how to see ut course waitlist

by Crystal Jenkins 9 min read

To see where you are on the waitlist, log into Banner and click Register for Classes. At the bottom there is a tab labeled Schedule Details that will show courses for which you are registered and waitlisted. Clicking the arrow next to the course name will display your Waitlist Position.

Full Answer

What is a waitlist in college?

For more information about waitlists, see Waitlisted; Reserved. Some classes are reserved to certain majors/degree programs. If you have a question about the reservation, contact the department offering the course. Open. The class has open seats …

How do I join the waitlist?

To see a student's waitlist activity, click the student's eid. To drop students, check the boxes next to their name and click the Drop Checked Stds button. (A popup will ask you for confirmation. Once confirmed, the page will show you the number of students dropped, and the system will alert them by email and tell them to contact the department.)

How do instructors see class waitlists?

Aug 31, 2021 · The student can see their wait list position on their “My Class Schedule” page, CIS> Student Homepage>Registration> Class Schedule> Class Schedule Filter Options – include “Show Wait listed Classes”

What is the see my waitlists page?

Notices from the Waitlisting system itself are posted to your See My Waitlists page in UT Direct. Check it often, too. Notices are sent when classes are cancelled, when you've been blocked from the class for various reasons, or when you've been added to the class. Check your e-mail and your See My Waitlists page regularly.

When are class lists active?

For students and instructors, lists are active from the start of registration through the fourth class day (second class day in summer), if they've been turned on by the department. After the fourth/second day, students need approval to add a class.

What happens when you are off a list?

While off, registration is suspended until the list is turned back on, or until all students are removed from the list. When a list without students is turned off, registration acts normally: an opened seat is filled with whomever registers next.

What is a waitlist in a class?

Waitlists. A waitlist is a list that students can join and wait for open seats in a class. If it is turned on by the department, and all the seats in a class have been filled, students can join the waitlist. If a student in the class drops it, a seat opens up and is filled by a student on the list. Waitlists are active from the first day ...

When are waitlists active?

Waitlists are active from the first day of registration through the 4 th class day (fall and spring) or 2 nd class day (summer) in a semester. The department offering the class must turn on a list before it becomes available for students to join.

How many lists can you join in a class?

You can join up to two lists per course, and can be on four lists at any one time.

How many hours can you drop in college?

If you drop below full-time status (which is 12 hours for undergraduates and 9 hours for graduates in fall and spring ), you will be considered a part-time student. If you wish to drop all of your courses after the semester begins, you must withdraw entirely from the university.

Can you join a waitlist for a closed class?

When registering for a closed class, you will get the chance to join a waitlist if its department has turned a list on and you are registered for at least one class. The class will appear closed or waitlisted in the Course Schedule. Attempt to add the closed or waitlisted class; you will be notified that the class is closed ...

What is wait list in college?

Wait listing is only available to classes that the department sees as benefiting from a wait list. For classes that are full that do not offer wait listing, students should contact the department with questions. Once a student wait lists into a class, it is up to them to monitor whether they are added to the class or not.

What happens when you add a student to a wait list?

Once a student wait lists into a class, it is up to them to monitor whether they are added to the class or not. If a student is added and decides they no longer want the class, they are responsible for dropping the class prior to the last day to drop deadline.

What is wait listing?

Wait Listing. If a class is full when a student registers, wait listing allows a student to add their name to an electronic wait list and potentially be added to the class if space opens up, and they meet all the requirements. Wait listing is not a guarantee to enrollment into a class. Wait listing is only available to classes ...

How many credits can you wait to enroll in a class?

Students are allowed to wait list in up to 12 credits each semester. Please note that if a student is enrolled in the maximum number of credits they are allowed to enroll in in a semester, they will not be enrolled in any wait listed class.

Why do students get a number when they add their name to a wait list?

Students are given a number when they add their name to a wait list, so they can see where they fall on the wait list, and can gauge the odds of being added into the class from that.

How to see when a class is full?

To see the last day a student can wait list, check the Academic Calendar .

When is the last day to add names to the wait list?

The first Friday of Fall and Spring term is the last day students can add their names to the wait list, and the last day the process is run. After that, students will need to obtain a permission code to enroll into a class. The Summer term last day to wait list dates will be prorated appropriately to accommodate Summer term deadlines.

What is a waitlist in college?

What is a waitlist? Some classes have a waitlist that allow students to “line up” to get into full classes. If a spot opens up in a waitlisted class, students are added from the waitlist in chronological order as long as there are no problems.

Can you join a waitlist on a class?

No. Joining a waitlist doesn't guarantee that you'll be added to the class; it is a way for you to wait in line for an open seat. If a seat does not become available, you are not added from the list. How long you wait is up to you. You have to decide when you need to drop yourself from the list and find another class.

What happens if you are on a waitlist for a class?

If a student is on the wait list for one section of a class and then successfully registers into another section of that class, they are automatically removed from the wait list for the previous section. Students cannot waitlist in a section of a course they are already registered in. The waitlisted course will be removed.

Can you add your name to the JSOM waitlist?

