Accessing the TNCC Pre-course Modules on the ENA Website 1. Go to and select LEARN at the top of the screen. 2. Select TNCCfrom the category menu. Scroll down and select TNCC PROVIDER COURSE ONLINE MODULES.
Full Answer
Full Course is ideal for first time TNCC attendees and RNs interested in a Trauma refresher course. Half day of instructor-led virtual class, virtual skills testing, and an online exam.
The TNCC written exam is an open-book exam; moreover, many do not succeed with the written exam and course completion if you don't have the current (8th Edition) boon. If you agree to these terms, an eBook maybe your best option, as an eBook access link is usually emailed within 3-5 business days from when you place your eBook order.
This version requires pre-course work, and is a 4-year verification. Full Course is ideal for first time TNCC attendees and RNs interested in a Trauma refresher course. Half day of instructor-led virtual class, virtual skills testing, and an online exam.
Whether you need your initial TNCC certification or are renewing, we can help. With campuses in Oakland, Sacramento and the Bay Area, we’ve made it easier to get your certification and get out there in the field. Choose initial or recertification below, or contact us at (510) 452-1100. Inital TNCC Certification
Various learning methodologies are incorporated into TNCC, including online, a textbook, interactive lecture, hands-on practice at home, and case-based learning.
The TNCC 8th Edition textbook does take approx. 14-21 days for delivery (USA ONLY); if you elect to pick it up from our office, please check that we have the textbook in stock as they sell out very quickly. ENA does offer an eBook for the TNCC program; if your textbook's delivery is not guaranteed, you may want to consider an eBook instead of a print book.
The ENA’s Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) is widely recognized as the premier course for hospitals and trauma centers worldwide, empowering nurses with the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and practical training to provide expert care for trauma patients.
A: You have seven days to take the exam. Those who do not take the exam are marked incomplete (failed) by ENA.
A: This is by far our number one question for this program, and our answer is often quite surprising and pleasing to many! The physical testing is performed live, via zoom, by displaying a mock patient and equipment over Zoom AND providing you with a testing scenario. The student will then guide the instructor through the scenario, indicating the correct course of assessment and actions for that patient. The student is objectively scored based upon their responses. Although the instructor is not permitted to prompt the student during the testing, we have much success due to the online classroom practice we did from day 1 of the course; following the A-J mnemonic, most students do well and enjoy the relaxed-friendly format (created by our awesome faculty). Additionally, the practice scenarios are very interactive, and often most students feel prepared at test (and patient) time! Remember, we're here to help you succeed in the course, yet you must pre-study the course to get through.
Online learning: Online modules with links to additional information let you learn at your own pace, apply what you learn and receive immediate feedback, and refer back to information at any time. The modules are a complete case study process — taking you through an entire sequence of care.
Note: Non-RNs may attend the course but cannot take the exam or skills testing stations. Those who pass the exam, testing stations, and class are issued a 4-year TNCC certification. In addition, continuing Education Credit will be issued to all attendees who complete the program from ENA.
THIS IS THE ONLINE PORTION OF THE TNCC COURSE ONLY: Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) is a course that teaches critical thinking and clinical decision-making in the care of the trauma patient.
Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) is a course that teaches critical thinking and clinical decision-making in the care of the trauma patient. The focus is on the primary and secondary survey and initial interventions. There are individual chapters for special populations, including the older adult, the bariatric patient, the pediatric patient, the patient who has experienced interpersonal violence, and the pregnant trauma patient. A variety of learning methodologies are incorporated into TNCC, including online, a textbook, interactive lecture, hands-on skills, and case-based learning.
The course descriptions and prerequisites are listed in the class schedule (select Online from the Instructional Mode drop-down).
In order to participate in a fully online or hybrid (blended) course at Thomas Nelson, students must have reliable access to a computer with Internet access (even though you can access the Internet with a dial-up modem is not recommended).
Thomas Nelson strives to provide a fully-online experience for students. For more information on how to access a specific service online, please contact [email protected] .
An online course starts the same date as other scheduled courses. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for session start and end dates.
Online students can access their courses through any wireless device that can connect to the internet via wifi. Additionally, online courses can be accessed from public and college/university libraries. Students can request WiFi Hotspots for semester-long loan through the TNCC library .
Written exam is 50 multiple choice questions (2-hour time limit); passing score is 80%. The final exam is done on-line and is open-book. Students have 7 calendar days from second day of TNCC class to take the exam.
The course has two testing components that need to be successfully completed to receive the TNCC certification; a written exam (with a score of 80% or higher ) and the Trauma Nursing Process (TNP) demonstration with an instructor. 2 attempts are allowed for each exam.
One and a half days of instructor-led virtual class, virtual skills testing, and an online exam. This version requires pre-course work, and is a 4-year verification. Full Course is ideal for first time TNCC attendees and RNs interested in a Trauma refresher course.
One and a half days of instructor-led virtual class, virtual skills testing, and an online exam. This version requires pre-course work, and is a 4-year verification. Full Course is ideal for first time ENPC attendees and RNs interested in a pediatric Trauma refresher course.
All times are PST (Pacific Standard Time) ENPC, 5th Edition, emphasizes the importance of accurately assessing a child with acute illness or injury. The course is designed to provide the ]
You will be caring for a virtual trauma patient. The testing time will be assigned to you during the second day of class. This will take no more than 30 minutes. No resources are allowed for this portion of the testing.
The book is mandatory, and it must be 8th edition. If you do not have the book, you will not be able to attend the class (with no ability to reschedule or refund).