and the truth is of course precisely what god says

by Clement Spencer 6 min read

Here's a simple definition drawn from what the Bible teaches: Truth is that which is consistent with the mind, will, character, glory, and being of God. Even more to the point: Truth is the self-expression of God. That is the biblical meaning of truth. Because the definition of truth flows from God, truth is theological.

Full Answer

What is the truth of God?

To say that God is truth is to acknowledge that truth itself proceeds from the nature of God. While many things can havethe truth, only one thing can bethe truth, with that one thing being God Himself.

Can We Be sure that there is absolute truth?

If not, then we can be sure of at least one thing (in other words, absolute truth exists)—skepticism, which, ironically, becomes absolute truth in that case. The agnostic says you can’t know the truth.

Is God the ultimate judge of all truth?

Therefore God is the author, source, determiner, governor, arbiter, ultimate standard, and final judge of all truth. The Old Testament refers to the Almighty as the "God of truth" ( Deut. 32:4; Ps. 31:5; Is. 65:16 ).

Is the truth in Jesus Christ the god of my salvation?

Assuming that you have heard about him and were taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus, Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long. This is he who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ; not by the water only but by the water and the blood.

What does it mean John 14 6?

No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6. Our attitude toward the truth determines the outcome of our lives. If we don't love the truth, if we resist it, we resist salvation. But if we do love the truth then we embrace salvation and we receive the reward: the crown of life.

What does it mean when Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life?

The “Life” as Jesus stated in John 14:6 means that He, Jesus, is life its self, He is not only life now, but Eternal Life which we receive only through Him.

What does God say about saying the truth?

Christ Jesus said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).

What does absolute truth mean in the Bible?

In general, absolute truth is whatever is always valid, regardless of parameters or context. The absolute in the term connotes one or more of: a quality of truth that cannot be exceeded; complete truth; unvarying and permanent truth.

What is the meaning of John 14?

John 14 is the fourteenth chapter of the Gospel of John in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. It continues Jesus' discussions with His disciples in anticipation of His death and records the promised gift of the Holy Spirit.

Do you have to confess with your mouth to be saved?

For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Rom. 10:9-10). Note that Paul said “if” one confesses with the mouth and believes in their heart they shall be saved. The opposite of that is that if they do not do those two things, they will not be saved.

What are the 5 truths in the Bible?

5 Truths That Never FadeWe are never alone. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. ... God's character remains constant. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever… – ... God's grace is sufficient. ... We are commanded to love. ... God is making all things new.

What does the Bible say about speaking truth to power?

At its core, speaking truth to power is an act of resistance. Indeed, speaking truth to power is inherent in the Biblical exhortation “Justice, justice shall you seek” (Deuteronomy 16:20).

Why is truth important in the Bible?

We love truth because it's the way we're created by God. It's built in, so to speak. And every step we take in the direction of valuing truth and resisting falsity moves us closer to understanding that God is Truth and to fulfilling Jesus' promise that this all-important truth will heal us and make us free.

What are the five ways that truth is revealed by God?

What are the five ways that truth is revealed by God? 1 - Through the Word of God. 2 - By the Holy Spirit. 3 - In the conscience.... Truth shows us what is right. Truth gives us a solid foundation to stand upon. Truth explains reality. Truth corrects us when we are wrong.

What is the ultimate truth?

Ultimate truth is, on this definition, a phenomenon (dharma) that is ultimately existent, and ultimately existent are ultimately causally efficient. Phenomenon that is ultimately causally efficient is intrinsically or objectively real, existing in and of itself as a “unique particular” (svalakṣaṇa).

Why is the truth important?

The Importance of Truth. Truth matters, both to us as individuals and to society as a whole. As individuals, being truthful means that we can grow and mature, learning from our mistakes. For society, truthfulness makes social bonds, and lying and hypocrisy break them.

What is the truth of God?

Truth is God’s mind, thought, word, about anything you’re wondering about the truth of. “Truth is a statement that corresponds to the real — God's mind, thought, or word about anything.”. In other words, you can’t have a thing called truth if you don’t have a thing called real.

Who is the ultimate truth revelation?

The Word was with God, and the Word was God. And we beheld His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father.”. And so, the ultimate truth revelation is Jesus Himself. And then, what Jesus does becomes the heart of truth and what He says becomes the heart of truth.

Why do we believe in the Bible?

That’s why you ultimately believe the Bible. The God of this age has blinded the mind of unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the knowledge of the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God. So, we’re blind and then verse six, “The God who said let light shine out of darkness has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” And that’s how you see him when you open the Bible.

What do you call this in America?

What do you call this in America? Pragmatism. Sheer, truth-less pragmatism. That’s everywhere in America, and Jesus won’t deal with them. This is why I’m starting with truth. You have to be women who care, or He just won’t deal with you. If He comes to you ready to offer Himself in truth to you, and you posture yourself for ego or for safety and don’t care about truth, He’ll say, “That’s the way you want to be. I can’t negotiate that with you. I’m a man of truth. I give truth where it’s valued. If you don’t have any value for truth, if you value your skin and your ego more than you value my contribution to your truth, then OK.” That’s really big.

What does God say in verse 6?

That’s the story, and there’s a glory in it, a self-authenticating divine glory in it that if God does verse six, you will see, and you’ll die for it. There’ll be reason for it, and the reason isn’t in you. It’s in the reality out there, and God’s opening your eyes to see it. Here’s verse six. “God.” So, all we read in verse four was Satan keeps you from seeing that. Well, how do you see it? How do you get over the horrific, satanic blindness? Verse six. “God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’“ talking about God’s initial creation in the beginning. The God who said that “has shown in our hearts.” That’s where you see that “Paul prayed for the eyes of our hearts.”

Who says "Remember from whom you've learned these things"?

