how to sign for community college course while at a university

by Prof. Winnifred Bergnaum Jr. 4 min read

How do I sign up for classes at a community college?

Almost all community colleges have online enrollment, but you can also usually sign up by mailing in a form or going to the campus office and selecting your classes in person. At this time, you will likely have to submit your tuition payment. After you sign up for a class, you will be sent information about it.

What do you need to know before going to Community College?

Decide on a course of study. When you enter, you need to tell the school what you want to study, also known as a major. Most community colleges have degrees in things like business, accounting, or nursing. Your school will have a list of majors you can pursue while you are there.

Can I take any classes I please at a community college?

• Advising: Universities usually won't allow students to take any class they please at a community college, experts say. Students are encouraged to speak with an adviser before taking a class at another institution to understand which classes they can or should take.

Should community college students have to provide a transcript?

Providing the transcript can make students exempt from taking the placement tests that many community college students are required to take before signing up for classes. "We can cut through the red tape," Brown says. Students should also make sure they allot time for studying.

Why do you take one class at community college?

Taking one class at a community college during the summer can allow students to narrow their focus on a single subject – something they often don't have time to do when taking the typical four, five or six classes during a semester of undergrad. [Find out who benefits from community college .]

When to start planning for Northern Virginia Community College?

It's better to start planning as early as March, she says​. Undergrads usually need to provide an official transcript from their university to sign up for classes at Northern Virginia Community College.

Is community college transferable?

The credits obtained at a community college may be transferable to a student's undergraduate institution, helping the under grad inch closer to graduation requirements. But going back and forth between a four-year school and a community college is not always a smooth process.

Is summer break a college?

For some college students , summer break isn 't just a time for internships​ and trips to the beach. It's a time for returning to the classroom,​ but at another institution: ​ community college. Heading to a community college is "very common" among college students, says Julia Brown, the coordinator for transfer policy at Northern Virginia Community ...

Can you transfer credits to community college?

Usually students can transfer credits, but not grades, from a community college to their primary institution. For some college students, summer break isn't just a time for internships​ and trips to the beach. It's a time for returning to the classroom,​ but at another institution: ​ community college. Heading to a community college is "very common" ...

Does McKibben discourage community college students?

McKibben says he actually discourages students from taking any community college courses during the summer unless it's​ a course that they need, that, for some reason, the university doesn't offer. "We want to make sure they're following a sensible course plan.".

Why do people go to community college?

Students apply to community college for a number of reasons. Some high school students choose a dual enrollment track, in which they take community college classes to fulfill high school graduation requirements. Some adult students return to school after working for several years to further their education or pursue a new degree or career change.

What do you need to apply for community college?

While they have some differences in design, most community college applications ask for the same details: your name, address, citizenship, residency, high school, and intended major . Most ask for your overall goal, whether you want to earn an Associate's degree or certificate, acquire personal or professional skills, transfer to a 4-year institution, or enter the workforce.

How many students go to community colleges?

Did you know that almost half of all undergrads in the U.S. go to community college? In fact, there are 1,100 community colleges nationwide, and they enroll 13 million students!

What to expect at a community college orientation?

As mentioned above, it's a good idea to attend a campus tour and an information session before you apply to learn more about your prospective school. Many community colleges also hold orientations for new students. These usually span a day or two and give you information about financial aid, placement testing, student and campus resources and policies, and academic guidance.

What to do if you don't have a high school diploma?

If you don't have your diploma from graduation yet or a GED, you should send a copy of your transcript. This will show your expected date of graduation and provide evidence that you're working toward fulfilling your high school requirements.

What documents do you need to send if you didn't go to high school?

If you didn't attend high school in the state or the college asks for further documentation, you could send a state driver's license, local bank account, vehicle registration, voter registration, or state or federal income taxes with in-state residential addresses. All of these should be dated at least a year previous.

How many classes do you take in a semester?

Finally, you'll register for your classes! Full-time students usually take about 4 to 5 classes per semester. The first semester for first years tends to be highly structured, so you may not have a lot of choice with these first few classes.

What do you need to know when you enter a community college?

When you enter, you need to tell the school what you want to study, also known as a major. Most community colleges have degrees in things like business, accounting, or nursing. Your school will have a list of majors you can pursue while you are there.

How to get accepted to community college?

1. Wait for your acceptance letter. Before you enroll, you need to be accepted to the school. Your community college should have information up on when you will receive your letter, so if you don't receive one around that time, contact your school.

What do community colleges offer?

Designate the type of program you want. Many community colleges offer more than just associate's degrees. For instance, many offer continuing education courses and noncredit courses. You may also need to take dual education courses or even finish high school.

What are the two main tests for community college?

Most schools will allow you to use the national standardized tests for getting into community college. The two main tests are the SAT and the ACT. The SAT focuses more on math, writing, and reading, while the ACT has a science section, as well. These tests cost money, and you must schedule them well in advance.

How to find an online application for a college?

Find the application. Most schools have online applications now. Find your school's website, and locate the admissions page. You should be able to quickly find the online application. [10]

Can you substitute AP scores for placement tests?

For instance, sometimes Advanced Placement (AP) scores can be substituted, which are scores on tests for college-level classes you took in high school.

Can you fill out one application for all community colleges?

In some cases, you may be able to fill out one application to send to all the community colleges in your state, called a common application . Texas has this program, for instance.

How to add a course to your schedule?

To plan a course, click a course you have not yet started or a course recommended by your advisor. Click View Available Sections. Locate the course section that fits your schedule. Click Add Section to Schedule. Read section details, then click Add Course to Schedule.

What does it mean when you only see pay for classes?

If you are only seeing a “Pay for Classes” option you may be a new applicant that is still being processed. If you have already been advised and are seeing only one option on the Self Service homepage please contact the Student Help Desk for more assistance.

How to pay for tuition at Austin College?

Visit to pay tuition with check, credit card, or debit card.

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Why do people take community college classes?

Taking community college classes in high school shows that you can take initiative, are hard working, and have strong academic skills, which are all qualities colleges like to see in applicants.

What is the purpose of community college?

While the primary purpose of community college is to provide an education to college students, most now also offer classes to people of varying ages and levels of education, from children to senior citizens. Many community colleges allow high school students to take certain classes. Sometimes high school students are only able to enroll in ...

Why is it important to have enough free time before enrolling in community college?

As mentioned above, it's important to make sure you have enough free time in your schedule before you enroll in a community college course. By choosing classes that fill well in your schedule, you will make your community college experience less stressful and more enjoyable.

Why is it important to know your high school recommendation?

If your high school has recommendations, this can make choosing which courses to take easier, because you will already have some idea of what classes other students have found useful. This information is also helpful if you are looking to get high school credit for your community college class.

Why do you take community college classes in summer?

Taking a community college class during the summer gives you more time to concentrate on it because you won't have to balance a full high school course load at the same time. Don't try to take a community college class if you are already busy with your high school classes and activities.

How much does it cost to attend community college?

Most students do not have to pay for the classes they take in high school, and it can be difficult to afford the tuition required for college classes. Even though community college classes are typically less expensive than regular 4-year colleges, tuition is still usually at least $100 per credit hour, which means taking one community college class can cost several hundred dollars or more.

What to do if your high school doesn't offer AP classes?

If your high school doesn't offer certain advanced classes, taking them at a community college can be a great way to strengthen your transcript. If your high school doesn't offer many or even any AP classes, you may be concerned that your school's lack of challenging classes will put you behind other students when applying to and starting college.

Supplemental Community College Classes

When you take classes at a community college while enrolled at a four-year university, you’re what schools consider “Dual-enrolled.” Basically, you’re attending two colleges at once.

What you need to know

Dual-enrollment saves money but it’s not necessarily easy to do. You have to make sure that your college credits transfer to what’s considered your “main college,” otherwise known as the school you’re getting your degree from.

Articulation Agreements

If you’re lucky enough to be attending a four-year college that has an articulation agreement with the local community college, that makes your process a whole lot easier.

How old are community college students?

The American Association of Community Colleges reports 38% of community college students are ages 22-39 and 9% are over 40 years old. Some students at community colleges may be able to earn credit for what they already know, such as through a job or the military, via prior learning assessments.

What is community college?

Community colleges are primarily public higher education institutions that strive to provide affordable and accessible educational opportunities to all.

How many community college students take remedial courses?

More than two-thirds of community college students take at least one developmental course, according to a 2018 study by the Center for the Analysis of Postsecondary Readiness. These remedial courses are noncredit courses, aiming to improve student skills and success in college-level programs.

Why are community colleges good for international students?

Community colleges may be a good fit for international students because they generally have low tuition rates and offer students an easier transition to U.S.-style academics, experts say.

How long does it take to get a community college degree?

Community colleges mainly award associate degrees and postsecondary certificates. Associate degrees usually take about two years to complete full time. Certificates can take anywhere from a few months to several years to complete.

What is the percentage of community college certificates awarded in 2014?

The majority of certificates awarded by community colleges in 2014-2015 – 88% – were in career and technical education fields, according to the American Association of Community Colleges, which include areas of study like business management, engineering, health sciences and consumer services like cosmetology.

What is the difference between community colleges and four year colleges?

The types of degrees offered is one of the main differences between community colleges and four-year colleges and universities, Shanna Smith Jaggars, assistant vice provost of research and program assessment for the Office of Student Academic Success at Ohio State University—Columbus, wrote in an email. Almost all community colleges are open-access, which means almost anyone who applies is accepted.

Why do colleges send transcripts automatically?

Transcripts may be sent automatically from one institution to the other at the end of the term to make it easier for students to complete credit transfers. Students have more flexibility in course selection and planning. Students enjoy a smoother transition between community college and a university. Students save money in their early course work ...

What is a simplified admission process?

Simplified admission process that allows students access to both colleges with one application

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How do students save money in college?

Students save money in their early course work by taking classes at a less expensive institution. There may be other benefits that are specific to a particular college partnership, such as shared parking permits or access to recreational activities.

Is Whiteland Community High School bringing college classes to the high school campus during the day?

One school , Whiteland Community High School, is also talking to Indiana University and other institutions about bringing college classes to the high school campus during the day, according to a report in the Chicago Tribune. Getting a post-secondary education is becoming easier at some schools, thanks to the dual enrollment model.

Can you take dual enrollment in both schools?

The student must be accepted into both schools before the dual enrolment can be completed. In most of these programs, students can take courses from either institution, and tuition rates are based on the college where the course is offered.

Is it easier to get a post secondary degree?

Getting a post-secondary education is becoming easier at some schools, thanks to the dual enrollment model. With a single enrollment application, students can prepare for their four-year degree at a combination of a two-year college and a university at the same time.

What are transfer guides for Arizona Community College?

As the University reveals, the transfer guides “Present the lower-division requirements of bachelor’s degree programs at The University of Arizona in terms of the transferable courses available at an Arizona community college, numbered in the community college notation… These transfer guides are designed to assist students who have selected the course of study they plan to follow at The University of Arizona. It will enable transferring students to identify those courses appropriate to the academic program they plan to pursue.”

Why are community colleges and universities striving to create more streamlined transfer programs?

As a rising number of students are both interested, and often required, to pursue longer courses of study, many community colleges and universities are striving to create more streamlined transfer programs to provide students with enhanced support.

How to find out about cooperating schools in Arizona?

To find out about cooperating schools, students should begin by meeting with their community college counselor or advisor.

What to do if playback doesn't begin?

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What percentage of community college students transfer credits?

Transferring Credits. According to data from the National Center for Education Statistics, nearly 71 percent of community college students intend to, at some point, pursue a baccalaureate degree. Adding to their data, studies from the Center reveal that approximately 20 to 50 percent of new university students are actually transfer students ...

How many credits do you need to get an associates degree?

In many cases, students with an associate’s degree can simply earn their additional advanced degree with just 30 credits. “This approach allows students to receive a degree from a prestigious private university at an investment equivalent to or less than that of a state college.”.

Should students meet with their community college advisors?

Once a student becomes aware of any participating cooperating universities, students should not limit their communication and interactions with their community college advisor alone. When choosing a transfer university, it is imperative that students meet with the university advisors as well.
