hpe 295 course what is the benefit

by Mia Stehr 6 min read

HPE 295 - Health and Fitness for Life Description Examines practices and behavior skills to improve lifelong fitness and wellness. Includes information on multidimensional concepts of health, fitness and wellness to help students develop practices that increase longevity and quality of life.

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Current COVID-19 Resources

Information about COVID-19 related topics continues to change rapidly as researchers discover, test, and improve what we know about the virus and how we prevent and treat it.

HPE 295 Assignment Questions

Below are the sources the librarians suggest for the data you will need to answer the questions posed by your assignment. Not all the requested data is being collected reliably, so you may need to do some calculations, make inferences, or note where you are unable to locate the information.

Using EBSCO for additional sources

The EBSCO databases search a wide variety of publications for varying audiences. Look closely at the source and the timeliness of the materials you select, and ask a librarian for help if you are struggling to find what you need. There are also EBSCO tutorials available.
