how to stay focused when no interest in a course

by Corene Johns 5 min read

If you are struggling to stay focused, then consider taking breaks from time to time. Try to work for the online course uninterrupted for 40 or 45 mins. Then take a break for 5 to 10 mins. During this time, you can grab a coffee, check your emails or phone or do some thing else.

Not being able to concentrate in a class impedes how well you are able to perform academically.
How to Stay Focused in Class
  1. Knowing your motivation. ...
  2. Engaging with the lecture. ...
  3. Avoiding distractions. ...
  4. Sleeping well. ...
  5. Eating well.
Jan 10, 2019

Full Answer

How to stay focused while studying?

Another great way to keep focused while studying is to regularly remind yourself of all the work you’ve completed so far. Often, studying, especially at the start of a long stint of revision, can feel like a huge feat.

How do you stay focused in a boring Class?

Drinking will help you stay focused, but also you’ll eventually have to use the bathroom, and sometimes that little trip down the hall can revive your energy just enough to get you to the end of the class. If you have trouble falling asleep at night, try my 10 nighttime anxiety tips.

What do you do when you have a lack of focus?

If your lack of focus is a result of feeling overwhelmed by a complex project, try breaking it down into smaller parts and plugging the smaller steps into the SMART formula. Specific. What exactly needs to be done?

How do you stay focused on a mundane task?

But telling yourself to stay focused on a task, especially a mundane one, is often a lot easier said than done. The good news? There are several techniques that can help you zone in on the task in front of you. If you need help staying focused, try one — or all 10 — of these tips. 1. Get rid of distractions

How do I study if I have no interest?

Here are the best ways to motivate yourself to study, so you can be as productive as possible.Discover why you procrastinate. ... Break the material down into chunks. ... Reward yourself. ... Create a study routine. ... Be clear about why you want to get good grades. ... Use a mind map to organise the information.More items...•

How do you focus on study when unmotivated?

Prioritize & Create A Small To Do List. The first thing that you should do is prioritize your to-do list. ... Just Start An Assignment For 5 Minutes. ... Take A Break. ... Change Up Your Environment. ... Promise Yourself A Treat. ... Get A New Look. ... Use A Different Study Method. ... Work When You Feel Most Motivated.More items...•

How do you stay focused in a boring class?

How to Stay Focused During ClassTake Notes. Part of the reason you may be feeling bored or distracted during class could be that you are not actually putting forth enough effort to pay attention. ... Be Well Rested. ... Take A Morning Shower. ... Walk Around. ... Drink Cold Water.

Why do I have zero motivation to study?

This can be either not being naturally strong in a specific area, having developed gaps in knowledge, or perhaps needing more time or practice with specific tasks. Repeatedly failing to succeed in a certain subject can ultimately develop negative associations with the subject and result in no motivation to study.

How can I brainwash myself to study?

1:399:33How I Trick My Brain into Wanting to Study (how to motivate yourself to ...YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo like I mentioned before motivation to actually go and do something is creative when that task isMoreSo like I mentioned before motivation to actually go and do something is creative when that task is associated with a reward. So basically if we want to feel motivated.

How do I stop being distracted in class?

7 Ways to Avoid Distractions and Stay Focused on StudyingGet organized with a to-do list.Silence alerts and keep open Internet tabs to a minimum.Break big projects into small pieces.Use music and headphones to cut down noise.Find the best environment for efficient studying.Clean up and organize your work space.More items...•

How can I get attention to study?

If you need help staying focused, try one — or all 10 — of these tips.Get rid of distractions. First things first: You need to eliminate distractions. ... Coffee in small doses. ... Practice the Pomodoro technique. ... Put a lock on social media. ... Fuel your body. ... Get enough sleep. ... Set a SMART goal. ... Be more mindful.More items...•

How can I force myself to pay attention?

Here are eight tricks and tips for eliminating distractions and paying attention to what you need to do:Prepare Your Brain. Before a task, calm your brain, says Venezky. ... Understand Where Your Focus Needs To Be. ... Unplug For 30 Minutes. ... Grab Some Coffee. ... Check the Thermostat. ... Turn On Some Music. ... Take Short Breaks. ... Doodle.

How to Stay Focused: 12 Tips to Avoid Distractions While Studying

Below, we’ve compiled our list of 12 expert tools and techniques to help keep you focused on your learning. Each of them are selected to help make you a) keep focused and b) understand your progress to give you all the motivation you need to keep going with your studies.

1. Create a suitable study environment

Creating a suitable study space is an essential part of any successful study session. As humans, we are creatures of habit. And for you to get into routine and stay focused on your studies, you need a dedicated study space where your brain knows it needs to study.

2. Set clear, precise goals

One of the key motivations behind being able to stay focused while studying is to understand exactly why you want to study in the first place.

3. Create a study schedule

Do you ever find yourself sitting down at your desk or table, opening your laptop and thinking “now what?”

6. Block out all possible distractions

Now, this may be an obvious point to make, but it’s certainly one of the most important when it comes to finding ways to avoid distractions while studying.

7. Try the Pomodoro Technique

Recently, the Pomodoro Technique has been hailed for helping students and workers to help stay focused and make their working sessions more focused.

9. Exercise regularly

Now, we know how beneficial exercise is for our physical health, but did you know the effects it can have on your brain, its ability to stay focused, and retain new information?

How to bring focus back to where it needs to be?

