how to write ceu course outline

by Miss Estelle Price 8 min read

Tips for Writing a Training Course Outline Be knowledgeable – Have the proper knowledge in your subject; know the material and do your research. Be engaging – Have an upbeat and enthusiastic quality that will hold your readers’ attention.

Full Answer

What is the CEU?

The CEUis the nationally recognized unit designed to provide a record of an individual’s continuing education achievements. CEUs are technically not “credit” in the conventional university sense, but they are measures of participation used by industries for annual training goals or requirements for employees.

How to write a good course outline?

Below are some tips that should be considered when writing a Course Outline; Focus on the topic –Always remember to stick around your chosen topic. For example, information about a certain discipline should not be mixed up with another.

How do I get CEU certificates for my Participants?

Instructions Each participant should fill out a CEU request form (example at the end of this section). After collecting these forms from each participant, please forward to Dawna Rosenkranz. Dawna will then prepare CEU certificates for each participant. It is the department/center responsibility to mail the certificates to the attendees.

How to write learning objectives for your CE program?

Writing Learning Objectives for your CE Program Writing Learning Objectives for your CE Program (ACPE Standard 4) Each CPE activity should have objectives that define what the pharmacists and technicians should be able to do upon completion. Learning Objectives should be: ・キ Specific and measurable

How do you write a continuing education plan?

The following are eight guiding steps to initiate a training and development program.Determine Needs. If programs are going to be effective, they must meet the needs of participants. ... Set Objectives. ... Determine Content. ... Select Participants. ... Set a Schedule. ... Select Facilities. ... Select Instructors. ... Coordinate the Program.

What is an example of a CEU?

College courses, diplomas or certificate-based courses directly related to arboriculture may be eligible for 12 CEUs per credit hour. For example, a 3-credit hour college course is worth 36 CEUs.

How many contact hours is 0.1 CEU?

one hourIn most states, a CEU is a tenth of an hour. Thus, a one hour course is equivalent to 0.1 CEU. In a two day course, which is typically 12-14 hours long, the CEUs translate to 1.2 or 1.4 CEUs.

How many hours is 3 CEU?

30 contact hoursFor instance, 3 ceus equal 30 contact hours which will require 30 hours of study to compete the course and posttest. The CE credits are only awarded upon the successful completion of a posttest or designated validation.

What are the five 5 common types of continuing education?

Common Types of Continuing Education:Earning a GED.Postsecondary Degrees (associate, bachelor's or graduate)Professional Certification.On-the-job Training.Military Training.Corporate Training and Universities.Extension Schools.English as a Second Language.More items...

What is the primary goal of continuing education?

The main purpose of continuing education is to: remain current with the latest treatment guidelines.

How do you calculate learning hours?

One lecture (taught) or seminar (discussion) credit hour represents 1 hour per week of scheduled class/seminar time and 2 hours of student preparation time. Over an entire semester, this formula represents at least 30 hours of class time and 60 hours of student preparation. Total Learning hours = 30 +60 = 90 hours.

How many CEUs is 16 hours?

One CEU equals 10 contact hours. For example, if a certificate lists a class as 1.6 CEUs, that equals 16 hours.

How do you calculate contact hours?

The contact hours should be calculated on a per week basis. For example, one contact hour per week of lecture for 15 weeks equals one credit hour (e.g., a three semester credit hour course meets for 45 contact hours). VSU categorizes course section offerings by the teaching approach employed.

How do I convert CEUs to credits?

based on an agreed conversion formula. CEUs are most commonly converted via a formula that considers at least ten (10) CEUs to equal a single academic credit hour. The most authoritative U.S. guide to CEUs is provided by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).

What is the difference between CE and CEU?

CE is just the abbreviation for continuing education, so it's really more of a generic term. On the other hand, CEU (a continuing education unit) refers to a unit of credit equal to 10 hours of participation in an educational course or approved activity.

How many hours is .60 CEU?

The total number of minutes is divided by 60 to arrive at the number of contact hours....Calculating ASHA CEUs Chart.Total Minutes of CourseTotal minutes/60 = Contact hoursContact hours/10 = ASHA CEUs30.50.0531–59Round down to .50.05601.00.1061–89Round down to 1.00.1036 more rows

When is Jenny Scribani's next course?

by Jenny Scribani on August 1, 2020 7 min read. You’ve searched through your expertise, validated your topic, and at long last you’ve landed on the perfect plan for your next online course.

What is a roadmap in a course?

In this context, that roadmap is a course outline. Not only is the course outline a roadmap for your genius, but it will help you deliver content to your students in a structured, ordered way, layering skill upon skill until they finish your course feeling like an expert (and eagerly awaiting your next course).

Can you add assessments to a course?

It’s easy to add assessments in your course using the assignment and Brillium Exam tools in the course builder, but you don’t necessarily have to do one assessment per module.

What are traditional academic courses?

11 Traditional Academic Courses. Academic courses are courses with a traditional academic structure followed by universities. Each section usually consists of an introduction to the course, where objectives are discussed, a short test to assess pre-existing knowledge, and multiple lectures.

What is an orientation course?

An orientation course provides an overview of all the courses you offer. If you are offering many courses in your Academy, create an orientation course to build student engagement and interest with the course contents and let them get acquainted with the goals of your Academy.

What is a presell course?

Presell courses serve as a storefront of an upcoming course. They can rapidly validate a course idea and start building an email list of your potential students before officially releasing a course.

What is a mini course?

