how to run a political campaign course

by Raegan Murphy 7 min read

What is it like to work on a political campaign?

Nov 14, 2017 · Identify how many votes you need and set a margin for error. Calculate how much it will cost to reach one voter from the initial stage of the campaign till election day. You will likely contact a voter multiple times across the duration of the campaign through multiple channels. Take all the cases into consideration.

How to raise money in a political campaign?

Our training course includes 8 comprehensive modules: Considering a Run: This is a pre-flight checklist, if you will, to make sure all systems are “go” before you begin. Campaign Structure & Organization: Before delving into the nitty-gritty, we need to explain some key concepts and terminology for political campaigns.

How to create your political campaign strategy?

Jun 21, 2021 · 1. Make sure there’s a path to win. One of the most important tips for how to run a political campaign is to make sure you’re running in the right race. It happens too often; we see candidates who decide to run for office because they’re frustrated that their state senator been unopposed the last ten years. Sure, it’s technically ...

What is the primary goal of a political campaign?

Oct 30, 2019 · Get a campaign website and official social media accounts for the campaign. Reach out to new voters through common acquaintances or use traditional approaches like newspaper and TV ads to do so. Fundraising “I will pay for the entire campaign” is not a sound strategy. Running for a local political campaign is highly resource-intensive.

What does a political campaign staff do?

Political campaign staff are the group of people who formulate and implement the strategy of a political campaign. Campaign staffs are generally composed both of unpaid volunteers and paid employees of either the campaign itself or a related political party.

What do you do in a political campaign?

A political campaign is an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making progress within a specific group. ... The message of the campaign contains the ideas that the candidate wants to share with the voters.More items...

What do political campaign managers do?

A campaign manager, campaign chairman, or campaign director is a paid or volunteer individual whose role is to coordinate a political campaign's operations such as fundraising, advertising, polling, getting out the vote (with direct contact to the public), and other activities supporting the effort, directly.

How do you do a campaign?

Here are six key steps to putting your campaign plan together:Define the Victory. It's important that everyone agrees on the core goal or goals of your campaign. ... Evaluate the Campaign Climate. ... Chart the Course. ... Choose Your Influence Strategy. ... Message for Impact. ... Manage Your Campaign.Jan 27, 2022

How do you join a student council campaign?

10 techniques to help you win the student council electionDecide what position you want to run for (and why) ... Create a persona for your ideal voter. ... Create a campaign logo. ... Create unique posters and put them everywhere. ... Flyer, flyer, and flyer some more. ... Network with other students to reach more people.More items...

What type of business is a political campaign?

A 527 organization or 527 group is a type of U.S. tax-exempt organization organized under Section 527 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 527). A 527 group is created primarily to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office.

How do you do a social media campaign?

How to plan a social media marketing campaign, step by stepSet social media campaign goals. ... Create buyer personas. ... Choose your social media channels. ... Have a social media calendar. ... Research the right tools to boost productivity. ... Carry out competitive analysis. ... Put a system in place to track performance.Feb 2, 2022

Who can endorse a political candidate?

A corporation or labor organization may endorse a candidate and may communicate the endorsement to the general public. The corporation or labor organization may communicate with candidates for the purpose of deciding which, if any, candidate to endorse.

What is hard money in campaign financing?

By contrast, hard money is federally regulated campaign contributions and other moneys spent to influence the outcome of a federal election. Individuals are subject to an annual limit of $25,000 on contributions they can make to federal candidates, party committees, and PACs (2 U.S.C.

What is campaign strategy?

A campaign strategy model provides a framework for your marketing efforts that gives you a logical sequence to follow to make sure you take advantage of the tools and digital marketing channels that are right for you, and it keeps your efforts on track during the execution and implementation phases.

How do I create an online campaign?

How to Create a Digital Marketing Campaign StrategyChoose a Campaign Goal.Choose Which KPIs to Measure.Set a Campaign Budget.Review Your Previous Digital Marketing Campaigns.Analyse Your Competitors' Digital Marketing Campaigns.Define Your Target Audience.Decide a Campaign Message.Choose the Right Medium.More items...•Sep 29, 2019

What should be included in a campaign?

The stages of marketing campaigns and key issues that need to be included in your campaign plan are:Campaign goals and tracking. ... Campaign insight and targeting. ... Key campaign messages and offers. ... Campaign media plan and budget. ... Campaign asset production. ... Campaign execution.Nov 24, 2021

How does a campaign succeed?