I’ll get to the most fundamental one, because it’s a biblical answer. Paul writes to Timothy and he says, “Remember from whom,” and he means Lois and Eunice, “Remember from whom you’ve learned these things,” (cf. 2 Timothy 1:5; 2 Timothy 3:15 ). That’s why you should keep on believing them.

How many books are in the Bible?

The elder affirmation of faith goes like this, “We believe that the Bible, consisting of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, is the infallible Word of God, verbally inspired by God, and without error in the original manuscripts.

How can God not lie?

How God Can't Lie Certainty Two Intangible Things Finding Comfort In God Afflictions, Consolation During. so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have taken refuge would have strong encouragement to take hold of the hope set before us. Numbers 23:19.

What does Jesus say in the temple?

Then Jesus cried out in the temple, teaching and saying, “You both know Me and know where I am from; and I have not come of Myself, but He who sent Me is true, whom you do not know. John 8:26. Verse Concepts. God's Things Revealed The One Who Sent Christ God, Revelation Of.

What does Isaiah say about swearing in the earth?

And he who swears in the earth. Will swear by the God of truth; Because the former troubles are forgotten, And because they are hidden from My sight! Isaiah 10:10. “As my hand has reached to the kingdoms of the idols, Whose graven images were greater than those of Jerusalem and Samaria, Isaiah 9:13.

What does John 8:26 mean?

John 8:26. Verse Concepts. God's Things Revealed The One Who Sent Christ God, Revelation Of. Reliability Jesus Christ, Judge Christ Judging. I have many things to speak and to judge concerning you, but He who sent Me is true; and the things which I heard from Him, these I speak to the world.”. John 14:16.

What is the truth of the Bible?

Pilate — the man who handed Jesus over to be crucified — turned to Jesus in His final hour, and asked, "What is truth?" It was a rhetorical question, a cynical response to what Jesus had just reveal ed: "I have come into the world, to testify to the truth."

What is the Bible's definition of truth?

So, what is truth? Here's a simple definition drawn from what the Bible teaches: Truth is that which is consistent with the mind, will, character, glory, and being of God. Even more to the point: Truth is the self-expression of God. That is the biblical meaning of truth.

What does it mean to suppress this truth?

To suppress this truth is to dishonor God, displace His glory, and incur His wrath (vv. 19-20). Still, the only infallible interpreter of what we see in nature or know innately in our own consciences is the explicit revelation of Scripture.

What is the touchstone of the Bible?

Since Scripture is also the one place where we are given the way of salvation, entrance into the kingdom of God, and an infallible account of Christ, the Bible is the touchstone to which all truth claims should be brought and by which all other truth must finally be measured.

How does each person respond to the truth God has revealed?

How each person responds to the truth God has revealed is an issue of eternal significance. To reject and rebel against the truth of God results in darkness, folly, sin, judgment, and the never-ending wrath of God.

What does Romans 1:20 mean?

According to Romans 1:20, denial of the spiritual truths we know innately always involves a deliberate and culpable unbelief. And for those who wonder whether basic truths about God and His moral standards really are stamped on the human heart, ample proof can be found in the long history of human law and religion.

What does Jesus mean when he says "I am the truth"?

He was also making it clear that all truth must ultimately be defined in terms of God and His eternal glory.

How do you define truth?

From a philosophical perspective, there are three simple ways to define truth: 1. Truth is that which corresponds to reality. 2. Truth is that which matches its object. 3. Truth is simply telling it like it is. First, truth corresponds to reality or “what is.”. It is real.

What did Pilate say about the origin of all truth?

The stark reality is that Pilate was looking directly at the Origin of all Truth on that early morning almost two thousand years ago. Not long before being arrested and brought to the governor, Jesus had made the simple statement “I am the truth” ( John 14:6 ), which was a rather incredible statement.

Why did Caiaphas declare the truth guilty?

Regardless, Caiaphas declared the Truth guilty because the Truth claimed to be God in the flesh, something Caiaphas called blasphemy. When morning came, the third trial of the Truth took place, with the result that the Jewish Sanhedrin pronounced the Truth should die.

Why is truth maligned?

When the concept of truth is maligned, it is usually for one or more of the following reasons: One common complaint against anyone claiming to have absolute truth in matters of faith and religion is that such a stance is “narrow-minded.”. However, the critic fails to understand that, by nature, truth is narrow.

What is the foundational principle of philosophy?

A foundational principle of philosophy is being able to discern between truth and error, or as Thomas Aquinas observed, "It is the task of the philosopher to make distinctions.". Challenges to Truth.

How many trials did truth face?

Answer. Almost two thousand years ago, Truth was put on trial and judged by people who were devoted to lies. In fact, Truth faced six trials in less than one full day, three of which were religious, and three that were legal. In the end, few people involved in those events could answer the question, “What is truth?”.

Which philosophers believed that truth claims must be empirically verifiable?

This is a philosophy called logical positivism, which was popularized by philosophers such as David Hume and A. J. Ayer. In essence, such people state that truth claims must either be (1) tautologies (for example, all bachelors are unmarried men) or (2) empirically verifiable (that is, testable via science).

Why do I like to be in control?

Truth is, I like to be in control because it makes me feel powerful and secure. The heart issue is that I’m looking for security in something other than God. So, it’s idolatry, not discipline. If you like to be in control of your circumstances, then you know what interruptions are like. They’re frustrating.

Who said that interruptions are a phantom of one's own imagination?

C.S. Lewis recommended that Christians stop regarding all the unpleasant things as interruptions of one’s “own,” or “real” life. He wrote: “The truth is of course that what one calls the interruptions are precisely one’s real life – the life God is sending one day by day: what one calls one’s ‘real life’ is a phantom of one’s own imagination!”.
