how to get proof of hunter safety course il

by Freeda Kihn 4 min read

Usually issued by state or provincial wildlife agencies, a hunting license can be either in the form of a card or a certificate – in some cases you will get both. Your hunting license allows you to purchase hunting tags and enter draws, and it acts as proof of passing a hunter safety education course.

If you are 18 years or older, after successfully completing the online course, you'll immediately print out your proof of online course completion. If you are under 18 years of age, you'll immediately print out your proof of online course completion, which you will need to bring with you to the Field Day.

Full Answer

How to take an Illinois hunter safety education certificate course?

To be approved by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, a course must teach hunters to become: Safe (by following all hunting safety rules) Responsible (about hunting, wildlife, conservation, and hunting laws) Knowledgeable (by knowing and demonstrating acceptable behavior and attitudes while hunting)

Is there an online hunter safety course?

The Field Day Voucher is proof that you have passed the online hunter safety course and allows you to take part in a Hunter Safety Field Day, ... The traditional Illinois hunter safety classroom …

How to find a hunter's safety certificate number?

Usually issued by state or provincial wildlife agencies, a hunting license can be either in the form of a card or a certificate – in some cases you will get both. Your hunting license allows you to …

What do you need to know about hunter safety?

Look Up Your Safety Certification Number Footer Contact Information 1 Natural Resources Way Springfield, IL 62702 Phone: 217-782-6302 Contact Us DNR Offices Boards/Commissions …

Do you have to have a hunter safety course in Illinois?

Who is required to complete hunter education in Illinois? According to Illinois law, all hunters born after January 1, 1980, must complete hunter education certification unless they can provide proof of previously holding a valid hunting license in Illinois or another state.

How do I find my Wi hunter safety number?

by using our online web site to obtain your DNR customer ID number; by calling DNR customer service from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. at 1-888-936-7463; or. by visiting a DNR service center during their regular scheduled hours.

How long is hunter safety course in Illinois?

ten hoursThe Illinois Hunter Education Program consists of a minimum of ten hours of instruction. The educational material is based on a sixth-grade reading level.

At what age do you need a hunting license in Illinois?

Youth Hunting License Illinois residents age 17 or younger may purchase the Resident Youth Hunting and Trapping License. They must be under the direct supervision of a licensed hunter age 21 or older.

How do I get a copy of my Wisconsin hunter safety card?

To replace a lost, destroyed, or damaged Hunter Education Safety Certificate, go to

Do you need hunter safety to bow hunt in Wisconsin?

Anyone born on or after Jan. 1, 1973, must complete a hunter education course OR bowhunter education course and have a hunter education OR archery education safety certificate on file to bow hunt in Wisconsin.

How much is a hunting license in Illinois?

YouthNameFeeAvailable OnlineResident Hunting License$12.50OnlineResident Lifetime Hunting License$360.00OnlineResident Lifetime Sportsmen's Combination Hunting/Fishing License$765.00OnlineResident Senior Hunting License$6.50Online15 more rows

What are the hunting seasons in Illinois?

​2022 Season DatesFirst Firearm Deer Season: November 18, 19 & 20, 2022.Second Firearm Deer Season: December 1, 2, 3 & 4, 2022.Muzzleloader-Only Deer Season: December 9, 10 & 11, 2022 - Hunters may also use a muzzleloader permit with a muzzleloading rifle during Second Firearm Season December 1 - 4, 2022.

Which of the following is a common cause of hunting incidents?

From the National Shooting Sports Foundation's (NSSF) 2007 Industry Intelligence Reports, these are the most common causes of hunting incidents: Failure to identify the target (15.5%) Shooter swinging on game (12.8%) Careless handling of a firearm (11.4%)

Can you hunt without a FOID card in Illinois?

In addition to the license and stamps, species-specific permits might also be needed. Hunters wishing to use firearms need to obtain a Firearm Owner Identification Card (FOID) from the Illinois State Police.

Do I need a hunting license to hunt on my own land in Illinois?

ILLINOIS LAW REQUIRES NON-RESIDENTS TO HAVE A NON-RESIDENT HUNTING LICENSE IN ADDITION TO A PERMIT AND HABITAT STAMP. All resident landowners or ten- ants that do not reside on the property must possess a valid Illinois hunting or sportsman's license.

Can a 15 year old hunt alone in Illinois?

Illinois. 16 years of age to hunt alone.

How much does the Illinois Hunter Ed Course cost?

The Illinois Hunter Ed Course fee is $28.95.

Do you need Illinois Hunting education?

If you were born on or after Jan. 1, 1980, you need this certification to purchase a valid hunting license in Illinois.

What is the minimum age to take this online course?

There is no minimum age requirement to take this online course.

Do I have to be a resident to take the Illinois Hunter Ed Course?

You do not have to be a resident of Illinois to take this online course.

Is the Illinois Hunter Ed Course approved by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources?

The Illinois Hunter Ed Course is approved and accepted by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

Is my Illinois Hunter Education Certificate accepted elsewhere?

All U.S. states, provinces, and other countries that have mandatory hunter education requirements will accept the Illinois Hunter Education Certifi...

I failed a unit quiz. Have I failed the course?

If you fail a unit quiz, you must restudy the unit and take the quiz again until you pass. You must score at least 80% on the unit quizzes to pass.

Do I have to take an online exam?

The Final Exam is the exam you take at the end of the online course. You must score at least 80% on the Final Exam to pass. You have 2 attempts to...

What is the proof of online Illinois Hunter Ed Course completion?

