international baccalaureate in Indiana?

This diploma is designed to prepare you intellectually, personally, emotionally and socially to live in a rapidly globalizing world. You can choose courses in languages, business, and more. General Diploma.

What is a core 40 diploma?

The Core 40 diploma is designed to prepare you for many college programs and careers.

What subjects are assessed on the equivalency test?

The test still assesses math, reading, writing, science and social studies , and test-takers will still need to demonstrate proficiency in these subjects–but the test will be a better indicator of a student’s readiness for college or a career. Sign up for a high school equivalency exam here.

What are the graduation pathways for 2023?

GRADUATION PATHWAYS. Starting with the Class of 2023, students will need to show they are ready for college or a career to get their high school diploma. Indiana’s Graduation Pathways are designed to help students meet state graduation requirements while giving them flexibility to pursue their education interests.

How many credits do you need for the 40 degree?

For the Core 40 with Technical Honors diploma, students must: Complete all requirements for Core 40. Earn 6 credits in the college and career preparation courses in a state-approved College & Career Pathway and one of the following: State approved, industry recognized certification or credential, or.

What is the opt out process for a general diploma?

To graduate with a General Diploma, the following formal opt-out process must be completed: The student, the student’s parent/guardian, and the student’s counselor (or another staff member who assists students in course selection) must meet to discuss the student’s progress.

Why do high school students need to complete a college and career path?

All students are strongly encouraged to complete a College and Career Pathway (selecting electives in a deliberate manner) to take full advantage of career and college exploration and preparation opportunities.

When did Indiana change the requirements for high school diplomas?

These new requirements go into effect for students entering high school in fall 2006. With these changes, students will have the option of earning four diploma types:

What is advanced career technical education?

Advanced Career-Technical Education, College Credit is a title covering (1) any advanced career-technical education course offered for credit by an accredited postsecondary institution through an adjunct agreement with a secondary school or (2) any other postsecondary career-technical course offered for dual credit under the provisions of 511 IAC 6-10.
