how to study with a video course reddit

by Derick Moore DVM 6 min read

How to become a better Reddit expert?

Keep up with the latest news and happenings in the industry and immerse yourself in the subject. Knowing more about the subject as a whole will make you a better expert after all. The more you can learn about a subject the better, and Reddit is the place to go to learn.

Why do people use Reddit?

You can use Reddit to find a great study partner who is working on similar subjects to you. They can help you out and you can help them out and everyone involved comes out of it knowing more. Having a good study partner on your side also helps when things get boring and you want to just give up.

Why is Reddit important?

The most important thing to using Reddit to study is to get studying tips. From /r/studying to /r/GetStudying and more there are an endless number of subreddits dedicated to effective studying. They have a lot of great advice about how to study seriously, music to help with studying, and so much more important information.

What is the most popular social media site?

Reddit is one of the largest social media websites out there. It’s more than that; it’s one of the most popular websites overall. People turn to Reddit to have discussions with friends and strangers, keep up with the news, share memes and jokes, and even study.

Is there a subreddit for a subject?

No matter what it is, there’s sure to be a subreddit for it. There may even be one dedicated to people studying that subject and not just the subject itself. There’s an endless number of subreddits after all, so finding the one you need shouldn’t be difficult at all.

Does Reddit help you study?

That’s not the case with Reddit, which has a lot of helpful advice and information about how to study. Grab yourself a virtual study partner, get help with your homework, learn more about the subject, or just use Reddit to relax and take a break. It doesn’t matter what you study or what you need; there’s a subreddit for that.

Can you retain information on Reddit?

No one can retain information when things pile up like that. That’s when you want to turn to Reddit and use it as a way to relax and just take a load off. We don’t recommend spending too much time browsing Reddit when you’re trying to study, but taking a study break here and there can definitely help.

What is the most stupid thing to do when a lecturer asks a question?

It it the most stupid thing when the lecturer asks a question and everyone sits there in silence. Who cares if you’re wrong and if you actually interact with the lecturer you learn so much more and you won’t fall asleep.

What is the best mindset for med school?

A real growth mindset is what will get you through med school successfully. Don’t be afraid of failure. It’s the best teacher.

What app do you use to get to grips with med school?

In the initial weeks of med school is when I’d first suggest new students get to grips with electronic flashcard apps like Anki. Working out the best practices now will save you time later.

Is it worth going to a lecture if it isn't mandatory?

If lectures aren’t mandatory at your school they might not be worth going to.

Is physiology hard to learn?

Physiology is definitely up there as one of the hardest classes you’ll take in med school. Learning it well the first time around will help massively moving forward.

What to do when you don't want to learn?

When you don’t desire doing/learning something, go through it and just start. The discomfort goes away and, in the long term, this will lead to satisfaction.

Why do we write our daily list the evening before?

Researchers showed that writing your daily list the evening before helps you accomplish them the next day. If you don’t write them down, they will take the valuable slots of memory.

Is Coursea free?

Coursea is free to take the class, though there's a paid version if you want a certificate. That's the course based on the book "A Mind for Numbers" by Barbara Oakley. Haven't taken the class but the book was great.

Is there a course on how to learn?

This is the first lesson on “Learning how to “Learn”, a free course by Coursera. It’s one of the most popular course son the internet apparently.

Is it normal to start a learning session with a negative feeling?

You should realize that it’s perfectly normal to start a learning session with a negative feeling even if you like the subject. It’s how you handle those feelings that matters.

Is Coursera learning good?

You might want to run through the free online Coursera Learning How to Learn course. It's really good. It'll probably feel pretty basic and too slow at first, but stick with it and really put the techniques to use and you'll get a lot out of it.

Why is it important to learn video content?

Due to the amount of educational video content available, it is of paramount importance that you learn and understand how to optimally obtain and retain knowledge from video courses. That will both boost your capability to learn faster and greatly reduce the frustration of no progress despite consuming material.

How to improve retention of knowledge?

First is simple recall. Just practice recalling the various bits of knowledge shared by the instructor, in order to boost retention. Then work your way in creating mental markers for the information, which will help with both future recalling and creating the appropriate mental models.

Can you offer a video course on YouTube?

To convey all this knowledge, many instructors choose video format. Not only is there an incredible amount of content on Youtube, but multiple successful companies offering video courses have emerged. Many deliver their own content, while a lot of others allow individuals to offer their own courses on their platform, like Udemy. We have come to a point that even university courses are offered online, through platforms like Coursera or edX.

Can you use a video as an instruction manual?

Instead of immediately jumping to execution, watch the video a second time, this once executing in parallel with the instructor. Having created the connections from the first viewing, it is now ok to use the video as an instruction manual for the process.

Do you know what a video is about?

Before even starting watching the video, it is a good idea to know what the video is about. Usually, the title will give you a good sense on its own, but sometimes you may not know the terminology in the title. In that case, do a quick google search, just enough to understand what you are going to be learning more about.

Do people move to lecture after lecture?

Most people just passively move to lecture after lecture and end up retaining none of the knowledge in the long term. After all, understanding is a different mental process than memorizing. In addition, even among those that engage with the material, most try to perform each step exactly after the instructor shows it.

What online communities do I use to find trustful answers?

As always, I’ve used online communities like Reddit and Quora to find trustful answers.

Can you do CSS before you start a course?

You can even do that before actually starting a CSS course. It’s a free project you and you immediately start creating small CSS animations. The concept is very easy, first you start with a very easy animation and step by step you’ll learn why something rotates and what keyframes actually do.
