how to view archived course black board

by Mr. Cyril Satterfield 9 min read

On the Administrator Panel in the Courses section, select Courses. Search for the course you archived. Open the course's menu and select Export/Archive. The Export/Archive page lists all export or archive packages for this course that have not been deleted from Blackboard Learn, even if you have already downloaded the package.

Find course archives in the Content Collection
In the Content Management menu on the Admin Panel, select Manage Content. Select internal > autoArchive. Course archives are stored in folders. Locate the course in the list and select a folder to see the available archives.

Full Answer

How do I archive a Blackboard Learn course?

Go to your Blackboard Learn email account and verify that you have received the confirmation email. On the Administrator Panel in the Courses section, select Courses. Search for the course you archived. Open the course's menu and select Export/Archive.

How do I archive a course?

On the Administrator Panel in the Courses section, select Courses. Point to Backup Actions and select Archive Course. In the Source Course ID box, type a valid course ID. If you do not know the exact course ID, select Browse to search for the course.

Why can't Blackboard Learn differentiate between available and unavailable course tools?

Blackboard Learn can't differentiate between unavailable course tools omitted during export and any new items that were not present in the older version and are set to available by default. In versions since 9.1 SP 4, the exact settings made at the course level, both available and unavailable, are tracked and maintained in the export package.

Can I import course or archive packages from older versions of Blackboard?

Editing the ZIP file and then importing or restoring the package results in unstable and unpredictable behavior in the course. You can import course or archive packages from older versions of Blackboard Learn into the current version. However, you can't import packages exported from newer versions into older versions.

How do I recover a course on Blackboard?

Blackboard Learn creates a course with the data and settings from the archive package....Restore a courseOn the Administrator Panel in the Courses section, select Courses.Search for a course.Point to Create Course and select Restore. ... Select Submit.

How do I import an archived course into Blackboard?

Open Blackboard and go into the course to which you wish to add the Archived or Exported content. If the Control Panel for your course isn't already expanded (it is by default), click Control Panel on the left-hand navigation bar. Click Course Copy Tools. Click Import Package/View Logs.

Why did my course disappeared on Blackboard?

Courses may not appear in the My Courses module in Blackboard for a few reasons: The instructor has not yet published the course for student view (most common reason). The student has not yet successfully registered and paid for the course. There may be an issue with the student's enrollment.

How do I archive in Blackboard?

Archiving Your CourseLogin to Blackboard.Click Courses.Click Current Courses at the top.Select the term you wish to visit.Select the course you wish to archive.Click Packages and Utilities under the Course Management in the left menu.Click Export/Archive Course.Click Archive Course.More items...•

What is a blackboard export package?

The export feature in Blackboard packages your course content so that you can import it into another course. This can be used to copy a course site from one university's system to another Blackboard system. The export course feature does not include any user interactions with the course.

Where is the administrator panel in Blackboard?

Open the Admin Console From the Administrator Panel, under Tools and Utilities, select Admin Console. The Admin Console displays a machine name string at the top of the page.

How do I unhide a course on Blackboard?

On your Courses page in Blackboard, click the three dots next to a course and choose Hide Course. If you would like to unhide your course, click the Filter menu and choose "Hidden from me." Click the three dots next to a course and choose "Show Course."

How long does it take for courses to show up on Blackboard?

Usually the reason a course is not showing up is that the Blackboard enrollment process hasn't completed yet. It can take 24 to 48 hours after a student successfully registers for an online Blackboard course before the student is granted access to the course.

How long does it take Blackboard to update?

It may take as much as 72 hours for the Blackboard system to be updated from the registration information.

How do I download an entire course on Blackboard?

Please click on “Control Panel” >> Click on “Content Collection” >> Click on “Course name”. Please check the square box left to “File Type” to select all files or check the file that you want to download >> Click on “Download Package” to download all files as . zip.

How do I export course content from Blackboard?

Blackboard: Export CourseEnter a course.Turn Edit Mode - On.Go to the Control Panel.Click Packages and Utilities.Click Export/Archive Course.Click Export Package.On the Export Course screen, scroll to Section 3. Click the Select All button. ... Click Submit.

How do I download a lecture from Blackboard?

You can download recordings from Collaborate using the following steps:Access Blackboard Collaborate within your course.Open the menu in the upper left-hand corner, and select Recordings.If you don't see the recording you want, click Recent Recordings and select Recordings In A Range.More items...•

What is the Blackboard Learn format?

The Blackboard Learn packaging format follows the IMS Content Packaging Specification, with extensions to support content types that are specific to Blackboard Learn.

How to export a Blackboard course?

Open the course's menu and select Export/Archive. The Export/Archive Course page lists all export or archive packages for this course that have not been deleted from Blackboard Learn, even if you have already downloaded the package. The file names include the date and time the package was created.

What happens if a user importing or restoring a course does not have manage permission?

If a user importing or restoring a course does not have manage permission, some of the package contents might not upload successfully.

What happens if you have a different email address in Blackboard?

If a username exists with a different email address than the one included in the archive package, Blackboard Learn creates a new user account. The new account has the same username with a sequence number appended.

How to include content collection in Blackboard?

To include Content Collection files in the restore, select Select Folder. Select Browse to navigate to the folder. Blackboard Learn creates a sub-folder and copies the Content Collection files into it.

What is a course export?

