ideas on how to improve an online course

by Lelia Smith 4 min read

8 Ways to Improve Your Online Course
  • Build a personal connection with your students. ...
  • Motivate your students. ...
  • Help students maintain focus. ...
  • Create a sense of community. ...
  • Make discussions meaningful. ...
  • Increase student engagement. ...
  • Address equity issues. ...
  • Identify and support struggling students.
Aug 11, 2020

How can I improve my online training program?

Aug 11, 2020 · 8 Ways to Improve Your Online Course 1. Build a personal connection with your students.. Instead of simply introducing yourself, consider conducting a... 2. Motivate your students.. Motivation is a key to effective learning, and perhaps the single most important contributor... 3. Help students ...

What are some tips for taking online classes?

21 Study Tips for Online Classes Success 1. Set a Major Goal. My most important tip for anyone attending or considering an online degree is to stay on task. It’s... 2. Treat Study Like a Job. Make school your top priority every day and you can't fail! Always remember, study is your... 3. Make a ...

How can I make my learning more effective?

Dec 02, 2018 · Tips To Improve Online Course Efficacy Use A Good Authoring Tool. A qualified online course consists as many aspects like texts, images, videos, animations,... Use Project Collaboration. One cannot simply possess all the skills required to design a perfect online course. A team... Utilize ...

How can I make round 2 of online learning better?

Mar 26, 2020 · If you’re considering taking online college courses (or you’re already enrolled in a program) the tips and advice below can help you address their unique challenges to get the most value out of your online program. 1. Treat an online course like a “real” course. When it comes to online classes, you need to have the discipline to sit down and say, “I am going to work on …

Why is online training important?

An online training database is beneficial for EVERY member of your corporate audience. Those who are struggling can use the material to catch up with their colleagues, while those who are excelling can learn more about a topic that interests them.

What is corporate training support?

Corporate training support can come in one of two forms: direct support and “moment of need” support. Direct support pertains one-on-one chats, instant messaging, and emails that address a concern or answer a question that the leaner may have.

Do you have to overhaul your online training?

You don’t have to give your online training course a complete overhaul to make it a success. In most cases, it’s just a matter of assessing your current interactive corporate eLearning strategy to determine its weaknesses, and then making small changes to create a truly effective online training program.

Can eLearning have a negative impact on training?

However, there are also those that fly under the radar during the corporate eLearning design and development process. While they may not be as obvious, they can have a negative impact on our online training strategy. In this article, you’ll discover 7 ways to improve your next online training course that you may not have even considered.

What is the best thing about online learning?

A great thing about online learning is that there are already tons of high-quality materials freely available. Teachers are not curriculum writers; this work has already been done by those who are.

What is online instruction?

Instructing students online is different from being face-to-face. As students move to this method of learning, teachers can discuss with them the norms that support effective learning. This might include discussing topics such as appropriate attire, when to mute/unmute, when to use chat, raising your hand to contribute, using backgrounds, how to clap, and what to do when classes are recorded.

What does teaching online mean?

Teaching online means every teacher needs to engage in a dialogue around appropriate and responsible ways to act online. While schools should have taught students about digital literacy and citizenship prior to COVID-19 and the transition to online learning, there needs to be a refresher. All teachers, not just the librarian or technology teacher, must address the issues so that students have a better understanding of their digital footprint, how to effectively communicate online, tools they can use when they engage in digital spaces, and strategies for when they feel uncomfortable or unsafe online.

What is wide open school?

Wide Open School from Common Sense: Wide Open School is a free collection of the best online learning experiences for pre-kindergarten - grade 12, curated by the editors at Common Sense.

What is a learning management system?

A learning management system (LMS) such as Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Schoology, or Brightspace. A backbone to your LMS such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or One Drive, in which all the content is created and resides. A tool for synchronous teaching and learning such as Google Meets, Microsoft Teams Meeting, or Zoom.

How to connect with your child's teacher?

Establish a clear way for them to do so. This may be via Google Voice or email, or through an app or website. See the recommended list of apps and websites for improving parent-teacher communication from Common Sense Education.

When students are learning online, can you teach as if there are no walls?

When students are learning online, you can teach as if there are no walls, because there aren’t! Rethink how learning can be customized. Maybe a student is interested in a class or subject that they were not originally scheduled for, or maybe they want to try learning from a different teacher.

How to make learning more effective?

It’s easier to recall information if you’re in the same place where you first learned it, so having a dedicated space at home to take online courses can make your learning more effective. Remove any distractions from the space, and if possible, make it separate from your bed or sofa. A clear distinction between where you study and where you take breaks can help you focus.

Why is it important to take notes?

Taking notes can promote active thinking, boost comprehension, and extend your attention span. It’s a good strategy to internalize knowledge whether you’re learning online or in the classroom. So, grab a notebook or find a digital app that works best for you and start synthesizing key points.

Fixing Online Classes

It has me thinking about what it would mean to improve online classes. A few ideas come to mind:

John Spencer

My goal is simple. I want to make something each day. Sometimes I make things. Sometimes I make a difference. On a good day, I get to do both. More about me

1. Set a Major Goal

My most important tip for anyone attending or considering an online degree is to stay on task. It’s understandable that sometimes things happen in life that are unforeseen and pull us away from our studies. But you must keep your primary goal in mind.

3. Make a Study Plan

Make a study plan! At the beginning of each term I take the time to plan readings and work on assignments. Although I regularly adjust the plan if necessary, it keeps me on track.

