how to trasnfer capce course from target solutions

by Baron Klocko 10 min read

What is a capce accredited course?

CAPCE is an accrediting body charged with the review and accreditation of EMS continuing education (CE). We are not a provider of EMS CE. However, you can use this site to find CAPCE accredited educational providers and CAPCE accredited courses including on-line courses, live courses and Virtual Instructor Led Training Refresher Classes.

How can I get help with my capce accreditation questions?

Most of your accreditation questions can be answered by reading the CAPCE Accreditation Manual . Please feel free to contact us in the office at any time if you have additional questions. CAPCE is pleased to support the National EMS Museum project.

Does CE solutions need to be capce or cecbems approved?

CE Solutions is State approved and accredited by multiple State EMS Divisions including: The California Emergency Medical Services Authority CE Provider #94-4601. Do the CEUs need to be CAPCE or CECBEMS approved? No, The NREMT accepts official state approved continuing education. CE Solutions is approved by multiple state EMS offices.

Is capce a provider of EMS CE?

Welcome to the Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education (CAPCE) web site. CAPCE is an accrediting body charged with the review and accreditation of EMS continuing education (CE). We are not a provider of EMS CE.

Is Target solutions Capce accredited?

TargetSolutions Is Organizationally Accredited by CAPCE.

Is vector solutions Capce approved?

Vector Solutions' training is accredited by CAPCE and features 80 hours of content approved by the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC).

What is a Capce course on Nremt?

The Commission on Accreditation for Pre-Hospital Continuing Education (CAPCE) maintains standards for the delivery of emergency medical services (EMS) continuing education. It was chartered in 1992 to help students make informed decisions regarding the quality of educational activities.

What does Capce mean?

Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing EducationCommission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education (CAPCE) State.

What is local or state component Nremt?

LOCAL COMPONENT. The local component is developed and delivered at the local or state EMS level and represents 25% of. the recertification requirements for all provider levels. The topics may be determined by State EMS. Offices and EMS region directors (where applicable), however, if the state allows, agency-level.

What state pays the most for EMT?

WashingtonDetailed List Of Emergency Medical Technician Salaries By StateRankStateAverage Wage1Washington$67,6002Illinois$41,9403Minnesota$42,4604Idaho$37,96045 more rows•Apr 11, 2022

How many hours of EMS training is Target Solutions?

TargetSolutions is proud of its EMS course catalog, which features more than 160 hours of accredited training hours for EMS continuing education. Possibly even more important, however, is the fact TargetSolutions has received "organizational accreditation" from the Commission on Accreditation for Pre-Hospital Continuing Education (CAPCE).

Is Target Solutions CAPCE accredited?

TargetSolutions originally became a CAPCE-accredited organization in March of 2014. In the past, only a portion of TargetSolutions’ computer-based EMS catalog was approved for CAPCE credit.

How many hours of training does Vector Solutions offer?

Vector Solutions’ EMS training catalog features more than 250 hours of accredited continuing education for EMS providers of all levels. New courses are frequently added to this catalog to keep up with current procedures and ensure EMTs, paramedics and EMRs utilize industry best practices.

How many hours of continuing education is Vector Solutions?

With more than 250 hours of continuing education, Vector Solutions’ online course library allows EMS personnel to easily recertify and maintain compliance. New and improved courses in the EMS catalog highlight crucial industry topics. In this round of catalog enhancements, 3 new courses were added, and an additional course was revamped with up-to-date content.

What is the life of a first responder?

Television and movies portray the life of a first responder as fast-paced, high stakes and full of adrenaline rushes as they easily move from life-saving event to another. What the media overlooks is the extreme emotional, physical and mental toll of the job. Emergency responders often deal with this in silence.

What does F1 mean in a course?

F1 indicates a one-time, live event such as an annual conference. F2 indicates a live event offered multiple times such as an ACLS course. F3 indicates a distributed learning activity such as a course offered online or via video. F5 indicates Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT).

Does NREMT accept continuing education?

The NREMT accepts continuing education that has received official approval through a State EMS office. Continuing education topics may include subject matter contained within the National Scope of Practice as well as other subject matter specifically related to the emergency medical care of patients.

Can I receive all my NREMT CE hours?

Can I receive all of my NREMT CE hours from CE Solutions? Yes, However you MUST select our NREMT NCCP NREMT Program, which combines F5 Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) and F3 Distributive Education that meets NCCP hours requirements for both the National and State/Local Components for the NREMT.

What is the difference between F3 and F5?

F5: (VILT) Virtual Instructor Led Training.

Does California require continuing education?

California does not require any specific topics, however you should utilize continuing education that is specific to your certification. For example, if you are renewing your EMS certification, you should use EMS CE only. Do not attempt to use Fire, Hazmat or Risk Management CE to renew your EMS certification.

How many CEUs can you get in California?

Most state, local and national licensing entities will accept a maximum of 12 credits hours per day, however some counties in California are only accepting 8 CEUs per day. It is your responsibility to determine how many hours you are actually allowed.

How many CEUs can you get with unlimited license?

The unlimited program allows you unlimited access to the program for your subscription period. You may obtain up to 12 CEUs per 24 hour period. Most licensing authorities accept up to 12 hours CEUs per 24 hour period, however some counties in California are only accepting 8 CEUs per day.

How much does CE Solutions cost?

CE Solutions offers an Epinephrine Auto Injector, Naloxone, and Glucometer Usage course which can be purchased as a stand alone course for $35. California does not have any other specific topics, however you should utilize continuing education that is specific to your certification.

How many hours of CE is required for a fire department?

What are the CE Requirements for Head of a Fire Department. A minimum of twenty hours of continuing education in addition to the continuing education requirements in §441.5 (relating to Requirements) will be required for personnel certified as head of a fire department and who are appointed as head of a department.

How many hours of CE do I need to be audited?

If you are audited, you must provide documentation of a minimum 20 hours of CE. These hours may be completed in either level 1 or 2 training, or a combination of the two types. There are two types of continuing education. Individual certificate holders can document either “Level 1,” “Level 2” or a combination of the two.

How many hours of continuing education do you need to renew your Wildland certification?

You must complete a minimum of 20 hours of continuing education to renew your certificates. If you have a Wildland certificate, you must complete four hours of wildland-specific CE. The four hours can be counted toward your minimum 20-hour requirement.

What does F1 mean in a course?

F1 indicates a one-time, live event such as an annual conference. F2 indicates a live event offered multiple times such as an ACLS course. F3 indicates a distributed learning activity such as a course offered online or via video. F5 indicates Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT).
