"i'm feeling unsettled" is an expression of which of the following course hero

by Nona Howe 3 min read

Feeling Unsettled: How to deal?

Feeling unsettled? You are not alone. Most people have an underlying feeling of unsettledness that they don’t know what to do with. My theory is that people are like cars. For a car to function properly, we need to fill its tank with gas.

Answer: LOVE

How do we actually give ourselves love? The same way we give love to a child, we unconditionally accept everything that we are, all the good stuff and the not so good stuff. We are kind, gentle and soothing to all parts that arise within us. Sounds simple right? Unfortunately not.

A few simple steps to start filling your own love tank

1) If you have an uncomfortable feeling inside, notice if you reject and dislike it, and try to distract yourself from it. 2) Stop and sit with the uncomfortable feeling and acknowledge that it is ok and natural for it to exist within you. 3) Breathe deeply and kindly into the feeling and see what happens…