Once you pass and pay for the online course, you will be able to immediately print your proof of online completion and/or request that a PDF be ema...

How to become a Hunter Ed in Illinois?

1. Study and pass the Illinois Department of Natural Resources–Approved online course. Study and pass the $28.95 course. Throughout the Illinois Hunter Ed Course, you’ll be tested on what you’ve learned. 2.

Where are hunter safety courses made?

Made in the U.S.A. This Illinois hunter safety course is proudly made to serve students, agencies, and organizations in the state of Illinois and worldwide.

How old do you have to be to get a hunting safety certificate?

If you are under 18 years of age when you REGISTER for this course, you must pass this online course and attend the Field Day to complete your hunting safety certification.

How old do you have to be to get a proof of online course?

If you are 18 years or older, after successfully completing the online course, you’ll immediately print out your proof of online course completion. If you are under 18 years of age, you’ll immediately print out your proof of online course completion, which you will need to bring with you to the Field Day.

What is Illinois Hunter Ed?

This Illinois Hunter Ed online hunting education course was developed in accordance with the standards set forth by IHEA-USA and meets the requirements of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources hunter safety mandate.

What is Hunter Ed?

Hunter Ed is committed to making sure Illinois hunter education students learn the skills and information needed to have a safe, successful, and fun hunt. We strive to ensure this Illinois online hunter safety course helps you become a more knowledgeable and ethical hunter. Educated hunters play an important role in making Illinois a leader in conservation and wildlife management.

What is the IHEA standard?

About the Standards. In 1999 the International Hunter Education Association (IHEA-USA) adopted a set of performance guidelines for basic hunter education courses. These standards have been used internationally by hunter education administrators to evaluate minimum core content in hunter education courses.

Do you have to complete a course to get a hunting license in Illinois?

Is completion of the Illinois state agency-approved course required in order to buy a license? Yes, in many cases. In order to buy a license, Illinois requires that first-time hunters born after January 1, 1980, must first complete a course approved by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and IHEA-USA.

Does Illinois accept Hunter Education?

All U.S. states, provinces, and other countries that have mandatory hunter education requirements will accept the Illinois Hunter Education Certificate. Likewise, Illinois will accept Hunter Education certifications that are issued by other jurisdictions that meet official IHEA-USA requirements. (This is known as “reciprocity.”)

How easy is it to get a hunting license online?

By taking online hunter education, getting your hunting license is easy as 1, 2, and 3.

What is a hunting license?

Your hunting license allows you to purchase hunting tags and enter draws, and it acts as proof of passing a hunter safety education course. Your proof of hunter education is also recognized across North America and many other countries abroad.

Do you need a hunting license to hunt?

For most, the first step is to take a Hunter Safety Education Course, and pass a Hunter Education Test that will let them purchase a hunting license. All states and provinces require hunters to carry a hunting license when hunting.

Can you take the hunter safety course online?

Almost all states and provinces now allow some portion of the required hunter safety course to be taken online , which reduces the amount of time that new hunters have to spend in the classroom.

Wisconsin has a TrustPilot rating of 4.7 out of 5 based on 5671 ratings and reviews.

OFFICIAL ONLINE HUNTER SAFETY EDUCATION COURSES is the leading provider of hunter education across North America. Our online hunter safety courses help students to meet mandatory education requirements in their state or province.

How old do you have to be to hunt in Illinois?

Allows the licensee to hunt on private property while supervised by a validly licensed resident or nonresident hunter who is 21 years of age or older. Allows the youth (less than 18 years of age) to hunt and/or trap while supervised by an adult who is 21 years of age and has a valid Illinois hunting license.

When are hunting licenses effective?

Hunting Licenses. All hunting licenses and state stamps are effective January 1 of the issuing year through March 31 of the following year. Every person holding a hunting license and associated stamps shall have them in their possession for immediate presentation to any authorized law enforcement officer. A physical or electronic license is valid ...

What is a physical hunting license?

A physical or electronic license is valid for hunting and presentation to law enforcement. Purchase licenses or read the Exceptions section below to find out if you do not need a license. Use the License Finder to know what licenses, stamps and permits you need to hunt a specific animal or season. Toggle accordion.

How many acres of land do you need to hunt on your own property?

Landowners with at least 39.5 acres hunting on their own property are exempt from needing this stamp. Stamp is required if hunting elsewhere

Do you need a hunting license to hunt?

You do not need a hunting license if you meet one or more of the following criteria below. Hunting shall be done only during periods of time and with devices and methods as are legally allowed. A State Habitat Stamp and appropriate permits are still required.

Is a youth exempt from the supervision requirements for hunting?

If the youth has a valid certification of competency from a hunter safety or trapper safety course approved by the IDNR, he/she is exempt from the supervision requirements for that activity.

Who has the right to hunt on their land?

Owners residing on, or bona fide tenants of, farmlands and their children, parents, brothers, and sisters permanently residing on their lands shall have the right to hunt any legal game species upon their private lands and waters only.

How to get Hunter's Safety Certification Number?

To obtain a Hunter's safety certification number, you will need to know where the certification or class took place and with what agency. Most certifications from 1980-1993 were completed in class through the Department of Game and Fish or a division of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife services. All other certifications from various dates throughout the '90s to present are done online or through some other agency where the certification information can be found online.

How to obtain a certification number?

Obtained your certification through an online agency. Once you have given your information. Also request. Obtaining the number through the agency. Have to obtain your certification number. Make you. Need to provide the agency.