4. Manage Time Carefully

Set a schedule and stick with it to keep you structured. People generally do better in a structured environment. So why not make it even easier for yourself? If you know what time block you devote to school, you are more apt to be consistent, avoid late assignments and put study first.

5. Have Dedicated Study Blocks

First and foremost, there needs to be time set aside each day, without interruptions, to fully focus on your work.

6. Find a Quiet Space

Pick a time throughout the day when either everyone is away from home, pick a corner of the house where you can relax and study.

7. Eliminate Distractions

Allow quiet time to focus. My time is in the morning before the kids wake up is when my mind is awake, fresh to new ideas and most creative. I believe that creativity is an important asset for completing assignments.

8. Limit Social Media

Sure, it's fun to get lost in the black hole of Facebook, but when it comes to getting a college degree, that blue and white "thumbs up" gets shoved to the wayside for studying!

What is a good course introduction?

Course introduction. A good start ensures an anticipated ending. Learners must comprehend the aspects they are going to learn and the prerequisite skill required to complete the course efficiently. A proper course introduction can ensure that only the competent learners are enrolled in a particular course.

How does the architecture of a course affect learning?

Learning is tremendously affected by the architecture of the courses. One must comprehend the ways to organize different topics in a comprehensible structure. The course structure must keep a continuous flow of the information being imparted. You cannot just jump from one topic to another in any random order.

What is cross platform responsiveness?

Cross-platform responsiveness. Contemporary learners do not depend on computers and laptops to browse the eLearning sites. They utilize their smartphones to access almost everything on the internet. Online courses not designed to fit on the smaller screens can lose a huge traction that comes through the smartphones.

How much can microlearning boost engagement?

Moreover, with 300% lesser time, you can create microlearning courses more speedily. In fact, microlearning can boost the course engagement by over 50% more than what you have been getting already. To utilize eLearning at its best, make use of micromodules and avoid creating huge topics in a single segment.

What is eLearning course?

eLearning is much more than PPTs and texts. A qualified online course consists as many aspects like texts, images, videos, animations, and audio narrations. To ensure the proper utilization of each of the characteristics, make sure to use an eLearning authoring tool that offers at least the following abilities:

What is lack of analytics in eLearning?

An absence of efficient course analytics. Online teaching is incomplete without assessing the progress of learners. It is a complicated implementation, and even some of the best eLearning platforms lack analytics. Most of them depend on additional Learning Management Systems to analyze teaching and learning progress.

What is the concept of eLearning?

The concept of eLearning and online learning platforms came with the evolution of web technology and enhancement in two-way communication channels. The strategy was to offer a platform where involved parties can do more than just reading or writing in the HTML tags. The innovators aimed for building an interactive environment where one party can design an experience and another party can consume in the same manner as set by the designer.

How to get value out of online classes?

2. Hold yourself accountable. Set goals at the beginning of the semester, and check in with yourself weekly.

What is online class?

Most online courses are built around the concept of collaboration, with professors and instructors actively encouraging that students work together to complete assignments and discuss lessons.

Is it easier to get a college degree in person?

In the past, earning a college degree meant physically attending in-person classes, which often posed challenges for working professionals or those with complicated schedules. Now, thanks to advances in technology, it’s easier than ever to find a degree program that offers the flexibility you need, whether through traditional in-person classes, ...

Is online class good?

Online classes are an excellent option to help you earn that degree you need to fulfill your goals. Though they come with their own unique challenges, following the advice above can help you be successful even in the most chaotic of times.

How to increase employee involvement in online training?

The most effective way to increase employee involvement in online training is to personalize the online training experience. Employees need to know that the online training content centers on their learning needs and objectives, rather than being forced to participate in a one-size-fits-all online training course. Give them the opportunity to choose their own online training activities or integrate a clickable eLearning course map whereby they can pave their own path. The goal is to give them control over the process and empower them to continually develop their skills. Invite them to create their own online training content and share it with peers via social media. You might also consider personalized online training contracts that hold employees accountable for their actions.

Why are games important in online training?

Most importantly, serious games enlighten as they entertain. Players must use their skills and knowledge to successfully complete the quests. Every level is an opportunity to master a task or apply their newfound skills. It’s a chance to prove to themselves that they have what it takes, which can be a powerful motivator in and of itself.

Do you need a gift card to get employees involved in online training?

You might be surprised by the effectiveness of badges, points, and other game mechanics. It doesn’t require a gift card or monetary reward to increase employee involvement. In most cases, intangible incentives are enough to boost active participation and get them excited about the online training process. Conduct surveys and polls to gauge their personal preferences and goals. Then use the data to choose rewards that cater to their interests, needs, and desired performance behaviors.

What is the key to a good virtual training?

Similar to an offline event, the key to a good virtual training is to guarantee that your audience is listening to the training (and not just checking their email or phone) while also having the opportunity to practice the skills they're learning.

How to switch to virtual training?

1. Make sure you have stable technology. One of the most important decisions when switching to virtual training is utilizing reliable and robust technology that’s easy to use. Create dynamic scheduling and maximize engagement with Cvent’s mobile app, and manage training sign-ups with Cvent’s user-friendly registration.

How does virtual training work?

Now you’re prepared to use the best tools and virtual technology to create a successful online session, translating your offline training experience into a memorable work-from-home experience. Done properly, your trainings will continue to inspire a culture of learning that goes beyond your usual classroom!

What is the secret sauce to a successful virtual training?

The secret sauce to a successful virtual training is to also develop an online style. Here are some dos and don’ts to ensure your training is successful.
