how would you make the course more effective

by Dr. Roxane Kris II 5 min read

8 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Next eLearning Course

  1. Set a Learning Target. Learning targets explicitly state what a learner should know or be able to do by the end of a...
  2. One Screen, One Concept. Some eLearning course screens look like a jumble of ideas and concepts because the course...
  3. Set Time Limits, Not Slide Limits. Or in other words, quality over...

5 Ways to Make a More Profitable (and effective) Course
  1. STAY IN YOUR LANE. People find themselves on slippery slopes when they make promises they can't keep. ...
  2. PUT YOUR LEARNER FIRST. The best way to build a great course is to let your students build it for you. ...
  3. SHOW. DON'T TELL. ...
  5. BE A COACH.

Full Answer

How can I make my online training more effective?

Include more online assessments. Most online training courses feature an online assessment at the end of the online training experience, but you can make your online assessment strategy even more successful by including exams after each task or module.

How can I improve course design?

Finding new ways to integrate the resource with the learning and assessing both could improve course design. One idea is to build into the instruction the requirement that a student submit, along with the final writing assignment, the copy received from the electronic writing center.

How to improve response rate for online courses?

The most effective method to maintain high quality response rates is to make automated evaluations and deliver results in quick turnaround time to faculty and students, and develop action plan based on the feedback. Online course evaluations can handle substantive feedback from students.

How do you ensure that your training is effective?

Show that the goals are achievable and what must be demonstrated in terms of consistency to show that training is complete and successful Use the best person to deliver the training – their knowledge and enthusiasm will be the example that the trainees follow

Why is online training important?

An online training database is beneficial for EVERY member of your corporate audience. Those who are struggling can use the material to catch up with their colleagues, while those who are excelling can learn more about a topic that interests them.

What is corporate training support?

Corporate training support can come in one of two forms: direct support and “moment of need” support. Direct support pertains one-on-one chats, instant messaging, and emails that address a concern or answer a question that the leaner may have.

Do you have to overhaul your online training?

You don’t have to give your online training course a complete overhaul to make it a success. In most cases, it’s just a matter of assessing your current interactive corporate eLearning strategy to determine its weaknesses, and then making small changes to create a truly effective online training program.

Can eLearning have a negative impact on training?

However, there are also those that fly under the radar during the corporate eLearning design and development process. While they may not be as obvious, they can have a negative impact on our online training strategy. In this article, you’ll discover 7 ways to improve your next online training course that you may not have even considered.

How to be a good trainer?

Be Informal and approachable. Unless there is a mandate to be formal, you should make your training light and informal. Avoid going overboard but remember that it is easier to bond with someone and to feel engaged in an activity if the presenter is approachable and relatable. 7.

What happens if you are frustrated with your training?

If people are frustrated about their log in details or the general usability of the platform, their learning will be impaired . Frustration and stress will ruin your training’s effectiveness.

How to make sure students take notes?

Make sure your students can take notes effortlessly, ideally within the same learning environment and save them for future viewing . Taking notes improves focus, promotes active learning and boosts comprehension and retention, helping students memorise what they’re being taught. 4. Make a transition to real life.

Why is it important to measure your learning?

It is important to evaluate what works and what doesn’t, so you can fine-tune your content and your training offer as you go along.

Why is video important in learning?

We already know that video fosters retention. Video is the most appealing format, because most of our senses are engaged in the learning experience. You can make it personal — but still scalable — if you use real people to present the videos.

Flip your classroom

If you ‘ flip your classroom ‘ you reverse the lecture and homework elements of a lesson: do the lecture at home and do homework at school. The idea is that you replace instruction by a video or an e-learning course (or a combination. This gives the student the opportunity to apply his knowledge under supervision of their teacher.

Improve retention

You probably have heard about the forgetting curve. The brain will forget the majority of the information that it receives in order to prevent overload.

Automate assessments

Maybe you are thinking: I don’t have the time to prepare all this! But you have. First there is already a lot of information on the web that you can use. But there is a bigger advantage when you use e-Learning: courses, assessments and quizzes are corrected automatically. In Easygenerator for example that is built in by default.

Why do eLearning courses look like a jumble of ideas and concepts?

Some eLearning course screens look like a jumble of ideas and concepts because the course designer mistakenly presumes fancy design leads to more effective eLearning. In fact, the exact opposite is true. Each screen in a course should convey one idea, and one idea only.

How to engage learners in eLearning?

Learning is an active pursuit. Ineffective eLearning courses let the learner sit passively, almost encouraging the learner to check out. Provide a learning experience that promotes openness, thought and discussion. Some ways to engage learners actively include: 1 Active buttons in the course to poll learners on their understanding; 2 Student discussion in blogs or communities; 3 Or email to extend the learning past the course parameters.

What is a learning target?

Learning targets explicitly state what a learner should know or be able to do by the end of a course and how learners can demonstrate their learning. Setting a target and a goal achieves two critical goals. First, learners will know why the course is important and how it will help them in the future. Secondly, targets help keep course content focused.

