how to take course at brookdale as visiting student

by Taylor Borer 3 min read

If you have been admitted to Brookdale as a Visiting Student, use the following checklist to complete your enrollment: Set up your Brookdale NetID and Brookdale student email account. Verify that the course (s) you plan to take at Brookdale will transfer to your college and that you have the prerequisites necessary to succeed at the course (s).

Visiting Students
  1. Set up your Brookdale NetID and Brookdale student email account.
  2. Verify that the course(s) you plan to take at Brookdale will transfer to your college and that you have the prerequisites necessary to succeed at the course(s). Please do this with your home institution.
  3. Register for classes online.

Full Answer

How can I get ahead at Brookdale this summer?

Get ahead at Brookdale this summer! Summer is anything but quiet at Brookdale – take a class or two, see for yourself! Summer classes are a great way to move ahead with your college coursework for Fall. Join the thousands of students home for the summer who get ahead on classes at Brookdale

Why choose @Brookdale College?

Brookdale has professionally trained, New Jersey licensed counselors available to talk students through the adjustments and demands of college, personal issues, work or just that feeling of being overwhelmed.

How do non-degree students register for Brookdale?

Non-degree students must file the Brookdale application, and then may register upon acceptance. Although non-degree students are not required to meet with a counselor or advisor, this service is available and recommended. Certain courses require pre-registration testing.

How do I apply to Brookdale Community College?

Contact Brookdale’s Admissions Office or the Admissions Office of your local community college. Out-of-State Resident - A person who has not lived in New Jersey for at least one year prior to the first day of instruction.

Can you get financial aid as a visiting student?

Visiting Students are always non degree-seeking and are not eligible for Financial Aid.

What does a visiting student do?

What is a Visiting Student? Students with a Visiting Student admit status are currently enrolled at another college or university and plan to take a limited number of courses at OTC. Visiting Students do not plan to pursue a degree at OTC and are not seeking financial aid at OTC.

How do I enroll in Brookdale?

Please visit: for questions related to applying to Brookdale and to access our online application. Please note, you only need to apply one time. Your information remains in our system, even if you decide to change academic programs or take a break.

What is a visiting student at Wake Tech?

SPECIAL OR VISITING STUDENT A student who wishes to take prerequisite courses at Wake Tech in order to enter a program at another college or university; or. A student taking a course or courses for personal interest.

What is a visiting undergraduate?

Visiting undergraduates are students who are enrolled at another college or university and wish to register for for-credit Rice courses during the summer semester.

What does it mean to be a guest student?

Guest students means students attending the host institution in a non-degree status in order to complete coursework required for graduation at their home institution.

What is my Brookdale ID?

As a new student, you can obtain your Brookdale ID from your application dashboard. MyBrookdale NetID allows international students to look up their NetID account information and reset their password by entering their Brookdale ID Number, Passport Number, or National Registration Number.

What happens if you fail a class Brookdale Community College?

A grade of “No Credit” is recorded if the student fails the course or completes the course at the “Marginal” (D) level. A student may change from Pass/No Credit to the A-F grade option or from the A-F grade option to Pass/No Credit, up to the end of the third week of the Fall or Spring Terms or 20% of any shorter term.

What courses does Brookdale Community College offer?

Academic Programs and CertificatesArchitecture Program, A.S.Automotive Technology Program, Automotive Engineering Technician Option, A.A.S.Automotive Technology Program, Automotive Technology Option, A.A.S.Automotive Technology Program, General Motors Automotive Service Educational Program, A.A.S.More items...

What GPA does Wake Tech require?

2.0Wake Tech requires students in all degree, diploma or certificate programs to make satisfactory academic progress, defined as a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0, based on credit hours attempted, throughout their enrollment.

What GPA do you need to get into Wake Tech Community College?

Have an unweighted, cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher on high school courses. Demonstrate college readiness in English, reading and mathematics on an assessment (See Attachment A)

How long does it take to get accepted into Wake Tech?

Our processing time is two weeks after your application is complete. However, if your application is completed extremely early, you will receive your I-20 about 3½ months prior to the required check-in date for the semester.

First Time Applicants

Whether you are an incoming freshman, a transfer student, a visiting student from another institution, a student looking to take just a few classes with us, or wanting to earn your full degree, you have come to the right place.

Contact Information

First, you will need to create an application portal account by clicking on the “Online Application” button above and then clicking the “Create Account” link on the sign in screen. Once you have created your account, click on the button in the middle of your My Applications section of the portal to begin working on your application.

What is a visiting student at Brookdale Community College?

