how to train for an obstacle course 5k

by Fidel White I 5 min read

What you need to do to train for a 5K

  • Work backwards from the event date.. Break down your training into bite-sized chunks. Commit to at least two to three...
  • Decide your goal time.. If you want to finish a 5K under 30 minutes, you’ll need to run sub-10:00 miles. It makes sense...
  • Progressive overload. Follow the strength training principle of “progressive overload” –...

Full Answer

How to master obstacle courses?

  • Having instructions can help prevent injury and make a fair obstacle course.
  • Include specific instructions on how an obstacle is to be completed.
  • For example, participants must go through a tunnel and not over it.

What is the Best Obstacle Race?

  • Spartan Race
  • Tough Mudder
  • Savage Race
  • BoneFrog Challenge
  • Rugged Maniac
  • Warrior Dash
  • The 5k Foam Fest
  • Others obstacle races for beginner

What's the best obstacle-course racing gear?

What's the Best Obstacle-Course Racing Gear? Moisture Wicking Socks. Get a sock that's thin and skintight for muddy courses. ... Simple Spandex Shorts. Don't buy shorts with lots of added features. ... Race Vest. If you're going to compete in a long OCR, you better have plenty of calories for the course. ... Compression or Neoprene Top. Competing in a race this fall with water features? ...

How to train for an obstacle race?

Workout #1: The Ultimate Obstacle Course Race Circuit

  1. Jumping pullup. Stand in front of a pullup bar, ideally one that’s 12 to 18 inches above your hands when your arms are overhead.
  2. Bear crawl drag. Get on all fours—like you’re about to crawl—with a sandbag or 15 to 35 pound kettlebell on the floor between your knees.
  3. Gorilla hang pullup. ...
  4. Jumping lunge jack. ...
  5. Plank to elbow touch. ...
  6. Lateral box skater. ...

How do I get in shape for an obstacle course?

An Example Obstacle Race WorkoutRun 400-800 meters at about 5k race pace.Perform 10-20 bodyweight squats + 10-20 push-ups.Run 400-800 meters at 5k pace.Perform 10-20 walking lunges + 1-minute plank.Run 400-800 meters at 5k pace.Perform 2-8 pull-ups + 1-minute side plank (both sides)Run 400-800 meters at 5k pace.More items...•

How do you build strength for an obstacle course?

Strength Workout for Obstacle RacesHop and Hold on BOSU Balance Trainer.Kettlebell Squat to Overhead Press.Pull-Ups.Spiderman Push-ups.Elevated Step-downs.Band Muscle-Up.Clock Lunges.Army Crawl.More items...

How do you train for an obstacle mud run?

Build your upper body strength Monkey bars and other hanging obstacles can be common in OCRs, so building your upper body strength is essential. Pull-ups, bicep curls, chest flys, tricep dips and shoulder presses are all great exercises at boosting your strength in this area.

How long does it take to train for a mud run?

If you've already tried a mud run and you're in good shape, you need four solid weeks of training. If you've never run a race, train for 90 days. A beginner should train three days a week, each labeled A, B, and C.

Is an obstacle course a good workout?

When you train for an obstacle race, you not only build full body fitness that allows you to hoist heavy sandbags over your head, but you also build the mobility to crawl under barbwire, the resilience to dive into cold mud pits, and an overall uncanny ability to conquer the unknown and withstand just about anything ...

What is spartan training?

Spartan Training® Unconventional, expert-backed training that works. SPARTAN TRAINING® is built on unconventional work. Our training system is engineered to expose limits, destroy weakness and leave personal bests in the dust.

What should I eat before a mud run?

Going Bananas for Mud If you want to eat something solid on race day, then try eating a banana or whole wheat toast with a very small amount of peanut butter. Bananas provide great energy, vitamins, and nutrients.

What shoes should I wear for a mud run?

Shoes: Most mud runs will have extremely muddy sections where your regular running shoes won't cut it. Trail running shoes are a better bet to give you some grip.

How do you train for a Bonefrog challenge?

1:228:45Tips on Training for Bonefrog - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo lucky for you you can switch it up and do some sprints. But more specifically hill sprints. TheyMoreSo lucky for you you can switch it up and do some sprints. But more specifically hill sprints. They help build power and endurance and they also help with the jump obstacles you're going to face.

How hard is Tough Mudder 5K?

Tough Mudder 5K mixes 3.1 miles of running with 10 awesome obstacles to create a challenging, one-of-a-kind event. It's not a timed race. In fact, the average finish time is 1-1.5 hours. (That's about triple the time of a regular road 5K.