Mini-courses are short to consume summaries (teasers) of a full-sized course. Like presell and orientation courses, they serve as teasers that make students enroll in a course. However, in contrast to the other two categories, Mini-courses provide real educational value: A full summary of what will be taught in the full-sized course .

What is instructional design?

Instructional design is a thoroughly researched subject I suggest you study to get lots of insights into your course design.

What is conceptual change?

Conceptual Change courses are courses that aim to create an experience with the power of storytelling. These courses don’t intend to teach a skill but rather change students’ mentality on a subject. Their structure is random (it can include, for example, five videos, three ebooks, and two assessments).

Can you teach online courses?

Online courses are not strictly used for teaching. An online course can be a suitable wrapper for a digital good you are offering. In other words, an online course can be used as a portal to give access to users to certain digital products or extra services.

What is the purpose of an outline in a course?

Creating an outline that serves as a guide to the course is useful for both learners as well as for you so you can develop a more effective course .

How long does it take to create an eLearning course?

The idea behind rapid eLearning is where you use every tool and strategy you can to potentially create a course in 2 to 3 weeks instead of taking several months. So within your lessons, outline the exact content you will cover.

How long should a microlearning lesson be?

Depending on how far down the path of microlearning you are going, lessons might only need to be a couple of minutes up to 10 to 15 minutes in length. There's not too much content in a 2-minute lesson so you really need to get at the heart of the topic and do so quickly if you're going that route.

What is the best tool to use to outline a project?

These are great, but with most, you will have to manually re-type your ideas into other software to use them later on. However, if you're a visual learner, mind mapping is probably the best tool for you. You can also use Trello or other productivity software to outline and manage your projects.

What is the lesson in Module 1 of Marketing?

Module 1: Marketing. Lesson 1: How to choose the right marketing strategy for your business. Topic 1: Why choose Facebook marketing. By using the modules, lessons, and topics for each new idea, you will create a system that is simple for your learner to follow.

Why is it important to have an outline?

Having an outline allows you to organize these topics in a way that will make sense to your students. In addition, it prevents you from forgetting to add critical information that is relevant to the topic. Writing out what you plan to cover will also help you generate ideas.

Can you use a pen and paper for outline?

Like with everything, there are tools you can use to help you outline your course. You can definitely use a pen and paper for this exercise, but it's really nice if your outline is already on a device where you can work with it later. That way you can expand on it when you go from outline to your actual content.

What is a CEU?

The CEU is the nationally recognized unit designed to provide a record of an individual’s continuing education achievements. CEUs are technically not “credit” in the conventional university sense, but they are measures of participation used by industries for annual training goals or requirements for employees.

What is the key component of a continuing education course?

One of the key components in a continuing education course is the course materials . Faculty members and guest lecturers must have ample time to produce high-quality lecture notes.

What is an institute in education?

An institute is similar to a conference but is more tightly structured to provide a more systematic development of its theme. Emphasis is on providing instruction in principles and techniques, rather than on general information.

How long does it take to get a continuing education approval?

For some courses this approval may be granted 2-3 months before the course; for other courses it may be 4-6 weeks before the course.

How long is a workshop?

workshop usually meets for a continued period of time of one or more days, combining instruction with laboratory or experimental activity for the participants, with emphasis on skill training.

Project Management Course Outline Template

Creativity is another key issue that needs to be observed. Unique always does not go away without notice. People will always go for an exclusive content. Also, think about your target group. For example, a course outline template for high school should be made in an easy way to help high school students understand.

Sample Business English Course Outline PDF

When any reader wants to develop a training course outline, it is wise that you organize entire document or syllabus. All your work should be easy and simplified to make entire work understandable. People always like presentable work, so to impress them; your guidelines should be in a format that is well to be seen by everyone.


Basic Course Information

  • Course Name, Number, Credits and Description
    Avoid using cute names that do not clearly indicate the course content. Choose a simple name that conveys the depth and breadth of the subject that will be taught. Assigning course numbers (a 3-4 letter code and/or number) will clearly show potential students the level of the course. Fo…
  • Prerequisites/Co-requisites
    If the course is at an advanced level, it may be wise to request a prerequisite (a course that must be completed prior) or a co-requisite (a course that is taken concurrently). This ensures that students have a foundation level knowledge of the topic before completing the more advanced c…
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How and What Students Will Learn

  • Learning Outcomes
    The learning outcomes are the goals of the course i.e. what the course is meant to teach students. Often it is the learning outcomes that help a student determine if the course will meet their needs. It is important to use language that does not make false promises. For example, “St…
  • Content Breakdown by Session
    Typically this section of the course outline is a session by session breakdown of the topics or course content covered. List the dates of the sessions or refer to each session with phrases such as “week one” or “day one”.
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Course Participation and Evaluation Guidelines

  • Course Evaluation Process, Policies and Grading Scale
    Students will be very interested in how their learning will be evaluated through tests, assignments, projects, etc. List the different evaluation tools to be used with the percent of the final grade they represent. Also include exam writing policies such as whether exams can be taken at a later dat…
  • Classroom Rules/Code of Conduct Expectations
    An outline of consequences should student be caught plagiarizing, cheating or acting out in class is outlined in this section.
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Course Materials

  • Course materials include: 1. Required and Optional Texts 2. Readings both pre-readings and course readings 3. Supplies and equipment needed A well written course outline can be a great course marketing tool, can set clear expectations for student and help instructors to prepare lesson plans. A good course outline can also help record course structure for future offerings. C…
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