how to unenroll from a seiu 775 online ce course

by Mr. Coby Toy IV 3 min read

How do I unenroll from a course?

Next to the course you want to unenroll from, click the three dots to open the menu. Choose Leave Course. You won't be able to unenroll from a course if:

What does SEIU 775 do to help caregivers?

SEIU 775 takes actions every day to improve working conditions, wages and benefits for caregivers. As an SEIU 775 member, your involvement is critical to our efforts. The more members make their voices heard, the stronger we are.

Who is on the Executive Board of SEIU 775?

Executive Board member Anna V., Senator Jon Tester, and SEIU 775 Vice President Andrew Beane meet to discuss the Build Back Better Act. #CareCantWait #CareIsEssential #BuildBackBetter

Does SEIU 775 support the build back better act?

Executive Board member Anna V., Senator Jon Tester, and SEIU 775 Vice President Andrew Beane meet to discuss the Build Back Better Act. #CareCantWait #CareIsEssential #BuildBackBetter Caregivers from SEIU 775 rallied in Washington DC today to support the Build Back Better Act.

What happens if you don't finish a course?

If you decide not to finish a course, you can unenroll.

Can you unenroll from a specialization?

You can also unenroll from a Specialization.

Enroll or unenroll from courses in a learning program

If you are part of a learning program, your company has a limited number of sponsored courses, which are courses that you can take for free as part of that learning program. The number of courses depends on your company's program.

Save a course for later

You can save a course or Specialization for later by clicking the heart next to Wishlist. This will add the course or Specialization to your saved courses.

Unenroll from a course

You can unenroll from a course up to 14 days after you enroll. After 14 days, you can't unenroll and the course will still be counted as one of your credits for the learning program.

Course Limits

When you join Coursera as part of a learning program, there may be a limit on how many courses you can enroll in per year.

What happens if you unenroll a student from a course?

Please note: Unenrolling a student from a course will erase their progress in that course.

How to remove student from a course?

In the Edit Student Enrollment pop-up, click “Unenroll” next to the course from which you would like to remove the student.

How to get a refund from CareerSafe?

Requests for a refund must be made by contacting CareerSafe directly by phone (888-614-SAFE) or email ( [email protected]) within THIRTY (30) days of the date the order was processed and voucher number (s) were supplied to the customer by CareerSafe.

How much is a career safe course?

No. The $25 price for CareerSafe 10-Hour courses is reserved exclusively for teachers, schools, and other nonprofit organizations. Students who wish to purchase a CareerSafe 10-Hour course on an individual basis are subject to the public non-discounted price of $39.

Can you unenroll students from CareerSafe?

As the teacher or administrator, you have the ability to unenroll students from any CareerSafe course you have purchased and provided to your students.