However, you can add your name to the JSOM Course Waitlist in case a space becomes available. Please review the guidelines listed below before joining a JSOM Course Waitlist.

Can you waitlist in a section of a course you are already registered in?

Students cannot waitlist in a section of a course they are already registered in. The waitlisted course will be removed. Each group of cross-listed courses will share one waitlist per section. JSOM Course Waitlists are available until the date indicated on the Academic Calendar.

What is waitlisting in college?

Waitlisting. Once a course is full, students can register to be on the waitlist: a standby line that fills openings when they become available. Your position in the waitlist is determined on a first-come, first-served basis. Waitlisting is available anytime for most courses until the second week of class begins.

How long does it take to add a class to a waitlist?

Once the first week of classes starts, the time a waitlist student has to add a class is shortened to 12 hours.

How long is a waitlist for a course?

If you are deep in the waitlist and the course has few seats available, understand your chances. A student on the waitlist is given twenty-four hours to enroll, regardless of how close the enrollment deadline is.

What to do if you can't get into a course?

If you are unable to get into a course you must have to graduate, let your advisor know. The faculty and staff of each college are responsible for scheduling classes. The more they know about student needs, the better your chances for additional seats.

Is it better to be number one or number five on a waitlist?

Being number one on a waitlist has dramatically better odds of getting in a course than being number five. Look at the other sections to see if you can improve your position on a waitlist by registering for another. Remember, you can only register for one section at a time.

Can you register for one section at a time?

Remember, you can only register for one section at a time. You will have to drop your current section before you can add a different one. After dropping a course, you will lose your spot in the waitlist and not be able to return to it. Think carefully and check your schedule before changing sections.

Meet with Your Academic Advisor

Meet with your academic advisor in your college or school to discuss your degree requirements. This is recommended for all students and is required for many majors and departments.

Find Your Registration Time

Find your registration access date and times on your Registration Information Sheet (RIS). Update your contact information if it has changed.

Clear Bars

Check your RIS to see your bars. Clear any bars that prevent you from registering.

Need Help?

Meet with your advisor. Find your advisor’s contact information in the How to Schedule With an Advisor document or via the college or school at the links below. If you still need help after meeting with your advisor, contact the Graduation Help Desk.

Students currently enrolled at UT Austin

If you will be enrolled as a student at the time of course follow these steps:

Non- UT Austin students, under the age of 65

Using the Class Auditor Permit, speak with the instructor of the course to receive permission to audit the course. Digital signatures are accepted.

Current UT Austin Employee

Using the Class Auditor Permit, speak with the instructor of the course to receive permission to audit the course. Digital signatures are accepted.

What is waitlist in university?

Some courses at the University have a waitlist available, which enables students to be notified if a seat opens up in a course and be given an opportunity to register for it. These instructions cover how to use this waitlist functionality for courses that have a waitlist.

What happens if you lose your seat on the waitlist?

If you lose the seat, you must drop the waitlisted course and re-register yourself for the waitlist course again.

How long does it take to register for Fordham?

An email notification will be sent to your email account; once notified, you will have a deadline of 48 hours to register for the course. It is important that you check your Fordham email frequently, if you are on a waitlist for any class.

Can you register on a waitlist?

Yes, the waitlist is not actual registration. Students are able to waitlist for sections that have day/time conflicts with. However, once a student is selected from the waitlist they must drop any potential conflict and be sure that there is room for the waitlisted course credit.

Can you waitlist for a course?

No. The same restrictions apply to the waitlist that apply to registering for a course. Any holds have to be resolved in order to waitlist and register for courses.


Add Courses

  • You may add courses using the registration system through the fourth class day (second class day in summer). After that time, you must obtain departmental approval to add a course. Check to see if your class has a prerequisite requirement. Prerequisites are academic requirements that you must meet before or during enrollment for your desired courses. Adding/Dropping Courses …
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Drop Courses

  • Consult with your academic advisor about how dropping courses might impact your academic progress, financial aid or access to campus resources. If you drop below full-time status(which is 12 hours for undergraduates and 9 hours for graduates in fall and spring), you will be considered a part-time student. If you wish to drop all of your courses after the semester begins, you must wit…
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  • If you realize you want to drop a class after the 12th class day, you will need to start a Q-drop request before the Q-drop deadline, which typically occurs near the middle of the semester. See the academic calendar for exact dates. Meet with your assigned academic advisorto discuss and fill out the drop form. Graduate students may drop a course after the Q-drop deadline. The instru…
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Ote (One-Time Exception) Drops

  • A One-Time Exception is a Q-drop or withdrawal after the regular deadline. Every undergraduate is allowed one OTE, whether it is used to withdraw from all classes or drop one class. An OTE drop counts as one of your six Q-drops. Once you’ve used it, you cannot use it again. See your advisor for more information. Visit Academic Advisor
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  • A waitlist is a list that students can join and wait for open seats in a class. If it is turned on by the department, and all the seats in a class have been filled, students can join the waitlist. If a student in the class drops it, a seat opens up and is filled by a student on the list. Waitlists are active from the first day of registration throu...
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