how to write a nursing continuing education course curriculum

by Vladimir Ondricka 6 min read

Part of a video titled How To Create A Nursing Continuing Education Course
Three steps three non-pharmacological um ways to manage pain okay or whatever it is that you want itMoreThree steps three non-pharmacological um ways to manage pain okay or whatever it is that you want it to be.

What is continuing education for nurses?

Continuing education courses for nurses cover the same range of topics you'd find in nursing school, including medicine, health promotion, communication and leadership, and legal and ethical aspects of nursing. Whatever your position, CE can help develop your expertise.

How do I get approved for continuing learning for nurses?

Your nursing board will be most helpful in helping you to get approval for your activity. Continued learning for Nurses is life-long, and with health care constantly changing, continued competency is simply a MUST. This was a BRIEF OVERVIEW of the potential of how to do it, position yourself and what to charge to create an additional income stream.

Do I need a nurse planner for my continuing education activity?

NOTE. You will need to partner with a nurse who is an MSN who will be your nurse planner-in the creation of your continuing education activity. If you are an MSN, you’ve got this.

What are the fastest ways to meet continuing education requirements?

Online asynchronous courses, meaning you can take at any time within a certain time frame, are usually the fastest way to meet continuing education requirements for nurses if you're close to your license renewal deadline. You can find extensive listings of courses on sites like or the Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing Courses.

How do you create a CE?

Six steps to CE markingFind the CE directive(s) that apply to your product.Know the essential requirements for your product.Determine if you need third-party certification.Assess product conformity.Create and maintain technical documentation.Declaration of Conformity & affixing the CE Mark.

What is a continuing nursing education?

continuing nursing education (CNE) included “programs beyond basic nursing preparation which are. designed to promote and enrich knowledge, improve skills and develop attitudes for the enhancement of nursing practice, thus improving health care to the public.”

What is the importance of extended learning experiences and preparation in the career field?

Continuing education can help you accomplish all these goals. As you spend time devoted to learning, the outcomes are positive for your career and your overall lifestyle. Improving your career often trickles down to the rest of your life because you're more satisfied with your job, make more money, etc.

Does ANCC accept NurseCe4Less?

As NurseCe4Less is an ANCC provider and our courses are approved the Florida Board of Nursing, if your state requires CEU's you can take your contact hours from

Which is an example of continuing education for nurses?

Courses, conferences, and webinars are all common sources for continuing education for nurses.

What is the difference between CME and CEU?

In general, CME refers to credits for physicians and others with a medical license, while CE (continuing education) or CEU (continuing education unit) are terms used for other health professions.

What are the characteristics of continuing education?

AnswerPragmatic. Continuing education's intellectual heritage is one of pragmatism.Learner-Centered. Our field of practice and study is learning-centered, not knowledge-centered. ... Innovative. Our DNA is entrepreneurial and innovative.Mission-Driven. ... Nimble.

What is the importance of continuing education in nursing?

Continuing education for nurses not only keeps nurses up to date on the latest advances in care and treatment, but it affords nurses an opportunity to explore other areas of nursing such as home health or hospice, wound care, pain management, geriatrics and case management, and a host of other niches.

What are the scope of continuing education?

It aims to be of special interest to those involved in: Learning and work – learning in workplaces, learning for work. Continuing professional education / professional development. Learning beyond educational institutions.

Is Pesi ANCC accredited?

Nurses/Nurse Practitioners/Clinical Nurse Specialists: PESI, Inc. is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

How many CEUS are needed for ANCC renewal?

75 contact hoursTo renew an ANCC certification, all certification renewal candidates are required to complete 75 contact hours (CH) in the certification held.

Is Medscape accredited by ANCC?

Medscape is accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Commission on Accreditation to provide continuing nursing education. ANCC credit is generally accepted for all nurses (RNs, LPNs, and advanced practice nurses like nurse practitioners).

What qualifies as a CEU?

Activities that advance the practice of nursing, such as academic courses, professional development activities, and attending conferences, may qual...

What is the difference between contact hours and CEUs?

Contact hours determine the number of CEUs offered by an individual course. A contact hour is defined as 50-60 minutes of instruction. Ten contact...

How many nursing CEUs do I need?

Requirements for nursing CEUs vary by state and are based on contact hours. Several states (Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Indiana, Maine,...

How do you keep track of CEU hours?

It is a nurse's responsibility to keep track of CEU hours and submit proof of completion to the state for license renewal. This can be done using a...

How can I get free nursing CE?

You can get free continuing education for nurses from a variety of providers, including schools of nursing, associations, government organizations,...

What counts as continuing education units (CEUs) for nurses?

CEUs must be accredited by a recognized accreditor, such as the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) or the American Association of Nurse Pr...

What is the difference between contact hours, continuing medical education (CME), and CEUs?

CME and CEUs are equivalents; one CME is the same as one contact hour. However, one CEU is made of 10 contact hours. Be sure to review the course d...

How can I get CEUs fast?

Online, asynchronous (you can take at any time) courses are usually the fastest way to meet continuing education requirements for nurses if you're...

Definition and Characteristics of Curriculum

Analysis of Philosophical Approaches

  • Among the knowledge and skills that the graduated nurses are awaited to possess are general nursing theory, psychosocial and biological sciences, patient care skills, as well as critical thinking and information processing abilities. The knowledge that students have to obtain is too extensive and vast. Therefore, instead of trying to memorize all t...
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Strands and Threads in A Curriculum

  • The nursing practice is currently in the stage of transforming into a new integrative industry with improved concepts of safety and quality, application of the newest technology, and evidence-based practice. These factors should be taken into consideration while developing the nursing curriculum. However, according to Stichler et al. (2011), educating and providing the future nurs…
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  • Because staff nurses largely constitute the health system and have an immense effect on community health, and effective nursing education is a crucial predeterminer for ensuring the community is healthy. The nursing curriculum has to include different courses for developing all the necessary professional skills and abilities. Besides, the nursing curriculum has to contribute …
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