how to view all course activity blackboard

by Giovanni Quitzon 3 min read

Click on your name to access settings and account features. The activity stream in Blackboard Ultra Navigation aggregates announcements, news, and events from all courses, making it easier to keep up with the latest happenings. The Calendar displays course events and due dates from all courses.

View student activity for an assessment
Access Student Activity data from the Course Content page. Access an assessment's menu and select Student Activity. A panel with student activity information opens. You can't access Student Activity in an anonymously graded assessment's menu.

Full Answer

How do I upload an archive to a Blackboard course?

Get a bird's eye view of your tasks across all your courses—then, prioritize! Filter your view. Use the Filter menu and choose Show All, Assignments and Tests, or Grades and Feedback. Your courses may appear in two views, based on what your instructors chose. You may see some activity in the stream from both views. To learn more, see Navigate a Course.

What is the activity stream in Blackboard?

In the Course Activity Related to Grades report, also known as learning analytics, you can view how active your students are in your course materials. This activity has been shown to correlate strongly with course outcomes. Students who are active in online course materials are more likely to get high grades.

How do I import a zip file to a Blackboard course?

See an up-to-the-minute list of important course activity including new content, announcements, and grades in the Blackboard app. The activity stream automatically prioritizes the items to help you focus on the tasks that you want to take care of right away. Tap an item in the stream to open it and begin working. Tap the linked course title within the item if you want to go to the course …

Why can't I see dismissed announcements in the blackboard app?

View the Activity Compared to Others report. If your institution has enabled Analytics for Learn, select Analytics from the menu. On the Analytics page, select Activity Compared to Others . Analytics for Learn will open a new tab that details your course access, submissions, interactions, and time spent in Blackboard Learn, all compared with your peers.

Does Blackboard have activity log?

Blackboard provides detailed information on student test attempt interactions. The Access Log shows a detailed list of every interaction that students engage in when taking a test. If a student claims to have started a test, the log will show the time the test was started.Feb 10, 2017

Can professors see your activity on Blackboard?

But these features are limited: professors can only see the last time a student logs into Blackboard and which students download files from their Blackboard pages. Many professors who use Canvas don't use the student analytics features, but said they would once they are acclimated to the learning management system.Oct 10, 2017

How do I see all my courses on Blackboard?

To show a hidden course, filter the list by Hidden from me > open a course's menu > select Show course. Complete: You can choose to set your course to Complete when the course has ended, but you can no longer make changes to it.

Can you view previous classes Blackboard?

Log into Blackboard and go to My Courses. If the course code still appears in your list, then you can download your past assessment or assignment from the My Interim Results tab.

Does Blackboard know if you switch tabs?

Can Blackboard Tell When You Switch Tabs. No, Blackboard cannot tell when a student switches tabs on an unproctored test but the LockDown Browser disables switching tabs in a proctored test. The LockDown Browser restricts various actions and activities during tests.Mar 30, 2022

Can professors see if you switch tabs on Blackboard?

Blackboard cannot tell if you switch tabs if you have opened it on a normal browser.May 6, 2021

Why are my courses not showing up on Blackboard?

Courses may not appear in the My Courses module in Blackboard for a few reasons: The instructor has not yet published the course for student view (most common reason). The student has not yet successfully registered and paid for the course. There may be an issue with the student's enrollment.

Why are my courses not showing up on canvas?

You are not registered for the course. Check the detailed class schedule to confirm whether you are registered for that course. The Canvas course site is not yet published by the instructor. A course site isn't visible to students until the instructor manually publishes the Canvas site.Aug 24, 2021

How do I see upcoming assignments on Blackboard?

Hover your cursor over the field and click on the 'more options' down arrow to open the menu. 2. Select the Attempt you'd like to mark. There will be a list of attempts with the date of submission.Jun 27, 2018

How do I recover a course on Blackboard?

Restore a course from an automatically created archiveGo to the Administrator Panel > Courses.Select Create Course > Restore.Type a destination course ID for the restored course.Under Restore from Automatic Archives, select Browse Content Collection.More items...

Watch a video about the activity stream

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video,

Activity stream categories

Activity stream items are grouped into four categories to make the list easier to scan:

Customize your stream

On your Activity Stream page, select the Stream Settings icon to open the Notification Settings panel. You can also access these settings from your profile page.

Both course views appear in the activity stream

The activity stream shows what's happening in your courses, whether the course uses the Original or Ultra Course View.

What is a scatter plot in grade?

From your activity stream or your Grades page, you arrive at a scatter plot comparing student activity to grade. You have a broad view of your students' performance in relation to each other and their activity levels.

Can student data help you improve your grades?

Well, not quite. But student data can help you anticipate and improve your students' grades. In the Course Activity Related to Grades report, also known as learning analytics, you can view how active your students are in your course materials. This activity has been shown to correlate strongly with course outcomes. Students who are active in online course materials are more likely to get high grades.

Dismiss items

In the app's activity stream, you can dismiss items in the Important section after you read them.

Check settings

In the Blackboard app, some activity stream items are affected by your Blackboard Learn 9.1 dashboard notification settings. A notification setting may control whether the item appears in the app's activity stream.

Chart view

You can view a scatter plot that compares your activity and grades to your classmates'. You're provided with a broad view of your performance in relation to the rest of the class.

Table view

Select the Table view icon to view your data sorted in rows and columns.


View Student Activity For An Assessment

  1. Inside your course, select the Contenttab.
  2. Navigate to a test or assignment and select the arrow to the right of its name.
  3. Choose Student Activity.
  4. The Student Activity Detailspanel appears.
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Explore Student Activity Details

  • The top of the page shows you an overview of information, including the course average submission time, time to open, time before due date, and submission activity for all students. The Grade Distributionshows the grades you've assigned to students. The bottom half of the page includes individual student activity, including each student's names, activity timeline, start to fini…
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Contact A Student to Follow Up

  • In the Student Activity Detailssection, you can send a message to a specific student from the default grid view. Select Messageand send a message to one of your students. Invite the student to meet with you one-on-one or during office hours to discuss activity in the course. On a smaller mobile device, you may need to select the More Optionsicon first before the Message choice ap…
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View Student Activity For An Assessment

  • Access Student Activity data from the Course Content page. Access an assessment's menu and select Student Activity. A panel with student activity information opens. You can't access Student Activity in an anonymously graded assessment's menu. When you disable anonymous grading, the Student Activityoption appears in the menu. The Student Activity Ov...
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Explore Student Activity Details

  • The top of the page shows you an overview of information, including the course average submission time, time to open, time before due date, and submission activity for all students. The Grade Distributionshows the grades you've assigned to students. The bottom half of the page includes individual student activity, including each student's names, activity timeline, start to fini…
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Contact A Student to Follow Up

  • In the Student Activity Detailssection, you can send a message to a specific student from the default grid view. Select Messageand send a message to one of your students. Invite the student to meet with you one-on-one or during office hours to discuss activity in the course. On a smaller mobile device, you may need to select the More Optionsicon first before the Message choice ap…
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