how would you improve this course answer

by Dr. Ebony Hintz 8 min read

How can I improve my course?

 · Give a good example of a skill you want to improve. Express an eagerness to learn. Ensure your response demonstrates that you're willing to learn new skills, receive feedback and embrace challenges. Highlight skills you have. Try to incorporate skills you already have and how they could help you improve the skill you hope to build into your answer.

How do you answer questions about improving your skills?

Implement these five steps, and you’re sure to make it as painless as possible. 1. Don’t Panic. I won’t even try to deny that this dreaded question is enough to inspire quite a bit of anxiety. So, I know that this first tip can seem a little counterintuitive (or, honestly, impossible).

How to make your online training course more effective?

 · If you have, you can tie your answer into this question. Use your weaknesses as a starting point and explain how you plan to improve them. For example, if a lack of time management is a big weakness of yours, share how you plan to improve this skill by using various apps and tools to help you. 4. Explain your yearly plan

How to answer “what areas need improvement?

Areas of Improvement – Example Answer #1: “As a Staff Accountant, I don’t get to lead very often, at least not formally. In the long-run, I’d love to start taking on more responsibilities as a leader. This could be leading meetings or projects, mentoring or …

How would you improve your course?

8 Ways to Improve Your Online CourseBuild a personal connection with your students. ... Motivate your students. ... Help students maintain focus. ... Create a sense of community. ... Make discussions meaningful. ... Increase student engagement. ... Address equity issues. ... Identify and support struggling students.

How do you think this elearning course can be improved?

7 tips to improve the e-learning experienceWhen possible, record your lessons.Prioritize personal connections.Shorten your presentations.Provide information in multiple ways.Make sure your assignments can be done virtually.Look for free resources.Collect student and parent feedback.

How do you give feedback on a course?

Keep the following in mind when writing your comments on course evaluations: Be respectful; derogatory comments or criticisms based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc. are not appropriate. Be specific and provide examples when commenting on the course or the instructor.

How can I make my online classes better?

10 Tips for Success in Online ClassesEstablish a productive learning environment. ... Set a schedule for completing and reviewing assignments. ... Seek virtual interactions with your peers.Use the 'chunking' strategy to section out tasks.Try to increase your interest in the work.More items...

What do you say in a course evaluation?

Comment on what you feel was good about the course and why you feel this way. Be honest, be direct and be concise. Don't spend too much time describing what aspects you considered good because it is more important that you communicate your reasons for feeling that way.

How do you feel about online classes?

My experience with online learning is very stressful and hard. I felt this way because of how hard it is for me to understand the assignments and having to not be able to check with your teacher face to face if you are doing it correctly or not.

Why is online training important?

An online training database is beneficial for EVERY member of your corporate audience. Those who are struggling can use the material to catch up with their colleagues, while those who are excelling can learn more about a topic that interests them.

What are the most common online training pitfalls?

Summary: Ineffective content, lack of multimedia, and humdrum visuals are some of the most common online training pitfalls. However, there are a number of lesser known mistakes that may be standing in the way of corporate eLearning success. In this article, I’ll share 7 overlooked improvements that you can make to your next online training course in order to increase knowledge retention and learner engagement.

What is corporate training support?

Corporate training support can come in one of two forms: direct support and “moment of need” support. Direct support pertains one-on-one chats, instant messaging, and emails that address a concern or answer a question that the leaner may have.

Do you have to overhaul your online training?

You don’t have to give your online training course a complete overhaul to make it a success. In most cases, it’s just a matter of assessing your current interactive corporate eLearning strategy to determine its weaknesses, and then making small changes to create a truly effective online training program.

Can eLearning have a negative impact on training?

However, there are also those that fly under the radar during the corporate eLearning design and development process. While they may not be as obvious, they can have a negative impact on our online training strategy. In this article, you’ll discover 7 ways to improve your next online training course that you may not have even considered.

Why do courses need to be designed?

Course designs need to motivate engagement. This means creating a relaxed environment where the help is easily accessible so adults feel safe to engage. Resources also need to be made available at the point of learning in a highly visible, non-threatening way.

Why is it important for educators to break out of the box and gamify sections of the course where possible?

Adult learners are looking to become competent by learning. As such, it’s important for educators to break out of the box and gamify sections of the course where possible.

How does gamification improve student learning?

Gamification of a course can improve student interaction and learning, but there are other strategies instructional designers and educators can put into place to vastly improve adult student success in online courses. The more learning changes, the more it stays the same …. Technology changes, methods of delivery change ...

What is serious game design?

Serious games engage students, not in rolling dice and moving pieces but in immersive learning environments that engage and build toward competency. Serious Games are objective and are built to achieve course objectives not entertain. They are much more immersive that sitting though a lecture being non-responsive. Using your example you could put 120 students in an immersive game environment and have very positive outcomes since you would use technology to assist. Real instructional designers are using these tools and new instructional designers are learning how to build them into new designs. ID theories are also changing as the old models are often not agile enough. Test were not much more than a game if you used multiple choice, a 50/50 guess if it was T/F and essay test often extremely subjective.

