how to set course up on northstar 951x

by Sarina Schneider 10 min read

What is the Northstar 941x?

Northstar 951X Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Northstar 951X Installation Manual. Sign In. Upload. ... Setting Up the Chart Screen. 69. Determining Position Coordinates. 70. Displaying Position, Heading, and Speed. 71. ... Restarting the Course Line. 134. Figure 4: Restarting the Course Line. 137. Using Nav Log. 138.

Can I interface a Northstar 8800/8401/8400 with a 941x?

Limited warranty policy. Northstar Technologies, a division of BSC, Inc., warrants the Northstar 951/952 to be free. from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two (2) years. …

What is the warranty on Northstar products?

Changing the zoom levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

What is the minimum cable length for the Northstar antenna?

Page 1 951X/XD AND 952X/XD GPS CHART NAVIGATORS INSTALLATION MANUAL Revision C Part Number GM1505C Northstar Technologies 30 Sudbury Road...

What is a Northstar link?

Your Northstar is designed with an internal fusible link to protect againstfaulty power wiring. The link consists of a short length of 30 AWG wirelocated on the I/O board. If this link becomes open-circuited, carefullycheck all power wiring, especially the white and black wires on the powercable.

How long is Northstar warranty?

Northstar Technologies, a Division of CMC Electronics, Inc., warrantees its productsto be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of two (2) yearsfrom the date of shipment to an authorized dealer. This warranty applies to theoriginal purchaser or subsequent owner.

Is the 941x a GPS?

Your 941X was designed to be an easy-to-use, full-function GPS naviga-tor, understandable in the information it displays and dependable in itsperformance. This Reference Manual is intended to complement thatease of use by illustrating and describing the 941X’s various functions ina format helpful to quick learning and safe operation.

What is the 941x?

The 941X contains two independent output ports for driving NMEA-compatible devices, two input ports for accepting data from other NMEAdevices, and an auxiliary port reserved for future use. It also features anRS-232 port for input or output of SC-104 DGPS corrections, and way-point/route or software program loading from a PC. The 941X can beinterfaced to a wide variety of devices, including autopilots, plotters, ra-dars, etc. Refer to “Interfacing the 941X,” beginning on page 112, formore information.

Where are the five buttons on the screen?

The five round MENU keys on the right side of the display screen areused for different purposes depending on what function is currently be-ing used or displayed. The function of each key is labeled on the screen,and pressing the key performs the displayed function.

What is the keypad key?

The keypad also contains CLEAR and ENTER keys for erasing or enter-ing data that has been typed on the keypad. Pressing the ENTER key isalways the last step when entering or changing data, or acknowledgingan action. The CLEAR key removes any data you typed before you pressENTER, and sets the field to all blanks or restores it to its value beforeyou changed it.

Can you designate a waypoint as an avoidance area?

You may designate new or existing waypoints as avoidance areas. Avoid-ance areas are depicted on the PLOT screen as waypoints with circlesaround them. In addition, an alarm will be given both as an audio beepand a flashing exclamation point on the screen, if you should enter and