A “visiting student” is anyone who is matriculated and in good standing at a college or university other than Brookdale Community College. Visiting Students are not required to take the Foundational Studies Placement Test or to meet with a Brookdale Counselor - unless the student is registering for developmental “zero-level” courses. Visiting students do not need to submit a letter from their home institution giving them permission to take courses at Brookdale. It is the visiting student’s responsibility to verify that the course (s) taken at Brookdale will transfer to the home institution, and that the student has the prerequisites necessary to succeed in the course (s). It is very important to meet with the student’s home institution advisor and review the Brookdale course descriptions. This will ensure that what is taken at Brookdale meets requirements and transfers back to the home institution. For more information, call the College’s Enrollment Hotline at 732-224-2345.

What is the obligation of the individual campus governing board to examine resources dedicated to services required?

Each campus must guarantee that this Bill of Rights is implemented. It is the obligation of the individual campus governing board to examine resources dedicated to services required and to make appropriate requests to increase or reallocate resources where necessary to ensure implementation.

Do non-degree students have to take admissions tests?

Non-Degree Students in certain categories (as noted below) are not required to complete Admissions Testing. They are, however, responsible for ensuring that they have met pre-requisite requirements for the course (s) in which they plan to enroll.

Can I register for Brookdale University?

Registration cannot take place until the student’s application has been processed. You can apply to Brookdale to take courses as a degree or a certificate seeking student, or a non-degree student.

What services does Brookdale College offer?

The services include academic planning and course approvals, advisement for students transferring to or from Brookdale, career counseling and specialized testing referrals. While non-degree students are not required to meet with an advisor or counselor, they are available for non-degree students as well.

How many minutes is Brookdale Community College?

An academic credit hour is 50 minutes and is the measure for awarding credit.

What is foundational studies?

Courses in foundational studies reading, writing and mathematics are provided to help under-prepared students gain the necessary skills to succeed in college-level course work. The program consists of testing, placement, counseling, courses and support services. The objectives of Foundational Studies ( at Brookdale Community College are to:

How much is Brookdale tuition refund?

Brookdale’s refund policy states that a student may receive 100% refund of tuition and fees up until the DAY BEFORE the first day of the term; 80% refund of tuition only, no fees during the first week of the term; 60% refund of tuition only, no fees during the second week of the term.

What are non-degree students?

Non-degree students are those students not enrolled in programs of study leading to degrees or certificates. These students may take up to 11 Brookdale credits without declaring a major. Non-degree students may change to matriculated status at any time. Non-degree students must file the Brookdale application, and then may register upon acceptance. Although non-degree students are not required to meet with a counselor or advisor, this service is available and recommended. Certain courses require pre-registration testing. Non-degree students should consult this catalog to determine if the courses they wish to take require the Foundational Studies Placement Test and/or any other pre-requisite course (s).

What is a matriculated student?

Matriculation means enrollment in a particular program or option leading to a degree or certificate. Matriculated students are defined as degree seeking students. Non-degree students are those who not pursuing a degree but take courses for a variety of reasons. These students may waive matriculation into a program up to 30 credits. Non-degree students who have completed 11 credits at Brookdale and want to become degree seeking students, or waive matriculation for up to 30 credits are required to take a Foundational Studies Placement Test ( and declare a major, or they must meet test waiver requirements, before being permitted to register for the twelfth credit.

What is the attendance policy of an instructor?

Individual instructors determine the attendance policy for their courses. Instructors will distribute their attendance policy in the syllabi or instructor addendum. It is the responsibility of every student to know and adhere to the attendance policy specified for each class. Attendance may affect a student’s eligibility for financial aid and Veterans’ benefits.

Out-of-County Residents

Out-of-county residents who attend Brookdale because their county does not have a community college, or because their county’s community college does not offer the program they wish to pursue, may be eligible for full or partial chargeback, a system by which they pay Brookdale’s in-county tuition rates.


In addition to tuition, fees have been established by the Brookdale Board of Trustees to allow the College to provide the latest technologies, capital improvement, facilities maintenance, and student life activities. The fees are currently assessed at 27% of tuition.

Armed Forces Personnel & Dependents Stationed in Monmouth County

This group is eligible for the same rates as Monmouth County residents. Brookdale offers many special services to enlisted military and veterans; details are available in the Veterans section of this website.

The Brookdale Student

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Resolution of Complaints Regarding Discrimination

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

Solomon Amendment and FERPA

The College Police

Medical Emergency Procedures

Insurance and Immunization

Visiting Student Status

  • A “visiting student” is anyone who is matriculated and in good standing at a college or university other than Brookdale Community College. Visiting Students are not required to take the Foundational Studies Placement Test or to meet with a Brookdale Counselor - unless the student is registering for developmental “zero-level” courses. Visiting stude...
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