What is the question for instructional designers?

The question for the instructional designer is, “How do I get a student to show up?”

What are the advantages of online learning?

The big advantage to online learning is 24/7 communication. Course designs need to open up by building in resources for help through instant messaging, live chats and quick response times, creating a safety net for adult e-learners integrating the resources in the instruction.

How to design an e-learning class?

To successfully design an e-learning class, you need to build a structure that motivates engagement, offers resources at the point of instruction, with maps to the resources needed for learning, and assesses for competence rather than a test of memory.

How to maintain high quality response rates?

The most effective method to maintain high quality response rates is to make automated evaluations and deliver results in quick turnaround time to faculty and students, and develop action plan based on the feedback. Online course evaluations can handle substantive feedback from students.

What is a student course evaluation?

Student course evaluation is purposeful, systematic and careful collection of insightful feedback, conveying the effectiveness and impact of programs and courses that needs a change and improvement.

Why is student feedback important?

Student feedback is critical to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the courses, programs and instruction to drive improvement institution-wide. Course evaluations enable faculty and administrators to measure the classroom experience.

Why employers ask questions about skills you want to improve

Employers ask questions about what skills you want to improve in order to challenge you to give an objective, unbiased assessment of yourself. These questions give you the chance to discuss an area you'd like to improve and explain why, which can provide the hiring manager with insight into your growth potential and willingness to learn.

How to answer "What skills would you like to improve?"

Follow these steps when answering questions about improving your skills:

Example answers for "What skills would you like to improve?"

Here are some example answers to questions about areas or skills to improve to help you prepare your own answer:

Tips for answering questions about skills you want to improve

Consider these tips when developing your answer about skills you want to improve:

Why is it important to have an extended conversation with a company?

Secondly, it encourages an extended conversation that will allow you to learn more about the company and the way it operates—which is helpful in determining whether or not you could actually picture yourself there.

When you identify that one thing?

It’s a classic communication tactic—starting with the positives helps to cushion the blow and make it clear that you’re offering constructive advice , rather than trying to brutally tear down their existing efforts.

Do you need to elaborate on a change proposal?

Of course, this one should be obvious. But, you need to elaborate and explain exactly why you’d make that change you’re propos ing.

Is it better to wrap up an idea or suggestion with a thoughtful question?

Impressive, right? Not exactly. Instead, you’re much better off wrapping up your idea or suggestion with a thoughtful question.

What does it mean to review how you want to improve?

By reviewing how you want to improve, the interviewer can decide if you’ll be a good cultural fit and will also be able to assess whether they can help you achieve your goals. For example, if you want to learn ...

What is the point of a good answer?

The point of your answer is to show that you plan on progressing and improving your personal and professional life over the course of the year.

Why is it important to answer interview questions in advance?

Like any other interview question, it’s important to prepare your answer in advance, always ensuring that you align it to the role that you’re applying for. If you fail to do so, one small hiccup could cost you the job.

How to answer the question "Tell me about some of your weaknesses"?

If you have, you can tie your answer into this question. Use your weaknesses as a starting point and explain how you plan to improve them. For example, if a lack of time management is a big weakness of yours, share how you plan to improve this skill by using various apps and tools to help you.

How to answer interview questions?

1. Align your goals to those of the company. When answering any interview question, it’s important to align your goals to those of the company that you’re interviewing for. For example, if you’re interviewing for a marketing company, you could say that you’d like to enhance your SEO skills and learn more about digital marketing over the next year. ...

What to do with a yearly plan?

If you have a yearly plan, now is your time to explain what it is. List your goals and what you intend to do to achieve them. For example, you could say that in the first quarter, you plan on enhancing your cognitive skills, while in the second quarter, you want to focus on learning new skills. By the time you get to the fourth quarter ...

How to impress a hiring manager?

Be honest. While your main goal is to impress the hiring manager, you also want to be honest. If you’re not, you’ll eventually get found out and will lose the trust of your peers. Therefore, it’s important to select a goal that you actually have in mind, rather than something that will get you a few brownie points.

What to do when you bring up something that will greatly affect your ability to perform the job?

If you bring up something that will greatly affect your ability to perform the job, there is no way they will hire you . A better idea is to admit to a smaller weakness, then state a method you have developed to work on improving this problem.

Why should you make sure you are reading a book or article?

Note: make sure you really are reading that book or article because the interviewer might also have read it and engage you in conversation about it.

Why do you trip up in an interview?

Sometimes an interviewer will even intentionally try to trip you up verbally so that he or she can see how you respond under pressure. However, most of the questions are simply meant to help assess your professionalism, work ethic, and likelihood to fit in with the team of people at the company.
