how your current course knowledge can be applied in your job

by Shanon Denesik 10 min read

Anonymous answered There are various ways through which knowledge which is gained about effective business communication from courses and current job can be applied. You can go to seminars and workshops and you can give presentations about your company or about your experiences to the upcoming business communication students.

Full Answer

How to apply new academic knowledge to your job?

Take the time to set goals and objectives. Prepare for both positive and negative outcomes of your implementation. When applying new academic knowledge, consider the advantages and disadvantages of implementation, and prioritize the applications you wish to make. Simply applying academic knowledge to your job is not enough.

How to apply the knowledge that you have learned?

How to Apply the Knowledge that You’ve Learned 1 Pre-define Your Resources. Here’s the problem. ... 2 Dedicate Your Time For Application. Dedicating time to apply whatever it is that you have learned is a tried and tested strategy to activating all the knowledge that you have ... 3 Take It Slow. ...

How do you gain knowledge in a job?

You may have chosen to go to the library, search online, or interview professors or industry leaders to gain the information you needed. Being able to gather information from a wide range of sources may benefit you in your job. This talent means you can make decisions quickly and follow through effectively until you obtain the knowledge you need.

How do you apply classroom knowledge on the job?

There are many ways you can apply classroom knowledge on the job. Reflection happens when you look back on what you learned or what took place and analyzing it so that you avoid repeating mistakes. It also helps you focus on the positive things learned and what did work so you can apply that to future tasks.

How to Answer the 'Give an Example of How You Applied Knowledge From Previous Coursework to a Project in Another Class' Behavioral Interview Question

Use the STAR Method. There is a standard answering method that ensures you use the proper structure and include the information that the interviewer is looking for. You should use this strategy for each of the behavioral interview questions that you are asked. The STAR method is:

Sample 'Give an Example of How You Applied Knowledge From Previous Coursework to a Project in Another Class' STAR Interview Answer

As an expert in relations, my education began learning the basics of communication. This proved to be the foundation for my entire education. As I advanced, I would come back to the interpersonal relations knowledge that I acquired.

How to become a master of resourcing?

While you were in school, you had to seek multiple sources for varying projects or papers. You may have chosen to go to the library, search online, or interview professors or industry leaders to gain the information you needed. Being able to gather information from a wide range of sources may benefit you in your job.

What is the best way to complete college?

Commitment and Loyalty. Completing college requires commitment. You set a goal, take steps towards that goal, and succeed. It is this same type of commitment you can take with you into the workplace. Employers want to hire people who plan to stay with their company for a long time.

What does it mean to have time management skills?

Having time management skills shows your employer you know how to prioritize the important and less important duties. It also shows them you can adapt to different work scenarios and be productive in each job your given.

What do you do after you win and fail?

You can win and lose in a positive way. You can quit after you win, you can quit after you lose. Neither of these will make you a success in the workplace. What you learned in college, however, is to never give up.

What happens if you don't get your assignment done?

You are given the assignment and it is up to you to get it done. If you don’t get it done, you receive a failing grade. For most of you, this is motivation enough to help you do the work as assigned and on time. In the workplace, being a self-motivator is a great trait to possess.

Do you have to meet deadlines in college?

From research papers, exams and quizzes. You must enroll by a deadline, withdraw by a deadline, and submit your work by a deadline. Meeting deadlines only increases in the workplace.

Can you apply what you have learned to your unique situation?

Whatever your situation, you will be able to apply the knowledge and skills you have been learning in school to your unique situation. There will be times where you purposefully apply what you have learned and there will be other times where you automatically complete tasks without even realizing you were using a skill you learned in school.

1. Conduct a skills, experience and knowledge audit

If you’re feeling a little stuck and are beating yourself up for not already being perfectly qualified to for your dream job or to start a new career, take a look through your CV and make a list of which skills you’ve gained and implemented in each position.

2. Reflect on what you enjoy and are good at

Once you’ve made your lists, it’s important to reflect on which skills, knowledge and experience that you enjoy.

3. Identify any gaps

This may come at a later stage when you are clear on which direction you’d like to go in, but working out which skills and experience that you don’t have (yet!) can help you to develop a training or work experience plan to get you the work you desire.

What is learning skills on the job?

Learning skills on the job refers to learning an ability or developing knowledge by performing tasks at work. Most people will learn some skills on the job during the onboarding process, while others will need to be extensively trained on job-specific technical skills. You can learn skills on the job by practicing a task, ...

How to gain skills on the job?

Practice. Learn from others. Ask for feedback. Track your progress. 1. Look for opportunities. One of the most important steps to gaining skills on the job is to seek out opportunities for growth.

How to track your progress in a skill?

As you develop your skills, track your progress by regularly taking assessments and comparing your current knowledge and abilities to your initial skill level. This can help you stay motivated and adjust your learning strategy if needed.

What is job skills?

Learning job skills is a large part of adjusting to a new work environment in many different industries. While some skills are specific to a particular position or field, many different industries offer on-the-job training for some of the same skill sets.

