how to view total course completions moodle

by Ernie Moen Sr. 4 min read

Log into Moodle and open the course. On the course homepage, in the Navigation tray toggle (hamburger menu, top left) click Grades. The User report page opens to show all graded activities where your grades have been released, as well as feedback from your instructor (if any).

A course completion report is available when course completion is enabled. The report can be found via on "Reports" menu item link in the course Administration block and when "Completion tracking" is enabled for the site and course.Dec 15, 2015

Full Answer

What is the Moodle central course completion plugin?

This plugin allows the Moodle Admin and system level Managers to view course completion tracking information from a centralised location rather than having to access each course individually.

How to enable completion tracking in Moodle classroom?

Below is a screenshot taken from our Moodle theme demo site. You need to log in here as a student to see the student dashboard page demo. Find an option called “ Enable completion tracking ” and tick the checkbox. Go to your desired course’s settings page as a teacher and find a section called “ Completion tracking ”.

How to create a course completion overview report using a plugin?

Drag and drop the zipped folder (or browse to it), select 'Site report (report)' as the plugin type and click 'Install plugin from the ZIP file' Admins and system level managers can access the reporting tool via Administration > Site Administration > Reports > Course completion overview

How do I know my students have completed an activity in Moodle?

Whereas the boxes with solid lines can be clicked manually by students to display that they have completed the activity. But it’s not just students who benefit! Teachers can also access activity completion reports to check the progress of all their students in their Moodle course, as seen in the image below.

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How do I find course completion percentage in Moodle?

Use Site administration > Advanced features > Enable completion tracking (check enabled) in order to allow completion tracking on your site. You can set Completion tracking as On or Off in new courses as a course default in Site administration > Courses > Course default settings.

How do I pull a completion report in Moodle?

Activity completion info can be viewed by managers, teachers and non-editing teachers (and any other users with the capability report/progress:view) by clicking the gear icon top right and selecting "More> Reports>Activity completion" (with the Boost theme) or from Administration> Course administration> Reports > ...

What is activity completion report?

Activity Completion is a section in the settings of every activity and resource that allows you to set how that activity or resource can be marked as complete. Complete can mean different things based on the item, from the student simply viewing, to submitting, to receiving a grade.

How do I add a completion progress bar in Moodle?

Setting up a Completion Progress block in a courseTurn editing on.Create your activities/resources as normal.Set completion settings for each activity you want to appear in the bar, including an expected by date.Add the Completion Progress block to your page (How to add a block)More items...•

What is course completion in Moodle?

Course completion shows if a course has been completed. It can show the progress a student is making towards finishing the course according to specific criteria. The criteria can include meeting an activity's grade level or a manual checking "complete" by either the student and/or teacher.

How do you manually mark an activity as complete in Moodle?

To mark these activities complete, all an educator needs to do is click into the boxes next to the appropriate student. As you can see from the image below, when an educator is about to mark activities complete or incomplete a confirmation window will show up on their screen to verify the action.

How do I delete an activity in LMS?

How to Delete an LMS Course AssignmentClick on the name of the course to which you would like to add an assignment.Deleting an Assignment. Click the 'Assignments' tab. ... Click 'Update'. Congratulations, you have deleted an assignment from this LMS course!

What is completion progress?

The Completion Progress is a time-management tool for students. It visually shows what activities/resources a student is supposed to interact with in a course. It is colour-coded so students can quickly see what they have and have not completed/viewed.

What can Moodle track?

Moodle can detect cheating in online classes or during online exams through the use of a number of tools like plagiarism scanning, proctoring software or using lockdown browsers. These tools are separately applied by the instructors separately or incorporated as plugins.

How do you create a checklist in Moodle?

Add a Checklist to a Moodle CourseOn your course page, click Turn editing on.Locate the Section where you want to add the Checklist activity. ... At the bottom right of the Section, click + Add an activity or resource. ... In the Activity chooser, select Checklist and then click Add.More items...

When was the progress bar updated in Moodle?

Last updated on May 21st, 2019. In the latest Moodle you can show progress bars on the dashboard page as a visual way to let your students keep track of their course progress. However, by default this feature is not enabled in Moodle.

What can a course teacher configure?

A course teacher can configure the course activities/resource settings to enable the activity completion according to his/her criteria.

Re: How to access Course completion status?

I'm not sure about the best way to integrate this into your specific site, PHP sounds like the best option to me.

Re: How to access Course completion status?

Thank you so much for your help, but there is still a mistake I can't fint.

Re: How to access Course completion status?

Excuse me, I don't want to be impatient, but I really really need to finish this project.

Re: How to access Course completion status?

print_r does not print out anything. the var_dump gives me the output as statet in my last post.

Re: How to access Course completion status?

If you take a look in course/view.php (around line 34), you will see this is the one and only method for getting a course object from a course id.

Re: How to access Course completion status?

if ($cdata->completionstate == COMPLETION_COMPLETE || $cdata->completionstate == COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS) {

Re: How to access Course completion status?

I have been trying to achieve a similar modification to the Moodle front page using your code but have been unable to make it work. I am probably doing lots of things incorrect as I am quite new to PHP and the Moodle functions and would appreciate any guidance you could provide.

