how to unsubcribe on course hero

by Leonor Beier IV 4 min read

If you signed up through our Course Hero website, follow these steps to cancel your recurring subscription:
  1. Log in to your account and hover over your profile picture to and go to your Account Settings.
  2. Click the Stop Recurring Membership button.
  3. Follow the instructions on the page to confirm cancellation.

How do I unsubscribe from a course?

To unenroll from a course:
  1. Log into your Coursera account.
  2. Go to My Courses.
  3. Next to the course you want to unenroll from, click the three dots. to open the menu.
  4. Choose Unenroll from Course.
  5. On the pop-up, click Unenroll.
Feb 15, 2022

How do I cancel my Course Hero subscription and get money back?

You can do this by emailing or by calling 1-800-222-6885. Be sure to include your name and account email in your request. Once your account is cancelled, you will no longer have access to any of your Course Hero materials.

Can I cancel Course Hero at any time?

You can cancel your recurring subscription at any time to stop further charges. Please note: This will not automatically refund any new or recent recurring charges. Click the Stop Recurring Membership button.

What happens if I deactivate my Course Hero account?

Once your account is closed and deactivated, you will no longer be able to access your tutor dashboard or answer questions. You will, however, still be able to login to your Course Hero account and request to withdraw any remaining tutor earnings.

How to contact Course Hero?

Give the Course Hero team a ring at 1-888-634-9397.

What is a course hero?

Course Hero is an online learning platform where students can find course-specific materials contributed by other students and educators. More than one million users have subscribed to Course Hero since the website launch in 2008.

Does Course Hero have a free membership?

Yes. After your paid membership period ends, you will immediately be relegated to a basic membership at no cost. The free membership allows you pay-per-question access to their 24/7 Homework Help, free literature infographics, and study documents in the Course Hero’s library (although you cannot view them in full or download them).

Can you pause a course on Course Hero?

Yes. Premier Memberships can be paused once per month, but only if you have subscribed through the Course Hero website. Subscriptions bought through the Google Play Store or iTunes cannot be paused.

How to cancel Course Hero?

How Do You Cancel Course Hero? 1 Log in to your Course Hero account. 2 Visit your Account Settings by clicking on your profile pic. 3 Select Stop Recurring Membership. 4 Complete the form and confirm cancellation. 5 Cancellation will be effective within seven business days. 6 Request a refund by sending Course Hero customer service an email.

What happens if you cancel Course Hero?

When you cancel Course Hero, you’ll prevent any additional recurring charges. However, the steps you’ll take to cancel will be determined by how you signed up. Choose from the following options:

How to request refund from Course Hero?

Request a refund by sending Course Hero customer service an email.

Does Course Hero help grades?

If you’re still in school, Course Hero isn’t your only option for online tools to help your grades. OneClass has helped millions of students through access to class notes, study guides, textbooks solutions, exam solutions, homework help and more.

Can you get a refund for Course Hero?

This will cancel your recurring charges, but you won't receive a credit card refund. You’ll continue to have access to your Course Hero account for the remainder of your account term.

Is Course Hero the same as OneClass?

The rates for OneClass and Course Hero are the same, but you may find that the value is different between the two platforms. More than 90 percent of OneClass user have improved by at least one letter grade. That could be the difference between keeping a scholarship, qualifying for an internship, or getting accepted into grad school.

What is course hero?

Course Hero is Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) compliant and works expeditiously to remove content from the site that infringes copyright.

Does Course Hero require permission?

Course Hero requires that members own all content they choose to upload on Course Hero OR have express permission from the author to upload content to Course Hero. We regret that at times members ignore our Terms of Use and upload others’ content without consent.

What is a course hero?

What is Course Hero. Course Hero is a platform specially made for tutors and students. The website was initially created for students to share their learning materials in the form of flashcards, course materials, and educational videos.

How does Course Hero work?

Therefore, anytime you upload resources that will be useful to other people, you get unlocks for a number of documents. This way you do not spend any money, but you still get what you need for your studies. There exist different plans in sharing your study resources. When you share ten documents, for example, you get 5 unlocks which in other words means you get to open five different documents available on the platform. Alternatively, you can get three (3) tutor questions where you get to ask three questions and get the solutions for free.

What plugins are available for Course Hero?

Among the plugins and extensions include UnblurCH plugin, Scrap blur plugin, and CHDL extension. All you need to do is install one of them, and you are good to go.

How much does Course Hero cost?

Course Hero has availed three payment plans for this membership. The first of these is the annual plan where you pay $9.95 per month. The second plan is called the quarterly plan where you are required to pay $19.95 per month for three months. Lastly, there is a monthly plan where you pay $39.95 every month. These payments can be made using PayPal, debit card, or credit card. The payment on your card or PayPal account is automated; therefore, if you need to cancel a subscription, you need to do so before your current subscription is over.

Why is course hero important?

1. You may have missed a class. Circumstances happen, and you end up missing classes.

Can you ask a researcher directly?

There's the first option of having to ask the researcher directly, and they may just share it with you. But if, in reality, it's so complex proves on all COMBINED levels to be IMPOSSIBLE to untangle within an enforced time-frame: well, on the brighter side you simply type the URL into Sci-Hub to get free access to it

Does Course Hero reward you with document unlocks?

The same goes for rating. If you rate a certain number of documents, you get a number of document unlocks.