Why is learning skills important?

Learning skills at work can help you advance your career and make your resume more attractive to future employers. As you go through the process of learning skills on the job, keep these steps in mind to get the most out of your experience:

How to develop expertise?

Practice. Once you select a skill to focus on, try to practice it every day. The more you practice a skill in your daily activities at work , the faster you will develop expertise. If possible, begin practicing your skills in low-stakes situations that will not influence the overall quality of your work. 4.

What to ask a coworker who is good at one skill?

If you have one coworker who is particularly good at one skill, you might ask to shadow them or have a meeting to discuss their strategy for success. You can also ask them to observe how you perform a skill or task and ask for their advice on how to improve.

Asking the Right Questions

When you first start out with studying, you ask as many questions as possible, and as soon as you think about them.

Writing Everything Down!

Throughout your studying lifetime, you will learn the importance of writing everything down.

How to Retain Important Information

Some of what you will learn during study can be irrelevant to your situation, learning to filter this information out, and retain what is relevant, is a very handy skill to have.


Throughout your time studying, you will go through an emotional roller-coaster that comes with time constraints, knowledge cramming, and loss of a social life.

How to describe what skills you bring to a company?

Follow these tips when describing what skills you can bring to the company: 1. Research the company before your interview. Before your interview, spend some time researching the company. Go on their website, and write down interesting tidbits you find so you can remember them in your interview if applicable.

What are the skills that you should discuss in an interview?

It may benefit you to discuss both hard skills, such as design or word processing and soft skills, such as communication or critical thinking. Showing your interviewer you have a diverse set of skills will help you establish yourself as an adaptable and hardworking candidate.

What is an interview for a job?

While they may have read this information on your resume, an interview is your opportunity to expand on your unique skills and experience.

Should you include all the necessary details in your answer?

While you should include all the necessary details in your answer, you should also strive to keep it as concise as possible. Having an answer that tells the interviewer what makes you unique but remains an appropriate length is the key to making yourself look confident and competent in your interview.

How to keep skills current?

The first step in keeping your skills current is to identify the talents which employers value the most in your field. Review job titles for positions in your career field. Also review the top skills required by employers, both general and job-specific.

How to gain more insight into your current job?

Speak with human resources staff at your current employer to gain more insight into the most preferred skills for your profession. Analyze the background of standout performers at your employer or stars from your professional associations and identify any skills that have helped them to excel.

Why do we need to keep pace with technology?

Technology is constantly changing, and your skills need to keep pace in order for you to be as marketable as possible . If you plan on spending some time engaging in professional development on a regular basis, you'll be able to upgrade your skills without too much effort.

What are the best resources to keep abreast of technology developments in your industry?

Professional journals and trade magazines are one of your best resources to keep abreast of technology developments in your industry and to track changes in best practices. By reading these regularly, you’ll be able to keep a running list of the rising areas where you might improve your knowledge.

Is there room for improvement in interpersonal skills?

While it’s vital that you remain current on the hard skills of your profession (the job-specific skills you learned in college or in a training or certificate program), there is always room for improvement in interpersonal soft skills as well.

Why is knowledge gained of no use?

The simplest of the answer is because the knowledge gained is of no use unless you know who to apply what you have learned in real-life scenarios. Failure to find a balance between learning and applying is a matter of concern for all of us. Thanks to the internet, knowledge is always available at our disposal.

What to do when you are done with the learning phase?

Once you are done with the learning phase and have entered the application phase, you must put the books aside and close the learning resources to remove the noise to make sure that your entire focus and attention is on the application of the learned knowledge.

Why is finding the balance between learning and applying important?

It was primarily because the system put all of its efforts into providing quality information to you but never focused on its application that eventually made the knowledge fade away. As such, finding the balance between learning and applying is the very solution that can reform our education system for the good as well.

Why is limiting resources important?

Instead of scrolling through hundreds of channels, building upon your theoretical knowledge and never finding the time to actually apply any of it, limiting your resources can help a great deal in balancing the learning and the application of what’s been learned.

Can knowledge be retained forever?

What’s more, is that it is humanly not possible to retain the information forever unless it is applied.

Is knowledge a blessing or a curse?

With Google at everyone’s disposal, gaining a sufficient amount of knowledge about pretty much anything and everything isn’t an issue anymore. Some would call it a blessing while others may even think of it as a curse.

Is it a matter of guilt or embarrassment to focus on learning and applying at the same time

Remember that it is not a matter of guilt or embarrassment if you find it hard for yourself to focus on learning as well as applying at the same time. People are different. Some are good with multitasking while others need to focus on one thing at a time.

Competency Interview Questions

Rachelle Enns is an interview coach and job search expert. She works with candidates to perform their best in employment, medical, and post-secondary admission interviews.

What skills did you learn in your most recent position that will help you in this new role?

Before answering this question, you need to know which critical skills are a must in this new role.
