how to upload syllabus on course@brown

by Loy Monahan 8 min read

Upload a Syllabus to

  • Visit
  • Click the Login button for the group with which you associate. You may be prompted to enter your username and password
  • You may be prompted to enter your username and password
  • Subjects will be shown by default for the current semester Choose the subject for which you need to request tools or...
  • Choose the course

If you need to update your syllabus, you must do so from
  1. Log in to and find the course.
  2. Click Remove Syllabus button.
  3. Within a few seconds, the file is removed.
  4. Click Upload Syllabus to add a new file.
  5. The link to this new file will be added to within 30 mins.

Full Answer

What is a syllabus in a course?

The course syllabus is the primary document through which you communicate to students your course goals, expectations, and assessment/evaluation criteria. Research on teaching and learning has consistently shown that communicating in detail about these aspects of your course -- at the beginning and throughout the term, through both a written syllabus and verbal explanations -- helps students succeed and can help you avoid misunderstandings and grade challenges later in the term. In addition to clarity of expectations, a welcoming tone is important to help communicate the positive learning environment you want to create in your course. For specific suggestions and Brown examples about ways to develop a learner-centered syllabus, please see this Sheridan newsletter on Invitational Syllabi .

How many hours should I spend in Brown syllabi?

All Brown syllabi must identify all work required or recommended of students in class (e.g., lecture, lab, discussion, studio work) and out-of-class (e.g., reading, problem sets, research project, papers, field trip, artistic or creative work), with a reasonable estimation of time needed to complete them. Time estimated to complete activities and assessments should total at least 180 hours over the term for a full-credit course.

What does a syllabus indicate?

If a relatively large percentage of the final grade is devoted to a final "course paper," or project then the syllabus should typically indicate interim assessments or feedback opportunities a student can expect on the paper or project during the course of the semester.

What is required in a syllabi?

Books, supplies, and materials. Syllabi must list the estimated cost of required learning resources (per the federal Higher Education Opportunity Act). For undergraduate course syllabi, required language to address concerns about expenses is the following: Books, Supplies, and Materials.

What is the English support number for Brown University?

For more information, contact [email protected] or (401) 863-5672.”.

How many assignments are required for a writing course?

If a course has been approved to fulfill the writing requirement, the syllabus should indicate a statement such as the following: Because this is a WRIT-designated course, you will be required to complete a minimum of two written assignments.

What are the sections in the syllabus?

On the Syllabus Builder page, three sections appear by default: Description, Learning Objectives, and Required Materials. You can edit the section headings. Type instructions or a description in each box. You can format the text with the options in the editor.

Can you upload a syllabus file?

You can upload an existing syllabus file and students select the link to open it. Or, you can use the syllabus builder. The syllabus will appear as a standalone item in the content list. Your institution controls if this tool is available.

Uploading and Linking in Canvas

Fortunately, uploading and linking your syllabus on your Canvas syllabus page or home page is a single process.

About The Author

Caroline Toy is Learning Experience Designer in the Center for Learning and Teaching.


Please Note That These Are New/Revised Optional Syllabus Statements For Ay20-21

  • Hybrid Course Meetings During AY20-21 For students meeting in-person in a hybrid course, please remember that you signed an attestation that you will follow required public health practices. These practices include wearing a face mask at all times in university facilities, maintaining social distancing from others, and refraining from eating during...
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Academic Support

  • All Brown syllabi should include the following statement, to enable all students' full participation in your class: Accessibility and Accommodations Statement Brown University is committed to full inclusion of all students. Please inform me early in the term if you may require accommodations or modification of any of course procedures. You may speak with me after class, during office h…
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Course Materials

  1. Syllabi must list the estimated cost of required learning resources (per the federal Higher Education Opportunity Act).
  2. For undergraduate course syllabi, required language to address concerns about expenses is the following:
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  • Method by which students will be evaluated and receive feedback on their learning. 1. What types of assessment--papers, presentations, problem sets, projects, exams, etc. 2. How will the final grade be determined, and in particular, what will be the weight given to each assessment? 3. If a relatively large percentage of the final grade is devoted to a final "course paper," or project then t…
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Expectations of Students

  • If participation is greater than 15% of the final grade (20% for graduate-level courses), the syllabus should describe how the assessment is determined. This could be in the form of a rubric or general guidelines for what constitutes exemplary, acceptable, and non-acceptable participation. While desirable in all cases, if participation constitutes 15% or less of the final grade for undergr…
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Course Calendar/Outline

  1. Daily/weekly schedule
  2. Due dates for drafts and major assignments
  3. Dates for quizzes, tests, exams, and required special events
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