what to put for course pe uc application

by Hobart Batz PhD 7 min read

• In general campuses look for: • Strong grades & examination scores, courses beyond the minimum requirements, and in some cases, specific course preparation like advanced math and additional science for STEM majors • Involvement & leadership –“Well-rounded” doesn’t mean a student has to do everything, but we like to see evidence of students being involved outside of the classroom in activities they are passionate about –an inclusive educational experience • Each applicant is reviewed within the context of his or her available opportunities: if a student does well compared to peers within the same situation (school, environment, etc.) and uses the application to explain that context, the applicant will provide UC readers with a better understanding of how they were able to achieve/complete what is presented on the application.

Full Answer

What do I need to include on my UC application?

Your academic record is the core of your application. It’s important to report all your UC-approved college preparatory coursework — whether taken at a high school or college — completely and accurately. Include courses in which you have enrolled, regardless of grades, transferability, withdrawal or if they were repeated.

What are the best UC application tips for students?

Yes, each and every word! One of the biggest UC application tips, is to use the application to explain things like a drop in grades. Let’s say you’re maybe a little weak or borderline in your academics; you can balance this out with great leadership in your extracurricular activities.

How to write extracurricular activities on a UC application?

Part 2: UC Application extracurricular activities examples. 1 The name of the activity/program/award. 2 When they participated in the activity (i.e., during which grade) 3 The number of hours spent on the activity per week and the number of weeks spent per year (not asked of Awards or Honors) 4 A 350-word description of the activity.

What courses cannot be reported on the UC application?

For all students: •Courses such as physical education (PE) cannot be reported; only academic subjects. In addition, courses/class periods for teacher assistant, yearbook and student government, may or may not be UC-approved courses. If they are approved, enter them.

Do you put PE in UC application?

Do not include non-academic courses, such as PE, office/teacher assistant, etc. common programs appear in a drop-down menu.

Does PE count as a course on Common App?

Physical Education/Health should be listed as one class with a credit value of 5.

How do I add a course to UC application?

2:224:58UC Application Tutorial: Entering College Courses/Dual EnrollmentYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipOnce you have either found your college or selected to enter it manually you will then enter theMoreOnce you have either found your college or selected to enter it manually you will then enter the dates in which you attended this college as well as the grades. And academic.

Do UC schools count PE?

UC GPA is calculated using a-g courses (e.g. PE or Tutoring does not count) taken between the summer after 9th grade and the summer after 11th grade (inclusive).

Is PE part of AG?

Is Physical Education (PE) an A-G requirement? No, it is a high school graduation requirement.

What should a 12th grader put on Common App?

Filling out the application The application only has 9th – 12th grades as options (in the United States, 12th grade is equivalent to the year of schooling before you attend university). You should list your 13th year of coursework under 12th grade and work backward through 11th, 10th and 9th grades.

How do UC verify extracurricular activities?

Appropriate documentation could include official transcripts, a letter from a teacher, counselor or coach on letterhead, or a copy of a certificate or award. Letters from a counselor, teacher or a coach can be emailed to the UC Application Center directly from the counselor, teacher or coach.

What if I made a mistake on my UC application?

The automated recording may tell you to send corrections to the UC application center, but live representatives will direct you to the individual links. You must update your application if you find a mistake, change schools, add or drop a course, or fail to earn a C or better in a course.

What is a good UC GPA?

What Is A Good UC Capped GPA? Looking at the most competitive UC campus, UCLA, the average UCLA GPA amongst accepted students was 4.24. So, if GPA is at or above this number, your GPA will be competitive for all of the UC campuses.

Does PE count as a grade?

3 answers. PE and ART do get counted in your HS cumulative GPA. The only exception for this is 1.)

Is PE class counted in GPA?

The high school GPA excludes physical education (PE), Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), and remedial courses. Remedial work is defined as any course that is not counted toward high school graduation. Failing grades must be included in the GPA calculation unless the course has been retaken.

Is a 3.4 GPA good in college?

A 3.4 GPA will look good on your college applications. Being above the national average of 3.0 will work in your favor come admission time. That said, it's a good idea to round out your college application with high standardized test scores and plenty of extra curricular activities to support your strong GPA.

How much does UC charge for financial aid?

Instead, it determines your eligibility for an application fee waiver. This could be helpful, since the UC colleges charge an application fee of $70 per school.