Exporting a course creates a ZIP file of the course content called a course package. You can import course packages back into Blackboard Learn to create a new course with the same content. Exporting a course includes only the course content. The export does not include any user interactions such as blog posts or grades.

What is a certified path in Blackboard?

The following table identifies the supported paths for importing or restoring a course that was exported or archived from older learning management systems. Certified paths are fully tested and supported by Blackboard. Compatible paths are not fully tested but should function correctly based on past performance.

Can you export course content?

You can export your course content for use in the future. This content is included in an export/archive package:

Can you add student enrollment to another Ultra course?

Even if you choose to include student enrollment and data, that information isn't added to another Ultra course if you choose to import the content. Administrators can restore an archive package and all student enrollment and data will be intact.

Can you export student activity data?

The system asks if you want to include student activity data in your export, which is an archive. Student activity data includes assignment submissions, grades, attendance data, and discussion posts. Select Yes if you want to include the student enrollment and student data. Select No if you only want to copy the content without the student enrollment and data.

Can you share a course file with other instructors?

Share course material. If you want to share your course content with other instructors, you can send them the ZIP file. Instructors can import the ZIP file into one of their courses or an administrator can restore an archive package. All content is hidden from students so that you or another instructor can set visibility.

How to include content collection in Blackboard?

To include Content Collection files in the restore, select Select Folder. Select Browse to navigate to the folder. Blackboard Learn creates a sub-folder and copies the Content Collection files into it.

What happens if you have a different email address in Blackboard?

If a username exists with a different email address than the one included in the archive package, Blackboard Learn creates a new user account. The new account has the same username with a sequence number appended.

What is archive package?

Archive packages include course content, user data, and user interactions. Archive packages are designed to provide a permanent record of a course . To save course materials to teach another set of students at a later time, export the course instead of archiving it. When a course is restored, the settings and options specified in ...

What happens when a course is restored?

When a course is restored, the settings and options specified in the archive package replace the default settings and the Original Course View course menu options that are in effect for new courses.

Does Blackboard Learn create a new user?

If the username exists with the same email address, Blackboard Learn doesn't create a new user.

Can you preview a course in Ultra Course View?

If you allow instructors to choose their course view in the new experience, they are prompted to preview their restored, original courses in the Ultra Course View on first access. This prompt shows only if you set the course to unavailable or the instructor sets the course to private. If instructors opt to preview later, they can access a preview function in the upper-right corner of their courses in the Original Course View.

What is archived course?

Archiving your course downloads all of the course content and materials including the grade center into a .zip file. This is primarily used to keep a record of your course. If you want to access these materials again to use in the future, we recommend that you export the course as well. It is easier to import an export of a course that it is to import an archive of a course. Archived course may not properly import.

How to import a course to Blackboard?

Importing Your Course to Blackboard. To import an exported course to Blackboard, you will need to make sure you have the course exported as a .zip file. Login to the Blackboard Course you wish to import into. Click Packages and Utilities under the Course Management in the left menu. Click Import Package/View Logs.

Can you download your Blackboard course?

Blackboard: Downloading or Archiving Your Course Content. You may wish to download your course content from Blackboard either for your records, to save for accreditation reasons, or if you leave the university. There are several ways you can download your content. See the options below for retaining access to your course materials.

Can you download all submissions on Blackboard?

However, this does not download all submissions for all assignments at once. You will need to repeat the process for each assignment.

Where to save course content?

Be sure to save all course content to a secure university file storage solution such as OneDrive.

Can you reuse a course file?

If you just want to be able to reuse specific files, downloading the course files is the best bet.

Can you unzip a Blackboard archive?

The .zip file will download to your computer. DO NOT UNZIP BLACKBOARD ARCHIVE OR EXPORT ZIP FILES. These files must remain zipped in order to be reuploaded to Blackboard.

What is archived course?

Archiving a course allows the instructor to make an exact copy or a permanent record of the course including all the content, user interactions, and grades at the time of the copy. You must save and maintain the archive (zip) file on your own computer or backup medium (cloud storage, external hard drive, MESA, flash drive, etc.).

Does Export Package save student records?

Note: The Export Package option will save only instructor uploaded/created content, but no student records.

Can you access a zip file on a Blackboard?

The export/archive zip file is only designed to be reused in a Blackboard site, and cannot be accessed on your computer.

When can you open a course?

Open: You can open a course when you're ready for students to participate.

Can you use text on a course card?

Text isn't recommended for the course card image. If you use text, center the text both vertically and horizontally in the image. Wrap longer text over multiple lines so the text isn't cut off in smaller breakpoints.

Can you change your view on Courses?

Change your view. You can view the Courses page as a list or a grid. In grid view, you can customize the image on your course cards.

Can you reorder courses in the list?

You can't reorder courses in the list. Courses are listed in alphabetical order and grouped by term with the newest courses first. Your favorites appear at the top of the page.

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Export, Archive or Import a Course - Blackboard

Neither exporting nor archiving have an effect on your current course. These tools create copies of your course, but the course itself remains intact.

Quick links

Courses remain on Blackboard for two years. Courses older than two years old are archived and deleted from Blackboard. To avoid data loss, faculty members are encouraged to make their own export or archive of any course they may need data from. Here are a few reasons you may want to export or archive your course:

Import a course file to Blackboard

The file you have saved can be uploaded now or at a later time to a Blackboard course using the Import Package utility on the Control Panel of the course to which you want to add the content.