How do I train for the Spartan race in one month?

Godin recommends two days a week running two miles at an easy pace. Each week, add a half-mile to those runs. For the third workout, he recommends a 4-mile walk-run at a 1:4 ratio. As you improve, “Progress the distance while keeping the ratio the same,” says Godin.

How long do you have to train for savage race?

We recommend the seasoned veteran complete the Challenge for time, partake in the four-week training program, then retest the Challenge to gauge progress. However, we advise the novice to complete the entire four-week training program before attempting the Challenge. There are two Challenges available.

How many miles are there in an obstacle course?

Ranging from roughly three miles up to 10, obstacle course races, or OCRs, are non-traditional competition events consisting of plenty of muddy water and military-style obstacles designed to test the racer’s resolve to the breaking point.

How many obstacles are there in Spartan Race?

So regardless of your fitness level, there is always an obstacle course distance that will fit your current fitness level. Here are the main distances on the Spartan Race series: A three-mile sprint with 15 obstacles. The Super Spartan, an 8-miler featuring 20 obstacles. A 12-mile Spartan beast with 25 obstacles.

What is an OCR race?

Most OCRs mix elements of adventure racing, trail running, and gut-throbbing military-inspired obstacles—all of which can offer you a one-of-a-kind fitness experience. Unlike training for a traditional race, the ideal OCR plan touches on every aspect of functional movement.

What is an interval run?

Interval Run Workout. Obstacle race tends to take place in in full-out-efforts or intervals, typically alternating between running and the obstacles. In other words, they are like fartlek training on steroids. Build your explosive power and stamina for the OCR by doing plenty of interval running workouts.

How to build explosive power for OCR?

Here is how to proceed on your (first) interval running workout. Start off the workout with a warm-up for 10-minute. Doing so helps you get prepared for the intense work ahead and prevents injury.

How to make it to the finish line of an OCR event?

To make it to the finish line of an OCR event, you are going to have to develop a broad range of fitness skills. For starters, you’d need massive amounts of endurance —most OCR events are running based after all. Not only that, as a racer, you’d also need to increase total body strength.

How does hill training help?

Hill training increases both lungpower and lower body strength. This combo is going to help you overcome many of the obstacles like the steep incline, the stairs and so on. First of all, you need to locate the nearest steepest hill, preferably with a gradient of 5 to 10 percent.

Obstacle Race Training 101

Having a versatile skill set of strength, endurance, and speed will help you conquer the challenge of competing in any obstacle race. And being in better shape will surely make the event more fun since you’ll struggle less. Let’s focus on sound training so you can enjoy the race instead of just surviving it.

An Example Obstacle Race Workout

It’s always important to train specifically for the race that you’re preparing for. This is why marathoners run long and 5k athletes train fast — they’re building the specific fitness they need to be successful for their race.

How long does it take to train for OCR?

If, however, you want to do more than just finish, you will want to dedicate six to eight weeks to OCR specific training, Kraker says. Rea Kolbl, currently ranked 3rd in the United States Spartan Championship Series, sees your main strength as a huge benefit to starting.

What is the second most important training factor?

Grip strength is second most important training factor. Anything from hanging on a bar, pull-ups, or holding yourself up on a bar with your arms in an L position will make you stronger for those climbing or pulling obstacles. “I always train pull-ups with a standard grip or neutral grip,” Stryde says.

How old is Ryan Atkins?

In fact, he thinks it’s a good break for some and can reinvigorate your overall love of running. Ryan Atkins, a 32-year-old obstacle racing champion from Ontario who has won World’s Toughest Mudder five times, thinks that’s reason enough to give an OCR a try.

How long is the warrior dash?

Warrior Dash and Rugged Maniac are perfect for beginners, and they are two of the most popular events around today. Those events are 5 kilometers long and will only have two to three obstacles that better than average upper body strength.

Who is Brakken Kraker?

Brakken Kraker is one of the original members of the Spartan Race Pro Team and runs LeaderboardFit, a coaching program geared toward obstacle racing athletes who want to gain endurance, speed, and strength. He also has experience working many runners who were once new to OCR.

What is the purpose of the obstacle race workout?

“It also helps you prepare mentally for the types of different cardio and muscle exertion experiences during the race.”

How to swing a kettlebell?

Place a kettlebell on the floor in front of you. Push your hips back and slightly bend your knees, leaning over the bell, grasping its handle. Hike the kettlebell between your legs, then stand tall, thrusting your hips forward and swinging the bell to shoulder level.

