what course explores the expectations family members have of the

by Dr. Colten Ondricka III 10 min read

Below are the modules that will be presented during the course: "Expectations and impact of the mission on family life" explores expectations family members have of the Army and the impact of the Army mission on family life. It will also provide tips to assist in developing realistic expectations.

Full Answer

What are the different types of expectations to set for students?

See Page 1. - Local The __ Course explores the expectations family members have of the army and the // a family life. - Level III The goal of the army Family Team Building program is to assist family members of soldiers by: - Preparing individuals through specialized training - - Enhancing personal growth and professional development The ...

Why is it important to set expectations in a course?

Aug 13, 2010 · "Expectations and impact of the mission on family life" explores expectations family members have of the Army and the impact of the Army mission on family life. It will also provide tips to assist ...

How do I state my expectations for my course?

Jul 14, 2016 · So it’s especially important to make your expectations clear and explicit. In this article, we’ll discuss (a) the kinds of expectations you should make explicit and (b) where and how to communicate these expectations. Types of Expectations to Set. Students will inevitably have several questions for you throughout your course.

Do you have expectations on your life?

First-Year Expectations. The first year of college can be a big transition for both you and your student. Families play a vital role in the lives of U-M students, and many students still count on their families to remain a steady and stable source of support and guidance. Family members can serve as mentors, offering advice and encouragement ...

How to use online course syllabus?

Much like a syllabus in a traditional course, you can use your online course syllabus to: Provide basic course information (e.g., title, number, credits). Describe the course in terms that get students excited about taking it. Establish a friendly, welcoming course climate. Identify your learning objectives.

Can you state expectations in multiple places?

Your learning management system will have a number of locations where you can state or clarify your expectations. In fact, it’s wise to state expectations in multiple places . You can use module introductions, e-mails, written announcements, or descriptions of your course elements.

Family Engagement Topics to Discuss

While it’s best to start the expectations management process before a resident joins your community, the reality is that sometimes conversations happen well into a resident’s stay. Whether you’re talking to the families of prospective or longtime residents, it’s helpful to cover the following topics:

How to Keep Family Members Engaged

The good news is that simply having these conversations with your residents’ family members will go a long way toward building engagement. The more informed they are about the way your community operates, the more invested they’re likely to be in helping you ensure positive outcomes for their loved ones.
