how to take course surveys drexel university

by Jermey Beier 9 min read

The first time you login you will see that the right-most column contains a button to "Take Survey". As you complete the surveys these links will change to text: "Survey Complete". You can now click on any of your classes to complete the survey.

  1. Step 1 - Logging In. The faculty evaluation survey is located at ...
  2. Step 2 - View Class List. Once you are logged in you will see a list of classes offered to you by LeBow College of Business or Center for Sport Management. ...
  3. Step 3 - Complete Surveys. ...
  4. Step 4 - Logout.

Full Answer

How do I access Qualtrics at Drexel?

Your role at the university determines how you can access Qualtrics. Please follow the steps relevant steps below. If you are Drexel faculty or staff, you can access Qualtrics through DrexelOne.

When can I register for my semester at Drexel?

Registration for these students begins Week 9 of the term prior to the term of enrollment through an online time ticket in DrexelOne.

How are course offerings planned for each department?

All course offerings are planned on a yearly basis by term using the Terms Offered. All departments are required to offer courses as they have them listed on the terms offered, and it is the responsibility of each department to ensure their course offerings are current.

Are course evaluations mandatory Drexel?

Am I required to take the evaluations? No. The faculty evaluations are not required as a student. However, The Online Faculty Evaluation helps us gain a better understanding of the issues that are important to you.

How do I create a course evaluation survey?

Creating and Revising Survey Questions - Strategies to Obtain More Effective FeedbackClearly state the purpose and importance of the course evaluation at the top of the survey. ... Create questions that are clear and focused in purpose. ... Avoid leading questions. ... Provide space for both closed and open-ended question types.More items...

How do you get students to fill out course evaluations?

Instructors can reinforce to students the value of course evaluations by:Reminding students that their responses are anonymous.Giving examples of how Course Evaluations impacted their course or their teaching. ... Telling students that you are interested in their point of view.Sharing some interesting results.

How do I get to course evaluation on canvas?

Proceed to any of your courses within Canvas. 3. There will be a link on the left hand side of the page that says Course Evaluation.

What is a course survey?

Course evaluation surveys cover various aspects of the course, like the course structure, professor feedback, course material feedback, teaching aids, etc. Based on this data, faculty members can enhance their teaching skills, and the university improves the quality of education.

How do I create an online evaluation form?

6 Steps to Create an Online Evaluation FormSign up for a free account. Go to Formsite and click on the Sign Up Free or Free Trial button. ... Create or edit your evaluation form. ... Build your evaluation form. ... Set Rules for your evaluation form. ... Test your evaluation form. ... Share your form.

What do you say in a course evaluation?

Keep the following in mind when writing your comments on course evaluations:Be respectful; derogatory comments or criticisms based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc. ... Be specific and provide examples when commenting on the course or the instructor.More items...

Are course evaluations anonymous?

Yes, student responses are anonymous. Instructors do not know which students responded or what responses individual students provided. However, instructors can track overall response rates for their courses.

What is a good response rate for course evaluations?

Instructors who provide students time in class to complete their evaluations, see an average response rate of 83% (compared to an average response rate of 59% for those who did not). Devoting class time shows students that the evaluations are important to you.

Can professors see your course evaluations?

A: No, this is not possible. Instructors and TA's are not able to see their evaluation reports until they have turned in grades. The evaluation reports they are provided contain aggregated information and no specific responses or ratings can be traced back to individual students.

Can you make a survey in Canvas?

To create a survey for your students to complete, go to the desired course and click on the Quizzes link. Click on the +Quiz button. Name your survey (1), add instructions in the Settings box (2), and set the survey parameters (3), including changing the Quiz Type to Graded Survey or Ungraded Survey.

How do I download survey responses in Canvas?

To download a report, click on the Student Analysis button. This will download a CSV file of all responses to your computer.

What is the purpose of faculty evaluation?

The purpose of the faculty evaluation is to provide the instructor with a honest and unbiased review of his/her teaching performance and effectiveness. All faculty members should take part in this process and they do appreciate the feedback. The evaluations are meant to be anonymous to facilitate answering honestly. Please take these evaluations seriously, your frank and honest input is valued and it helps to improve the quality of your program.

Is Drexel University's online faculty evaluation survey anonymous?

It is important to us as well. This is why we can't stress enough that the Online Faculty Evaluation Surveys are completely anonymous. Despite the fact that you login with your Drexel Domain, this is only used to list the classes you are in. Once you complete the survey it is stored with the thousands of other surveys with no information other than your answers and we mark that you have completed the survey in completely separate location. No data is stored that can be used to determine what answers you gave on your survey.

What is Qualtrics survey?

Qualtrics. Qualtrics is a robust, easy-to-use online survey solution, and is available at no cost to all faculty and staff at Drexel (and students who receive authorization from a faculty or staff member).

Can you access Qualtrics through Drexel?

If you are Drexel faculty or staff, you can access Qualtrics through DrexelOne. In order to create your account you must do the following: Once your account is created, you can click on the Qualtrics link to access your account. Users must authenticate through DrexelOne in order to access their Qualtrics account.

Why is diversity added to courses?

The Diversity attribute is added to courses to assist students in locating topics which increase awareness of diversity. Departments seeking the guidelines for establishing a course as such can refer to the Intercultural & Diversity Committee.

Who is responsible for implementing the policies for course meeting time blocks and course offering distributions?

The University Registrar is responsible for implementing the policies for course meeting time blocks and course offering distributions. In consultation with the department offering the course, the Office of the Provost has the authority to redistribute/change course offering meeting times and/or days.

How many academic years are required for special topics?

Two academic years (not necessarily in succession) is the time span allotted for a department to offer a “Special Topics” course. For exceptions to this policy, administrative approval from the Office of the Provost is required.

What is a del in college?

The Drexel e-Learning (DeL) attribute is placed on all online course offerings. The DeL attribute is respective to their college (i.e., DAS for the College of Arts and Science) and is also assigned to a student’s program code. Students who are enrolled in a DeL program and register for an online course will receive the DeL billing rate.

Can a course be considered a writing intensive?

Any course noted as a writing intensive course can only be determined as such at the course catalog level. All courses determined as writing intensive at the catalog level will consequently be writing intensive at all section offerings. Departments seeking the requirements for establishing writing intensive courses can refer to the Drexel Writing Center’s guidelines.

Preparing Your Preferred Schedule in Advance of Registration

The Schedule Ahead resource allows you to create sample course schedules for an upcoming term prior to your time ticket. This feature enhances your ability to map your academic progress and create up to 10 alternate schedules for an upcoming term.

Course Registration

Student Guide: Registration Interface [PDF] – Download the guide as a reference for navigating the registration interface.

Auditing a Course

The audit option provides undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to attend a course, but carries no earned credit with no standard letter grade. Participation in the course will be evidenced by the "AUD" grade designation on the transcript. The "AUD" grade designation does not affect a student's GPA.

How do I log in?

The faculty evaluation survey is located at To login to the Faculty Evaluation system you'll need your Drexel Domain username and password. This is the same username and password you would use to login to a lab computer. This is not the same as your DrexelOne account.

How long will it take me to fill out my evaluations?

It shouldn't take you more than five minutes to fill out the evaluations. Each evaluation questionnaire has at most 20 multiple choice questions (most actually have 10).

Do I have to evaluate all my classes at the same time?

No. You can log out of the evaluations at any time and log back in at your convenience. However, you will not be able to edit any of your answers after you have completed a survey for a class.

How come I can't see all my classes?

The online faculty evaluations are only for LeBow College of Business and Sport Management classes. Any other Drexel University course will not be listed.

Am I required to take the evaluations?

No. The faculty evaluations are not required as a student. However, The Online Faculty Evaluation helps us gain a better understanding of the issues that are important to you.

Are the evaluations anonymous?

Yes. Despite the fact that you log in with your Drexel ID and your current classes are listed and marked off as you fill out the survey, does not mean that we track which surveys are yours. We only keep track of whether or not you completed the survey not how you rated your classes personally.

When can I complete my evaluations?

For nearly all undergraduate classes the evaluations will open in the eigth week of the term and remain open through the first day of finals.

Access Electronic Reserve Items

Log in to Blackboard Learn using your Drexel user ID and password (without

Borrow Physical Reserve Items

If your professor has placed a physical item on reserve, you may borrow that item by visiting the Service Desk at the appropriate Drexel Libraries location. Here are a few things you can do to make the process easier:
