how to start your course on flvs

by Lowell Franecki DVM 10 min read

Start Date

  • Go to
  • Login using your username and password.
  • Choose County Virtual Schools from the login drop-down menu.
  • Enter your course code.
  • Check your messages.
  • Read the information on your teacher’s welcome page and schedule your Welcome Call.
  • Go to the Main Menu.
  • Print your Pace Chart.
  • Go To Lessons and Read/Study your first lesson.

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How to Enroll in FLVS Flex
  1. Step 1 – Review Requirements. Please review the following requirements prior to signing up for courses. ...
  2. Step 2 – Pick Courses. ...
  3. Step 3 – Verify Florida Residency. ...
  4. Step 4 – Ensure Courses are Approved. ...
  5. Step 5 – Check Course Status. ...
  6. Step 6 – Get Ready…and Go!

Full Answer

How do I get my course selections approved for FLVS?

Step 2: Gather Your Documents. The following documents are required for enrollment in FLVS Full Time. Use the checklist to gather the documents you will need. Please have documents available and ready to upload before starting the online enrollment application in step 3. Proof of Age.

Where can I find FLVS and K-5 courses?

How to Enroll in your County’s Virtual School. Step 1 – Review Requirements. Please review the following requirements prior to signing up for courses. Step 2 – Pick Courses. Step 3 – Ensure Courses are Approved. Step 4 – Check Course Status. Step 5 – Get Ready…and Go!

What are the requirements to attend a virtual school in Florida?

In order to begin your course, check you BVSD email account for two emails: A login email from "[email protected]” that will contain your course login credentials. An email from your FLVS teacher with important directions including how to set up a welcome check-in. Review the

How long does it take to be placed in a course?

Apr 02, 2015 · There's only one person in charge of your academic success - and that's you! Learn the basics of taking an online course with Florida Virtual School through ...

How long does it take to be assigned to a class on FLVS?

Students will be placed in their requested courses as soon as possible, in most cases, within 72 hours after completing registration and required approvals. Occasionally placement may take longer due to high enrollment, during these times we strive to place students within 14 days of your selected preferred start date.

How do FLVS classes work?

FLVS Full Time is a fully online public school requiring students take a standard public school course load of six courses per semester. The school runs on a traditional 180-day academic calendar (August to June) and serves as the school of record, managing all student transcripts and progress reports.

How do I verify a course on FLVS?

Parents must verify a student's course request once a selection is made. To verify a request, log into your account and go to the student dashboard page. Click on the green checkmark next to the red “X” icon on the right-hand side of the page to complete the parent/guardian enrollment verification.

How many lessons on FLVS should I do a week?

two sessions
FLVS Flex: Although attendance of Class Time live teacher instruction is not required, it is strongly recommended that they attend at least two sessions per week.

Can you fail FLVS?

What are the consequences for failing to maintain academic integrity in a FLVS class? A variety of consequences will be administered if you fail to maintain academic integrity in your course. These consequences range from a reduced score on an assignment up to expulsion from FLVS coursework for up to one year.

How do you start homeschooling in Florida?

How to Start Homeschooling in Florida
  1. File a notice of intent with the local superintendent's office.
  2. Choose the curriculum. ...
  3. Maintain a portfolio of educational records and preserve them for two years.
  4. Provide annual student evaluations to the superintendent.

Can you graduate early from Florida Virtual School?

Get ahead with extra courses, graduate early, make up a credit, sign up for summer school, or take a class that your school doesn't offer. Study whenever it's convenient for you with 24/7 online access. Our certified teachers (available by phone, text, and email) will be there to help you every step of the way.

What does CI mean on FLVS?

Contact Instructor
• A (Active) – Student has completed Welcome Call and has been activated by the teacher. At this point, the 14-day drop/add period begins. • CI (Contact Instructor) – Student's course access has been temporarily disabled until student contacts teacher by phone.

Are FLVS exams proctored?

FLVS also does random or targeted proctored tests, requiring students to take exams in face-to-face settings.Mar 12, 2012

Do FLVS students have to take FSA?

Participation in the assessment program is mandatory for all students enrolled in a public school. The grade-level Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) that public school students are required to participate in measure student achievement of the Florida Standards.

Can FLVS students play sports?

Can my child still play school sports if enrolled in FLVS classes? FLVS Flex: A student who takes some or all of his/her courses through FLVS Flex and is registered with the school district as a home education student is eligible to participate in athletics.

How is FLVS grades calculated?

FLVS Flex and most public schools in Florida follow semesters/segments which makes it simple.
The 411 on the 4.0.
CourseSemester Grade (.5 credit)GPA
History95 – A4.0
add GPA values to equal 14.5 Divide by 4 for the total number of segments = Total Cumulative Weighted GPA 3.625
3 more rows
Oct 2, 2019

What is a.5 credit course?

If the course is a .5 credit course (Law Studies, Outdoor Education, etc.), you will meet the requirement by completing this course. Middle school students may advance their learning by enrolling in high school courses if academically appropriate. Courses subject to availability. Courses subject to availability.

What is CTE elective?

CTE electives prepare students with the academic, technical, and employability skills needed for the high-skill, high-wage, in-demand careers of tomorrow. Students have opportunities to earn industry certifications, scholarships, and college credits in select courses. Learn more about CTE with FLVS.

Welcome BVSD Online Student

In order to begin your course, check you BVSD email account for two emails:


All communications are sent to your BVSD email account. It is your responsibility to check your BVSD email regularly to ensure you are receiving important information and reminders about your course.

Discussion Based Assessments

FLVS courses require students to complete unit Discussion Based Assessments (DBAs) at the end of each course unit. It is important that you make regular progress in your course throughout the term to ensure you can complete your DBAs in a timely fashion and then have time to complete your final exam.

Course Completion Required

You cannot complete the entirety of the course within the last couple of weeks. This does not allow for adequate teacher grading time, scheduling and completing your DBAs, and completing your final exam.

Pace and Progress Expectations

Your course is available to you 24/7 until your end date listed above. It is expected that students login on a regular basis to complete all course requirements.

Don't wait to ask questions!

A team of qualified, real, live people have been put together to support you throughout your course (s). Below is a list of the people who can help you along the way:
