how to sell a course to college administration

by Marcellus Pagac DDS 8 min read

Put a learning path before them. Plan a series of courses that have a straightforward progression and take them on a learning journey. Make the learning outcomes clear for each stage of the journey. That way you won’t only sell one course to them, but a series of courses.

Full Answer

How do I Sell my online course?

Selling your course is an ongoing practice. To generate the best possible results, you’ll need to track your success. Most online course platforms include analytics tools that help identify where your traffic comes from, how much traffic you get, and how much of it converts into sales.

How to start an online academy and start selling?

Starting strong with a video introduction and going forward with the reasons why you need to learn social media to grow your business. Visit Start Social to see the full landing page. As soon as you have your course’s sales page ready, you can launch your online academy and start selling!

Can you make money selling courses to big companies?

But you don’t have to reach such a large volume of potential clients if you are marketing and selling courses as training for corporate teams. So, with only a few single-client sales you make a big dent in your income goals. Selling courses to big companies can help you get even more individual clients.

Do most course sellers charge enough for their courses?

My experience has been that most course sellers do not charge enough, mostly because they have not convinced themselves of the high value their courses. I encourage all course sellers to try the Triple Your Price Exercise as a direct path to higher profitability.

How do I sell my education program?

Creating ContentCreate valuable course content. Identify your audience. Get as detailed a vision as you can of who your target customers are. ... Differentiate your offer. Do one thing and do it well. Focus on a niche and aim to build a brand in it. ... Write compelling content. Make it clear why they need to learn this.

How do you make money selling a course?

7 Ways to Make Money Selling Online CoursesCharge up front. ... Offer the course for free, then charge for certification. ... Charge a subscription. ... Use a tiered payment system. ... Pre-sell your course. ... Sell your online course for free—then funnel it into a product or service. ... Sell course licenses.

How much can you make selling a course?

How much can you make selling online courses? It varies widely. Your online course could earn anywhere from a $0 – $50k+ per month. Many course creators will earn $1 – 5k/month and there are numerous examples of online course teachers earning $10k – $50k per month..

On what sites can I sell my courses?

The 11 best platforms to create and sell online coursesUdemy for launching your first course.Skillshare for teaching creative skills.Teachable for creating an online school with advanced marketing.Podia for selling digital products and memberships.Thinkific for building a course from scratch.More items...•

Is selling a course profitable?

Are online courses profitable? Yes. They're actually one of the best business models you can adopt as a digital business because they're in demand and more and more people are willing to pay top dollar for them.

Do people make money selling courses online?

Are Online Courses Profitable? Yes, they are. Online courses offer one of the best business models to digital entrepreneurs. The demand is rising and people are more than willing to pay for them, and they are one of the top ways to make money online.

How do you sell a course online?

In this article, you'll find an overview of the 10 major stages of online course creation:Pick the perfect course topic.Ensure your course idea has high market demand.Create Magnetic and Compelling Learning Outcomes.Select and Gather your Course Content.Structure Your Modules and Course Plan.More items...•

How much can you sell online courses for?

How much does course creators make by selling courses online? On a study conducted by a prominent market player in the online edtech industry, it was found that 17.9% tutors made up to $25,000, 39.4% made between $25,000 – $50,000, 14.7% made between $50,000 – $75,000 and 27.9% made over $75,000.

Which course is best for earning money?

Product Management Certification Program.Business Analytics Certification Program.PG Certification in Full Stack Development with Job Guarantee*Certified Financial Planner Certificate Course.Certificate Course in Finance Accounting and Taxation.Advanced Certificate Program in Data Science.More items...•

Can I sell my course on multiple platforms?

The answer is — it depends. In some cases, you can sell the same online course on more than one online course platform. In other cases, you can't.

Can I sell my course on Udemy?

Udemy makes money from selling online courses, so it's in their best interest to sell as many courses as they can, and this means they actively promote your courses for you. There is no other website like it in existence. It's the easiest way to make money online in 2016, and it's just the beginning.

How do I set up an online course?

How to create an online courseChoose the right subject matter.Test your idea.Research the topic extensively.Write a course outline.Create the course content.Bring your course online.Sell your online course.Market your content.More items...•

What's the best way to sell your online course?

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Are online courses profitable?

If you are still reading, then you have probably decided that to sell courses online is worth it for your business, but you may still be wondering “Are online courses profitable?”

How do you create a successful online course?

Now, let’s continue on from looking at profitability to considering what it takes to create a successful online course. After all, when the aim is to sell courses online, a profitable course implies a successful course and vice versa.

Where can I sell my courses online?

Okay, so you have decided selling online courses is worth it and that you’re ready to start selling. You’ve done the homework to identify your unique selling point and to map a path to profitability. Essentially, you’re clear on how to create an online course.

How can I convert prospects into customers?

The idea of creating an online course that will actually sell has been the goal from the beginning. And at this point, you should have all the major pieces of the puzzle, only now you just need to know how to position them to create the picture that will turn prospective learners into paying customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions about how to sell online courses? Here are answers to some of the ones we get asked most frequently.

So, Ready to Sell Courses Online?

By this point, you should have a solid idea of what it takes to create and sell online courses and build an online business. As is true for any other type of business, building a profitable online course business is about more than creating a product, publishing a sales page, and waiting for customers to magically show up.

How to help prospects appreciate your course?

Identifying benefits derived from learning outcomes will help prospects quickly appreciate the value of your course. Use bullets with benefits for each part of your course. Also, include images of your course content to give prospects an idea of what they are getting.

How to generate the best results?

To generate the best possible results, you’ll need to track your success. Most online course platforms include analytics tools that help identify where your traffic comes from, how much traffic you get, and how much of it converts into sales . While these are valuable insights, add a layer of data to what your platform offers.

Why is email important for sales?

Traffic sources can vary, and email is one you should leverage. It’s a powerful tool for communication and can be used to drive warm traffic to your sales page. It also works as a great nurturing tool for people who is a sign-up for a lead magnet but never committed to the sale.

Is it hard to set up an affiliate program?

Affiliate programs aren't difficult to set up either. If your course is on a platform like Udemy, Teachable, or Kajabi, you have automatic access to an affiliate suite of tools These tools may include an affiliate dashboard for tracking sales, traffic, and payouts.

The Most Profitable Way For You To Sell Courses Online

We’ve seen a major shift in how people sell courses online. One that has made courses more profitable, easier to run, and retain more students long term.

How To Sell Courses Online In 2022

You’re going to start by taking a “zoomed out” look at your online business and define the niche you’re going to create tutorials for. As our founder, PJ, always says:

How Your Book of Memories Transformed Her Business By Moving To Uscreen

Your Book of Memories (YBM) is a business that teaches people how to build DIY memory albums through high-quality instructional tutorials.

Feeling Inspired?

Sell courses online. Reach the people you want to reach. Spread the messages you want to spread. Make the money you want to make.

What degree does Marc have?

Marc holds an MBA from the University of Oxford and a BA in social sciences from Harvard University. Plus, he practices what he preaches by having a successful sales training business himself. Here are some of the key things that Marc recommends to help you sell corporate training programs to teams: 1.

What does Marc recommend?

Instead, Marc recommends thinking like a doctor and diagnosing what a company might need help with.

Why is online training important?

Online training increases visibility for team leadership. Companies want to make sure that when they invest in training, their employees get the training they paid for. That means having the ability to show employee progress through a team management dashboard, which is done through AccessAlly.

Does Marc have in person training?

This doesn’t mean that you need to stop offering in-person training, but it does mean adding an online corporate training can do a lot for your business. Marc has been delivering in-person training to sales teams for many years, but his business changed when he added an online training element.

Why sell courses to big companies?

And that’s because, sharing that you work with corporate clients can add to your profile instant credibility.

When a company buys in bulk, do they have to offer training?

When a company buys in bulk, they either have a group of employees they want to take the training , or they wish to offer it as a perk to anyone who would take it .

Do you need thousands of transactions to reach your revenue goals?

Concerning your revenue goals, you might need thousands of individual transactions to reach them. But you don’t have to reach such a large volume of potential clients if you are marketing and selling courses as training for corporate teams.

Can you arrange meetings with corporate clients?

You can easily arrange meetings with corporate clients, and have them tell you what they want. You can then either create a mini-course or create a content structure only and pre-sell the seats. Your client pays no “design” fees, and you get pre-sold seats in your course.

Is selling to corporate clients a good idea?

Why Selling to Corporate Clients is a Good Idea. Contrary to popular belief, larger companies do not do all of their training in-house. More is outsourced and purchased than created and delivered by their own employees.
