how to take driving education course

by Jerry Stoltenberg 5 min read

Who is the driving instructor at Drive Rite Academy?

This article was co-authored by Simon Miyerov. Simon Miyerov is the President and Driving Instructor for Drive Rite Academy, a driving academy based out of New York City. Simon has over 8 years of driving instruction experience.

How long is a traffic safety class?

In the U.S., this part of the class is about 24 to 30 hours long, spread out over about 15 days.

Who is Simon Miyerov?

Simon Miyerov is the President and Driving Instructor for Drive Rite Academy, a driving academy based out of New York City. Simon has over 8 years of driving instruction experience. His mission is to ensure the safety of everyday drivers and continue to make New York a safer and efficient driving environment.

How many hours of driving school do you need?

Driver education (DE) teaches you about traffic laws, road safety, driver responsibilities, and avoiding accidents. It must consist of either 30 hours or 2 1/2 semester periods of professional classroom instruction (not including breaks or meal times) or a home study or internet training program. If you choose to do a home study or internet ...

What are the requirements for driver training?

Driver training schools establish their own policies regarding the following: 1 Program length and schedule. 2 Videos and movies containing graphic scenes of traffic accidents (licensed schools are required to show at least 100 minutes of video). 3 Behind-the-wheel driver training time requirements. 4 Driver training routes. 5 Make and model of driver training vehicles. 6 Drop-off and pickup locations for training sessions.

Is it easier to learn to drive?

It is easier to learn to drive when you know the streets. Driving school personnel should avoid any physical contact with your teenager, except in an emergency. Driver training schools establish their own policies regarding the following: Program length and schedule.

How many hours does a driver's education course take?

Driver education courses consist of two phases: A classroom portion, which involves 30 hours of instruction and an eye exam. A driving phase, which involves six hours behind the wheel. Upon completion, students receive a Driver's Education Certificate, which allows them to apply for a Level One Limited Learner Permit, ...

How old do you have to be to get a driving permit?

To receive a Driving Eligibility Certificate, an individual must be: Between 15 and 17 years old. Currently enrolled in school. Making progress toward a high school diploma or GED.

What age do you have to be to get a Texas driver's license?

Teens. Individuals under 18 years of age are required to complete a driver education course and present the Texas Driver Education Certificate (DE-964) at the driver license office.

What is PTDE in Texas?

Regulation of Driver Education Schools, Driver Safety Schools, Course Providers and Instructors, and the Parent Taught Driver Education (PTDE) program was transferred to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR).

How many hours of driving training is required for a driver?

Driver training programs must include all of the following: A total of 30 hours of classroom instruction, with a maximum of 2 hours per day. A minimum of 6 hours of practice driving, with a maximum of 1 hour per day. A minimum of 1 hour of behind-the-wheel observation.

Who oversees TSE programs?

High school TSE programs are managed locally through the school districts, and the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction oversees and certifies the instructors and curriculum for these programs. To get more information, contact your local high school.

How to enroll in driver education in Oklahoma?

To enroll for a drivers education school in Oklahoma, you will need to select one of the nearly 60 providers in the state and decide on a course package. Most Oklahoma-approved schools will allow you to enroll online and require you to select your dates and times for classes and driver training.

What age do you have to be to take a driver's education course in Oklahoma?

A driver education course is required for all new drivers who are younger than 18 years of age. Students must fulfill a certain amount of time in a classroom and a number of hours practicing driving. Students and young drivers may choose to satisfy that requirement through any approved Oklahoma drivers education program.

Is driver education required in Oklahoma?

Drivers education in Oklahoma is required for all teen drivers. The state mandates that students spend a certain number of hours completing driver training, and there are three options for fulfilling this requirement. Students in Oklahoma can take drivers ed classes at school, enroll at a private driver training school or learn to drive ...

How many drivers education schools are there in Oklahoma?

Students may either attend high school drivers ed, take a class at a private drivers education school or learn from a parent or legal guardian. There are more than 70 approved driver education schools in Oklahoma. More than 50 of those courses are in-person driver education classes, and 13 are online drivers ed programs for the parent-taught option.

How many hours of driving school do you need in Oklahoma?

Teen driving school is required in Oklahoma, because students must have 30 hours of classroom instruction and 55 hours of driving practice. A public school or private driver training program will satisfy these mandatory minimums in their curriculums, and any PTDE course will cover the 30 hours of class time. Parents or legal guardians will be ...

What is the discount for drivers education?

Insurance discounts. Most insurance providers offer auto insurance discounts for drivers who complete a drivers education course. With a course, the discount may be as much as 10 percent. Greater likelihood pass tests.

What is a drivers ed certificate in Oklahoma?

An Oklahoma drivers ed certificate of completion is granted by every state-approved drivers ed provider. Students need these certifications to prove to the Oklahoma DPS that they have satisfied the requirements to apply for a license. In the case of PTDE, this certificate must be combined with the parent-taught affidavit.
