how to use course reserves ucsd

by Maeve McClure 5 min read

Go to: Enter your AD login – the same you use to access your campus email. Select your course.

Electronic items such as e-books, articles, and streaming media will have easy access. Just click.
Accessing Reserves
  1. Go to:
  2. Enter your AD login – the same you use to access your campus email.
  3. Select your course. All items on reserve from your professor will be listed.
Oct 3, 2018

Full Answer

Note that arranging a visit to a UC Natural Reserve involves two steps

Submitting an application — describing the general nature of the visit and justification for using the reserve (s)

Application Details

Apply to use the reserves online via the Reserve Application Management System (RAMS). Please scroll down the list to the specific San Diego Reserve (s) you wish to visit.

Logging In

For Electronic Reserves, use the new Course Reserves system. Log in using your UCSB NetID.

Adding Items

Faculty can request that items be added to any current course they are teaching. Faculty can upload items, request that Library staff pull items from the shelves, or bring materials to the Library to be put on reserve.

Drop off Items at the Services Desk

Please drop off your items at the Services Desk in the library Paseo as early as possible before the start of the quarter. Items dropped off during the first week of a new quarter will incur processing delays.