Does the order of ranking affect UC San Diego?

The order of ranking of colleges does not affect the chances for admission into UC San Diego.

When do we start evaluating applications?

We do not start evaluating applications until after the deadline on November 30th, so if you do start late, give yourself the whole month to perfect your application. #2 Applications are read in a holistic sense.

Will UC read my application?

And, yes, your application will be read start to finish. A lot of people ask: did you really read every single essay? Yes, each and every word! One of the biggest UC application tips, is to use the application to explain things like a drop in grades.

Is the University of California a single application?

The University of California application system is a great way to apply to multiple campuses without having to write supplemental essays for each school. It’s a single application for the whole system, which then is submitted from a central data source to separate campuses.

What is the honors box on UC application?

The honors box on the UC application form is used to designate a course for which an extra grade point is awarded for a letter grade of C or better. There are four different types of honors courses:

Do you report UC prep courses?

It’s important to report all your UC-approved college preparatory coursework — whether taken at a high school or college — completely and accurately. Include courses in which you have enrolled, regardless of grades, transferability, withdrawal or if they were repeated.

Should I let this kid in?

I’m an admissions officer at Rice University and as you guys know we require students to submit a picture that appeals to them. This kid decided to post a picture of Shrek captioned: “Your nuts are mine” and i honestly don’t know what to do.

Got into Ivy, but still couldn't go

I got into Dartmouth ED. I was so fucking happy, I got in. I worked so hard and this was my dream school so it was amazing. But then, the Finaid wasn't nearly enough, mostly because my dad has a complicated financial situation with retirement funds mixed with normal investments. I appealed but it wasn't still enough.

What is UC application?

Definition: Any programs or activities that have enriched your child’s academic experiences or helped them prepare for college. Examples include programs such as Upward Bound and Gear Up. The UC application includes a drop-down menu of common programs.

What is extracurricular activity?

Extracurricular Activities. Definition: Anything your child does outside the classroom that enriches their educational experience —think hobbies, clubs, sports, etc. Our advice: For many students, this will be the biggest section, as it’s a very broad category.

Is the UC section longer?

Simply put, the UC Activities & Awards section is longer. That’s why your child should complete the UC Activities & Awards section first, since they can then pick and choose which activities to include in the Common App Activities section.

Colleges with confusing names

University of Pennsylvania: Doesn't it sound like a state school??? I understand that yes it is in PA so the name makes sense but now that name can't be used for a state school

Good luck CO2026, Common App opens tomorrow

It's honestly insane to think that just one year ago, I was in your same shoes. At moments it feels so distant, but sometimes it feels like it was last week. I can feel your stress and tension as you think about the near future, the hard work and uncertainty that lay ahead.

AMA: Penn Admissions

My name is Mitch Larson, I am the Digital Media Coordinator for the University of Pennsylvania's Office of Undergraduate Admissions. I am joined tonight by Associate Dean, Justin Mazur, Associate Director of Admissions, Haley Burrowes, and Associate Director of Admissions, Emily Fry.


Start Your Application

  • Create an account
    An email address and password are required in order to create an account. You should use the email account you use for all applications, just to make it easier to remember. We also recommend you use a non-school issued email account (e.g. Gmail, Yahoo). Campuses send im…
  • Selecting term & level
    After you create an account, you’ll need to select the term you’re applying for (when you hope to start at UC) and your applicant level (e.g. freshman, transfer, etc.). You're a freshman applicant if you're currently in high school OR have graduated from high school, but have not enrolled in a re…
See more on admission.universityofcalifornia.edu

About You

Academic History

Activities & Awards

  • The first section is very basic. The University of California applicationstarts out by seeking logistical information - when you want to start college, how to reach out to you, and whether you’re a California - or US - resident. 1. Term & Level 2. Address & Phone 3. Residency 4. Citizenship Term and Level - Indicate when you wish to enroll at college and whether you’ll be a freshman, tr…
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Personal Insight

  • The About You section is divided into three parts: 1. Personal Information 2. Parent Information 3. Family Size & Income Personal Information - The Personal Information section asks that you indicate the languages you speak, whether you're married, whether you’ll be enlisted in the army when you enroll in college, and whether you’ve been in foster care. Again, these questions help a…
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