how to succed in warrior leadership course

by Dr. Ronny Watsica Jr. 10 min read

Warrior leaders often view life through opportunistic eyes, and they are always incredible strategists. Study your own personal strengths, the strengths of your surroundings, your community, and the individuals with whom you collectively work. Formulate a plan in which you use your strengths and advantages.

Full Answer

What does it take to be a war warrior leader?

May 03, 2004 · To prepare selected Staff Sergeants, Sergeants, Specialist/ Corporals promotable, and specialist/corporals nonpromotable in the priority outlined in AR 350-1 (see Course Prerequisites below). The...

What is the Warrior Leader Course (WLC)?

They are a "force multiplier" - the catalyst for significantly increasing an individual's, team's, or organization's potential for success. Warriors leaders constantly transform, learn, and adapt. Warrior Leadership uses real-life examples to lay out the steps necessary to become the leader you were intended to be. From finding your leadership style to enhancing group dynamics and …

Why take leadership courses in the Army?

Sep 29, 2010 · Warrior leaders often view life through opportunistic eyes, and they are always incredible strategists. Study your own personal strengths, the strengths of your surroundings, your community, and the individuals with whom you collectively work. Formulate a plan in which you use your strengths and advantages.

What are the most important attributes of a warrior leader?

They are a "force multiplier" - the catalyst for significantly increasing an individual's, team's, or organization's potential for success. Warriors leaders constantly transform, learn, and adapt. Warrior Leadership uses real-life examples to lay out the steps necessary to become the leader you were intended to be. From finding your leadership style to enhancing group dynamics and …

How many hours is Warrior leadership course?

The length of the WLC will increase from 17 to 22 academic days. The academic day will be limited to 8.5 hours, resulting in time for reflection, and additional time to reinforce training in areas such as counseling and leadership.Nov 1, 2012

How many hours is basic leadership course?

169 academic hoursThe BLC is a 22-academic day course consisting of 169 academic hours. The course map below shows a listing of the lessons that make up the course.

How long is Army ALC course?

90-dayAdvanced Leader Course (ALC) ALC focuses on the skills needed to lead squad-and platoon-sized units. It consists of a 90-day online program and a branch-specific resident phase.Aug 23, 2021

How does the military train leaders?

Behind winning our Nation's wars, its primary purpose is to develop leaders. This happens through organized leader development programs, like institutional schooling and courses, but mostly through personal interaction and example. It's the unit-level leaders out there who are making the critical impact in our force.

What happens if you fail height and weight at BLC?

Failure of initial height and weight screening will result in a counseling and removed from all academic honors. If a student passes the re-screening, the highest rating they may receive on the 1009A for Presence and Comprehensive Fitness is a MET STANDARDS.

Can pregnant Soldiers go to BLC?

Pregnant Soldiers (prior to the course) cannot attend BLC until medically cleared. If a Soldier is diagnosed as being pregnant while attending BLC, the Soldier may continue but must provide written documents from a doctor that states they can participate in all course physical requirements.

What happens if you fail to attend Ncopd?

Soldiers failing the required Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development System (NCOPDS) course for cause or academic reason will be removed from the promotion standing list. Student- NCOs released for academic reasons are not allowed to return to any NCOPDS course for a period of six months.Jun 6, 2018

What happens if you fail ALC Army?

If a Soldier fails to complete ALC-CC, it could be up to two years before he or she can reenroll; therefore, leaders need to make sure they're staying involved with their subordinates' progress throughout the course.Feb 13, 2012

Is ALC worth promotion points?

Advance Leaders Course: ALC is a requirement for promotion to SSG, so no points are given for completing it.Jun 4, 2018

What skill should a leader have?

What Makes an Effective Leader. Effective leaders have the ability to communicate well, motivate their team, handle and delegate responsibilities, listen to feedback, and have the flexibility to solve problems in an ever-changing workplace. Employers seek these skills in the candidates they hire for leadership roles.Mar 18, 2021

What are the 3 main leadership styles?

And each successful leader develops a style based on their own personality, goals, and business culture based on one of these three types of leadership styles: autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire. Take a moment and consider your own leadership approach.Nov 4, 2021

What are four strategies for improving influence Army?

The Army finds that effective influence tactics include pressure, legitimate requests, exchange, personal appeals, collaboration, rational persuasion, appraising, inspiration, participation, and relationship building.Sep 7, 2010


WELCOME to Warrior Leadership, owned and operated by Jeff Herold. Warrior Leadership trains leaders through Gordon Model Skills. We provide workshops and certification to hone transferable life skills, Leadership Effectiveness Training.


"Not only is Jeff an effective speaker who captures the attention of his audience, but his real life stories provide clear examples that connect to his audience and validate the training's methods. Jeff's training methods make learning the skills easy so that participants leave knowing they have become better leaders.