By being mindful and recognizing when your attention starts to drift, you can quickly bring your focus back to where it needs to be. Plus, you can actually train your brain to be more mindful by practicing breathing techniques, meditation, and mindful movement, such as yoga. 9.

How to keep your brain focused?

So, to keep your brain focused, your energy levels up, and your emotions on an even keel, make sure you don’t delay or skip meals. Try to balance lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats to stay fueled.

How to train your brain to stay on task?

Here’s how it works: Set your timer for 25 minutes and get to work. When you the buzzer sounds, take a 5-minute break. Then, set the timer again and get back to work.

How to get more done in less time?

Staying focused helps you get more done in less time. While that sounds simple enough, it’s not always easy to put into practice. So, the next time you’re wrestling with your attention span, try the Pomodoro technique. This timing method helps you train your brain to stay on task for short periods of time.

How does not getting enough sleep affect memory?

While a few nights of minimal sleep is okay, not getting enough sleep most nights of the week can negatively impact both your short and long-term memory, as well as your ability to concentrate.

Why is it important to have a few simple tips and tricks?

That’s why it’s important to have a few simple tips and tricks, like the ones we described above, at your fingertips. Knowing how to zone in on what needs to get done can help you stay on track with your most important tasks each day. Last medically reviewed on October 16, 2019.

How to take advantage of caffeine?

The key to taking advantage of caffeine’s cognitive-enhancing properties is to consume it in moderation. If you drink too much of it, you may end up feeling anxious or nervous, which generally reduces your ability to stay focused. 3. Practice the Pomodoro technique.

How to stay focused on studying?

A study schedule can help you remain accountable and remind you of what you’re working towards. 2. List out your study goals. Sometimes, making a list of your study goals and what you hope to accomplish by the end of your course could help you stay focused.

How to stay motivated and keep focused?

One of the best ways to stay motivated and keep focused is to remember the reason why you decided to start studying in the first place. By keeping your end goal in mind and reminding yourself of what you want to accomplish, you’ll be motivated to stay on track and complete your course.

How to set smart goals?

By writing down your goals and keeping them in mind while you study, you may find yourself able to stay motivated and focus better. 3. Create a study space.

How do I cope with stress?

This may mean you need to try and limit exposure to stress triggers, include more healthy foods in your diet, limit your alcohol intake, exercise regularly, get out in nature or try a new hobby.

Why is exercise good for mood?

Regular exercise has a variety of really positive benefits. For one, when we exercise the brain releases endorphins which can help to boost your mood. Getting a natural mood boost from a workout is a great way to combat feelings of anxiety and depression.

1. Plan

Planning for the things you need to do allows you to feel at ease since you know you will have time to do x, y, z tasks later on.

2. Pre-study routine

Basically is like a ritual or a mini routine you do before your time to focus and work starts.

4. Clear your mind

If you cannot concentrate or focus on what needs to be done, the first thing that comes to my mind is that there must be some thoughts distracting you.

7. The desk

I am introverted that likes quiet places, so of course, I will give you advice about your desk.

8. Interest

It is difficult to focus on something that simply does not interest you.

11 Tips on How to Stay Focused While Studying

Whether or not you are a student or an adult, there are many times in your life where you will find that you need to study. Maybe you are learning a new skill or taking a test to further your career. Either way, it is important to have good study habits, so you can stay focused no matter what it is you have to study for.

Why is Focusing While Studying so Hard?

So you sit down intending to study for a big test you have coming up later in the week. But the next thing you know, you are scrolling through Facebook and chatting with friends. The point is, staying focused when it is time to study is difficult, and here is why.

How Do I Stay Focused While Studying?

Now that you’ve come to realize that the reasons you have difficulty studying is because of your environment and its conditions, it is by making changes to that environment that you will find it is easier to stay focused while you study.

11 Tips on How to Stay Focused While Studying

Below are 11 tips to help you stay focused while you study. And if you truly want to achieve success in your next study session, it is highly recommended that you follow all of them to achieve your best results. But remember, everyone studies differently, so some of these tips might work for your study style better than others.


In conclusion, no matter what type of student you are or what subject you are studying, it is highly likely you are having trouble focusing because you aren’t setting yourself up for success.


It’s not earth-shattering to know that sitting in the front of the classroom can increase your concentration due to a) hearing the teacher better, b) not being allowed to goof off, c) fewer distractions in front of you and d) a zillion reasons more. So find a seat in the front and get comfortable.


If you’re not confident in your note-taking skills, then watch my video/read about how to take notes during a lecture class. But even if taking notes isn’t required for a class, take notes anyway as a way to stay awake, alert and focused.


Participate in class whenever you can – either by raising your hand to comment or to ask a question.


Make sure you’re sleeping enough, eating good clean food, and drinking plenty of water. Dehydration can suck the life out of you, so don’t get to that point. Also, try drinking a full bottle of water throughout class.


This one is not always possible, but when it is, it works so well at helping you stay focused in class. Here is a full tutorial about how to prepare for a class. If you know what your class is going to be on, then try to get ahead by reading up on the material beforehand.


This may sound a little creepy, but there’s a scientific explanation here. Here goes: Eye contact can be a stimulant. Sounds odd, but when we look into another person’s eyes, our bodies release chemicals that increase focus, adrenaline and energy.


I talk about “brain dumping” in many of my other videos and in this detailed tutorial, so I’ll just give you the gist here: Write down absolutely everything that’s on your mind, from all the little stuff to the big stuff. Write down reminders, questions, tasks, things that are bothering you, everything.