How to enable completion tracking in Moodle?

If you cannot see it ask your Moodle administrator to enable it. Once it has been enabled, click “edit settings.”. You will see this when clicking on the gear icon. Then scroll down to “completion tracking” and enable it by selecting the “yes” option . Clicking “save and display” will allow you to go into an activity or resource ...

What is activity completion in Moodle?

Good news! Activity completion or completion tracking, available in Moodle 3.4, lets students see their progress through their Moodle course through the use of checkboxes on the side of activities.

Can teachers check progress on Moodle?

Teachers can also access activity completion reports to check the progress of all their students in their Moodle course , as seen in the image below. A teacher can also mark an activity complete on behalf of a student from the activity completion report using the override activity completion, which is enabled by default.

How to see your grade in Moodle?

Log in to Moodle and from the User menu (top-right), select Grades. The Courses I am taking page opens displaying your grade Overview report.

How to use a checklist in Moodle?

To use a Checklist: Click the Checklist link. The Checklist page will open listing the activities or resources included on the Checklist. Items on the list may be Moodle activities such as a Forum or a Quiz, or may include "offline activities," such as attending an event or performing a task outside of class.

What is a checklist in a course?

Some instructors add a Checklist activity to one or more Sections down the middle of a Moodle course. Checking off work isn't the same as submitting. Rather, these activities are memo tools for you to manage your work. Instructors may set up Moodle activities to automatically check when completed, but more often checklists are provided as a tool for you to manage your own workload.

What tools do instructors use to help students keep track of their work?

Your instructor may also use additional tools such as checklists or progress checkboxes to help you keep track of required activities by letting you check off, or automatically checking off submitted work (see below).

What happens when a checkbox is marked complete?

Once marked complete, the checkbox changes from empty to checked.

How to mark an item as complete?

To mark an item as complete: Locate the item in one of the Sections on the course page. To the right of a required item, on the same line, you will see a checkbox . There are several ways this tool may be set to operate: Auto-complete: Some activities are automatically checked when you complete an activity.

Where is the checkbox on the main course page?

If checkboxes are enabled, you will see a heading at the top right of the main course page that says, Your progress. Below that, in the Topic or Weekly Sections, a checkbox will appear next to required items.




  • Site settings
    Activity Completionprovides an "Enable completion tracking" setting (found in the Site Administration block's Advanced features / optional subsystems settings page) for activity completion. We need to change the setting's name and add another setting for course completio…
  • Course settings
    Activity Completionprovides a fieldset (named "Student progress") which contains a setting (named "Completion tracking") which enables/disables activity completion in a course. We need to rename the setting to describe activity completion and add a setting to enable course completio…
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Evaluating Completion

  • Since the gradebook aggregation is performed via cron, it makes sense that course completion is also evaluated by cron. This creates an issue in which the progress block will not instantly not show course completion after the necessary criteria has been met by a "student". However, this can be solved by adding some instructional text to say "may take a few minutes to update".
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Course Reporting

  • Completion progress report
    A course completion report is available when course completion is enabled.The report can be found via on "Reports" menu item link in the course Administration block and when "Completion tracking" is enabled for the site and course. The report shows: 1. A column for each of the activit…
  • Gradebook
    1. If "Passing grade" is enabled as a criteria for course completion, a grader should have the option of seeing completion status (i.e., "complete" / "not complete") as a column in the grader report. 2. If a user assigned to a role that is enabled for "Manual completion by", the user should …
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Site Reporting

  • User (site) profile
    Activity and course completion criteria/status data should appear in a user's profile area. It would make sense for courses to be grouped by: 1. Courses in progress 2. Courses completed 3. Courses not yet started For each course, the required criteria and status should appear.
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  • A cron function will check the criteria and update the course_completion_completions table as necessary. Here's a breakdown of the tasks for each criteria, and will need to be optimised for performance and scalability across all courses: 1. Manual self completion:Cron not needed, performed directly from the Completion progress block. 2. Manual completion by:Cron not need…
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Backup and Restore

  1. The new completion fields in the course table will be included in the backup.
  2. Entries in the course_completion_items, course_completion_aggregation_methods, and course_completion_notify tables for the course should also be included in the backup.
  3. When user data is included in a course backup, the backup will also include records in the course_completion_completions table for the course.
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  • The following course completion related events have been added to core: 1. course_completed 1.1. Triggered when a user completes a course. Event data is the full course_completions database record. 1.2. Added in version 2.3.2
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Step 1 – Enable The Feature at The Site Level

Log in as an admin and go to: Site administration > Advanced features Find an option called “Enable completion tracking” and tick the checkbox.
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Step – 2 – Enable The Feature at The Course Level

  • Go to your desired course’s settings page as a teacher and find a section called “Completion tracking”. Make sure you select “Yes” from the dropdown menu as shown in the figure below.
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Step – 3 – Enable The Feature at The Course Activity Level

  • A course teacher can configure the course activities/resource settings to enable the activity completionaccording to his/her criteria. Activity/Resource setting A checkbox will be displayed next to the activity/resource if its completion tracking is enabled Now you’ve successfully enabled the course progress feature and a progress donut chart should be displayed next to the course n…
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