Do you need a degree to design a course?

Course designers don't need a degree in graphic design to follow some basic design principles, especially those principles with proven track records at creating more effective eLearning. Using the 10 basic design elements including an attention to white space, consistency and reducing on-screen clutter can make a world of difference in a course. A few tweaks based on these principles will instantly improve the visual impact of your course.

Why do courses need to be designed?

Course designs need to motivate engagement. This means creating a relaxed environment where the help is easily accessible so adults feel safe to engage. Resources also need to be made available at the point of learning in a highly visible, non-threatening way.

How does gamification improve student learning?

Gamification of a course can improve student interaction and learning, but there are other strategies instructional designers and educators can put into place to vastly improve adult student success in online courses. The more learning changes, the more it stays the same …. Technology changes, methods of delivery change ...

How to design an e-learning class?

To successfully design an e-learning class, you need to build a structure that motivates engagement, offers resources at the point of instruction, with maps to the resources needed for learning, and assesses for competence rather than a test of memory.

How to engage students in a classroom?

To engage students, build into the instruction options to initiate engagement and build rubrics and feedback in conversational but informative tones. Adult students need to see the help, the path to get the help and, more importantly, be motivated to get the help. Key takeaway: Provide a variety of options for student contact.

What are the advantages of electronic libraries?

Electronic libraries have resources that improve the access to and experience of research. Many electronic libraries also offer tutors, writing labs, tutorials on how to research, citation engines and more. Finding new ways to integrate the resource with the learning and assessing both could improve course design.

How to be a good student?

Don’t spend all your time studying or all your time hanging with friends. Seek to implement a balanced life. Make sure to maintain a social life in the midst of your studies and work hard to maintain rigorous studies while still keep deep relationships. Develop hobbies outside of school and make time for those hobbies.

Why do we need a reward system for studying?

Creating a study reward system can help you stay motivated even when you don’t feel like putting in the time. It can also create a positive reinforcement cycle around your study sessions.

What distractions do computers offer?

Unfortunately, computers offer a huge number of distractions such as social media, websites, email, chat and a host of other things. The same goes for smartphones and portable video game devices. Before your study session begins, ask yourself what resources you truly need and then only bring those things.

Why is finding the right study spot important?

Finding the right study spot is essential for effective study. Too many people choose loud and distracting environments for their studies, greatly minimizing their efforts. Sure, it may be fun to study in the midst of a raucous student center, but how much will you really be learning? Repeated studies have shown that quiet is best for focus and peaceful productivity.

Why is it important to study using a wide number of resources and mediums?

Studying using a wide number of resources and mediums allows you to digest the material in a variety of ways. For example, you may be an audio learner and process information better using audio lectures. You may be a visual learner and study more effectively by mapping your notes out on a whiteboard at the library.

How does a negative attitude affect study?

However, a negative attitude significantly reduces the effectiveness of your study. It turns the entire session into chore and makes you want to stop as quickly as possible. You just want to make it stop! As much as possible, maintain a positive attitude both before and during your study session.

Why do we take notes by hand?

In other words, taking notes by hand forces you to think deeper and harder about what you’re learning. Yes, writing by hand may seem like an old-school method of studying, but it forces your brain to slow down and contemplate what you’re being taught. It also keeps you from getting distracted on your laptop.

What should students understand about the content of a course?

Students should understand what content they will learn, what skills they will develop, and what attitudes, values, and feelings may change as a result of taking the course. Including such information will help you develop some well considered course objectives, if you have not already done so.

Why are course syllabi important?

Your course syllabi are an important teaching legacy. They often provide the only permanent record of your teaching philosophy, commitment to teaching, and pedagogical innovations. If you keep old copies of your course syllabi and read several years’ worth at one sitting, you can easily see how you have developed as a teacher.

Why is a syllabus important?

In addition to informing your students, a good syllabus provides a record of your course for colleagues who may teach it later. It can also aid departmental and institutional curriculum planning, and assist outside agencies in assessing your program’s goals and effectiveness.

What does the tone of a syllabus mean?

The tone of your syllabus can indicate how approachable you are, and students often form an immediate impression of whether they will like you— and your course—from reading the syllabus. Needless to say, it is better if the impression is positive.

What is the process of writing a syllabus?

The very process of writing a well-constructed syllabus forces you to crystallize, articulate, organize, and communicate your thoughts about a course. This thought and writing produces what Gabbanesch (1992) calls the enriched syllabus, which compels you to publicly reveal your previously well concealed assumptions.

When should a syllabus be available?

This brings up the need for prompt distribution of syllabi. They should be available on the first day of class, not a week or a month into the semester.

Can teachers overlook important matters in their syllabi?

You will be surprised by the number of vagaries and gaps the naive reader will identify. Teachers can easily overlook important matters or be unclear about them in their syllabi, even after they have taught the course for years.
