how to utilize a course assistant

by Florence Abernathy PhD 4 min read

Schedule a follow-up with the professor and other CAs to maintain open communication and to iron out course details. Reach out to fellow course CAs: brainstorm section activities, offer and receive feedback, and seek advice in difficult classroom situations. Learn from more experienced CAs, and mentor others when the time comes.

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What are the different roles available for course assistants in learn?

There are three roles available for course assistants in Learn: Teaching Assistant, Course Builder, and Grader. The Teaching Assistant role has almost the same privileges as the Instructor. The only differences are: Only the Instructor is listed as the Instructor on the course list that appears when a student logs in to Learn.

What does a course assistant technician do?

As a Course Assistant, the technician works closely with the instructor team to provide a well-run and organized learning experience for the technician candidates. They can help prepare the classroom, set up classroom and hands-on exercises, and help the instructor team behind the scenes.

What is the difference between an auditor and a course assistant?

The auditor, having paid the tuition fee, is allowed full participation in class activities including access to the course in UNM Learn. There are three roles available for course assistants in Learn: Teaching Assistant, Course Builder, and Grader. The Teaching Assistant role has almost the same privileges as the Instructor.

What does an education assistant do in the classroom?

Below are all the roles and responsibilities that your Education Assistants will tackle during their time with you in your classroom: Collect materials such as Atlases, maps, globes, etc. that were used during the lesson and stores them Hands out marked learner books or collect books to control classwork/ homework/assignments

How do I utilize teaching assistant?

Use TAs to add value to what teachers do, not replace them If TAs have a direct instructional role it is important they add value to the work of the teacher, not replace them – the expectation should be that the needs of all pupils are addressed, first and foremost, through high quality classroom teaching.

What are the duties of a class assistant?

Typical duties include:helping pupils with their learning, often with a particular focus on maths, reading and writing.supervising group activities.setting up equipment for lessons and keeping classrooms safe and tidy.helping develop programmes of learning activities and adapting appropriate materials.More items...

How do you manage TAs?

10 Tips For Working with TAsHasten slowly. You feel like you want to change the whole of education starting with your new class. ... Pick your battles. ... Listen. ... Empathise. ... If it's not working, tell someone. ... Build relationships. ... Use them wisely. ... Take time out for yourself.More items...•

What should a TA do?

TAs have two main roles: supporting children's learning, and supporting the main class teacher. In primary schools, their duties include: Setting up equipment and helping to prepare the classroom for lessons, tidying up afterwards and helping with displays.

How can I be a good TA?

10 Tips for First Time Teaching AssistantsAccept that there will be some bad days. ... You don't have to know all the answers. ... Group work is great. ... Ask them to expand on what they say. ... Do not try to wing it. ... Give them time to answer questions. ... Learn your students' names. ... Prepare more material than you think you need.More items...•

How do teaching assistants support the curriculum?

The primary role of the Teaching Assistant is to enable access to the curriculum, to facilitate independent learning and to promote inclusion. Teaching Assistants generally carry out a variety of functions in support of teachers and what they do varies between classes, key stages and even schools.

How can a teaching assistant improve their practice?

Here are five top tips to help your TA add value to your practice and make a difference to your learners.Plan time to work with all children. ... Develop quality conversations. ... Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions. ... Make time to talk about learning. ... Make your goals clear.

How teaching assistants can make a real difference in the classroom?

There are a number of ways this can be done – using assembly time to get sorted; joining teachers during their planning, preparing and assessment (PPA) time; ensuring TAs have detailed lesson plans in advance – are just some of the strategies suggested.

How do you use support staff in the classroom?

How to Manage + Work Well with Support StaffAsk for their input. ... Have conversations together. ... Educate, educate, educate! ... Give them opportunities. ... Let them have authority. ... Give them direction and a schedule. ... Be polite. ... Get to know them.

What are your main strengths for teaching assistant?

Enthusiasm and Passion go a long way A great teaching assistant will have a passion for working with and developing children, whether that be in early years, SEN or mainstream primary and secondary. An energetic approach will create an exciting atmosphere in the classroom, encouraging students to want to learn.


Graduate teaching assistants and undergraduate course assistants are entrusted by the College and their departments to fulfill the responsibilities of an important and multifaceted role.

Before the semester begins

Being a teaching assistant is a required part of graduate education in the majority of graduate programs and in every discipline and field. Some undergraduates also have the opportunity to assist in courses. As you prepare to work with teaching assistants, think back to your own experience as a teaching assistant.

At the beginning of the semester

Establish regular communication with your course assistants and TAs and determine from the beginning of the course how and how often you will communicate with one another. Be clear about how they should communicate with students in the class and how often they are expected to be in communication.

Throughout the semester

Make the course and teaching assistants active contributors to the course design, content, and teaching approach while being mindful of their time and labor

Ideas for centering course assistants and TAs in the course

Meet with course assistants and TAs before the semester starts to get a better sense of their professional goals, and how their work with you might contribute to them.

At the end of the semester and beyond

If TAs do not already have access to course evaluation data or student survey data from the class, share appropriate data with them for their teaching portfolios and professional development.

Suggested checklist for working with course and teaching assistants

We offer the checklist below as a reminder of some of the key aspects of building an open, creative and collaborative working relationship with your course and teaching assistants. Our checklist is also available here as a downloadable PDF.

Why do you need a course assistant?

Being a Course Assistant not only helps a course run smoothly , it allows technicians considering submitting an Instructor Candidacy application to better understand how the courses come together and are run.

How does a course assistant benefit?

The Course Assistant benefits from directly observing teaching styles and learning styles that can enhance a positive learning experience.

What Is an Undergraduate Course Assistant?

In this course, an Undergraduate Course Assistant (UCA) is generally present in addition to your instructor. A UCA is a student, generally in the School of Cyber and Computer Sciences, who successfully passed CSCI 1301 and that is hired by the School to assist other students.

How Do I Become One?

A UCA is hired by the School upon recommendation of instructors, after discussion with our Academic Program Coordinator, and possibly our Director of Undergraduate Studies.

I Am a UCA, What Should I Do Now?

Congratulations! Once you have done the paperwork (contract, background request form, …) with our Academic Program Coordinator, Wennie Squires, you can start working and clock-in on


Types of Assistants

  • The College of IST supports many courses with assistants. 1. Learning Assistants (LAs) are undergraduate students. 2. Instructional Assistants (IAs) are Master’s students. 3. Teaching Assistants (TAs) are doctoral students, and occasionally Master’s students.
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Assistant Responsibilities

  • LAs, IAs, and TAs can assist with a number of instructional activities. Assign your assistant in an appropriate manner to support student learning and to help with course management. Suggestions follow. (click the “+” to view more information under each activity)
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Advantages of Each Type of Assistant

  • Capitalize on the strengths of each type of assistant. Learning Assistants, Instructional Assistants, and Teaching Assistants excel in a different areas. Provide support where necessary, using the following descriptions to guide you. Learning Assistants (LAs)are successful undergraduate students who have previously taken and succeeded in the course to which they a…
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Assistant Preparation

  • All Assistants are prepared in a 1-credit course–IST 389for undergraduate LAs and IST 602 for graduate IAs and TAs. The courses focus on learning theory, interactive teaching methods and strategies, coaching skills, supportive learning environments, and best practices in feedback and grading. Review course descriptions to understand how your assistant is prepared and what yo…
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