How many rounds of dumbbell thrusters?

Repeat the pattern with each successive exercise. So, for example, next you would do 6 rounds of 60-second runs and kettlebell swings, then 6 rounds of 60-second runs and dumbbell thrusters. If this is too hard, you can cut your rounds in half, or cut the time of each exercise to 30 seconds. 1. Spiderman pushup.

How to get rid of a squat in one day?

Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Bring the weights up to shoulder level, so they’re resting on the meat of your shoulder. This is the start. Drop into a quarter squat: bend your knees and slightly push your hips back. Now explosively stand and thrust the dumbbells overhead. Slowly lower them back to the starting position. That’s 1 rep.

How to do a row with a dumbell?

Dumbbell row. Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand, your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and knees bent slightly. Push your hips back and drop your torso so it’s close to parallel with the floor, your back straight. This is the starting position.

How to do a box jump?

Stand with your right foot flat on a box or bench, your left foot on the ground. Jump laterally to the right so that your left foot is on the box and right foot is on the ground. Continue going back and forth for time.

How to do a pull up bar?

Now pull yourself up until your right shoulder touches the bar. Slowly lower yourself. Repeat, this time touching your left shoulder to the bar. Repeat back and forth for 40 seconds.

How to train for a 5k?

Below are some tips anyone can follow: Wear the right thing. Have at least 1 pair of worn-in shoes and a few sets of comfortable, well-fitting clothing.

How long does it take to prepare for a 5k?

If running isn’t your forte, you can run-walk or walk the race. Usually, you can prepare for a 5K within 4 weeks ...

Why do people run 5k?

Training for and running a 5K is an enjoyable way to set individual training goals and get into shape. It’s an attainable distance that can still challenge you and motivate you to push beyond your current fitness level. Allow yourself enough time to prepare to reduce your risk of injury and train your body to perform at higher levels of intensity.

What is the best exercise for cardiovascular fitness?

Treadmill. Treadmill training is ideal if you have inclement weather or want to focus solely on improving your cardiovascular fitness. You get the benefit of running on inclines without stressing your body by running downhill. On a treadmill, it’s easy to keep track of your distance and pace.

How to avoid running with diarrhea?

Drink plenty of water. Stay hydrated, and include healthy drinks such as coconut water, tea, and vegetable juice. Eat on schedule. Eat a few hours before you run to avoid running with a full stomach and avoid any irritating foods, especially if you’re prone to runner’s diarrhea.

How to prepare for a race day?

Have at least 1 pair of worn-in shoes and a few sets of comfortable, well-fitting clothing. Wear attire that’s already worn-in on race day. Do a warmup and cool down. Always include at least a 5-minute warmup and cool down, which can include easy or brisk walking along with dynamic stretches.

How to recover from a race?

Take an extra rest day if you’re feeling sick, exhausted, or especially sore so that you can return to your training with restored energy. Get ready for the race. Taper off the intensity of your training during the last week of training, and rest the day before the race. Eat right.

Work backwards from the event date

Break down your training into bite-sized chunks. Commit to at least two to three sessions per week, if possible, and give yourself 6-8 weeks minimum to train.

Decide your goal time

If you want to finish a 5K under 30 minutes, you’ll need to run sub-10:00 miles. It makes sense to train shorter distances at your intended race pace in order to get used to running that pace.

Progressive overload

Follow the strength training principle of “progressive overload” – incrementally increase the challenge of your running workouts from week to week. You can do this by increasing distance, adding more intervals, or picking up your pace.


Build up to training at/slightly above your goal race pace. Do this by running “repeats,” or repeated intervals of a short distance, like 4x 200m. Aim to finish every interval with a similar time, then aim to beat those times next week. Once you’ve locked in your race pace, you can increase the distance (4x 300m) or add extra intervals (5-6x 200m).


If you need to build up to 10K for a race that’s 8-10 weeks out, start with 1-2K and add mileage each week.

What about strength training?

You can and should continue to strength train during your race prep. I recommend 1-2 full body strength sessions each week. Pro tip: avoid a heavy leg workout the day before sprinting (allow 36-48 hours of recovery to avoid overtraining or injury).

Training time commitment

When you add up the interval training, longer-distance run, and strength workouts, that’s 3-5 sessions per week. Each workout type can be done in 30-60 minutes, which is very manageable even with a busy schedule. If you want to train for a 5K or 10K or other race, give yourself at least 6-8 weeks to train for the event.