A campaign succeeds when its message resonates with a majority of the electorate. While every candidate will have ideals and values that they feel strongly about, the campaign message should be structured around what the majority of voters care about. That does not mean that candidates forgo their values, but rather to see which of those values align with popular causes and then prioritise that in campaign messaging. Once a message has been established, stick to it, and reinforce it across multiple points of contact.

How to budget a campaign?

Your campaign should be budgeted around the number of votes you need to win. Identify how many votes you need and set a margin for error. Calculate how much it will cost to reach one voter from the initial stage of the campaign till election day. You will likely contact a voter multiple times across the duration of the campaign through multiple channels. Take all the cases into consideration.

What are the three types of voters?

There are 3 types of voters and three stages to voter contact. The three voter types are core voters, swing voters, and opposition voters. The three stages of contact are voter identification, voter engagement, and Get Out The Vote (GOTV). (Bear in mind that this is a gross simplification.

What is a voter file?

The voter file serves as the contact list for people in your electorate. It includes names, addresses, phone numbers, party registration and sometimes even details like ethnicity, gender and voting history. Throughout the campaign, every point of contact with a voter should feed data into your voter list. As you campaign progresses, the voter list should too, with regards to the number of data points on each voter. This helps create the targeted campaign messaging that will help your outreach resonate on a personal level with voters. You can check the specific rules for getting the voter list for your state here.

What is the first phase of a campaign?

The first phase helps you ensure that you’ve asked and answered all of the important questions and put together a winning plan for your campaign. The execution phase covers all of the specific tactics you’ll use to get yourself elected and/or re-elected.

What is the first training module?

The first training module is an orientation that provides context for the course and explains how the training is structured. The most important point is to understand that the entire training course should be completed before your campaign begins, if possible!

How to write a political campaign?

Consult with advisors, staffers, and past candidates who can help you create the plan. Some things to take into account here include: 1 Political environment – Which side do your voters traditionally lean toward? What are the opponents’ issues and policies? 2 Targeting and Demographics – The areas you would focus on based on gender, age, occupation, religion, ethnicity, and ideology of the voters living there. How would you target them? 3 Campaign message and issues – What is the core message of your campaign? How does it relate to the issues you focus on? 4 Communication plan – The campaign paraphernalia, direct mail, and paid media to spend on. How do you plan to get press coverage? 5 Grassroots plan – How do you plan your ground outreach using volunteers? Plans for GOTV, absentee ballot, and Election day activities should be planned beforehand. 6 Campaign budget – What would be the budget for every task? 7 Fundraising plan – What methods would you use? The events and major donors necessary to meet fundraising goals etc. 8 Campaign timeline – The deadlines for each team and activity 9 Staffing – The key roles like Campaign Manager, Treasurer and Field Director along with responsibilities for every important member

Can you ignore Snapchat?

‘Snapchat or it didn’t happen’ – well even if it doesn’t apply to your campaign, you cannot ignore having a social media presence. Have your communication manager take care of your campaign’s Fb page and Twitter account.

Running Political Campaigns

This course provides attendees with the skills to put together and run a successful campaign and engaging with political decision makers.

Who should attend

Consultants and in-house lobbyists who want to improve their public affairs and campaigning skills.


Sheila Gunn has worked on public affairs for the strategic communications consultancy Fleishman-Hillard for six years, fought a parliamentary seat in the last general election and has served as a local councillor.

How do I run for political office?

Before you run, you’ll want to get your name out there by joining your neighborhood association, attending city council meetings, and getting involved with community organizations.

How to accept donations for a political campaign?

2. Set up a bank account and website with the ability to collect donations. In order to accept political donations, you’ll need a checking account in your campaign s name. To make it easier for potential contributors, you should also include a donations page on your campaign website linked to your account.

Is running for office expensive?

Running for office is time-consuming and expensive, and holding an elected office is a major responsibility. Don't decide to run for office impulsively. Many successful candidates make the decision to run and lay groundwork years before an election.

What should be the message of a campaign?

Your campaign's message development, like its voter targeting and analysis, should be based on solid research. For example, when you fill out an issue chart, like the one above, you should not sit and guess about the relative importance of each issue and your positioning on it. If at all possible, your rankings should come from polling information.

How many words should be in a campaign literature?

In campaign literature, less is more. Say whatever you want to say in as few words as possible. Between one hundred and three hundred words total should be the maximum in a single piece of literature. Remember that voters will not read long text because it requires more effort than they are willing to spend on something that does not immediately affect them. With this in mind, statements like "dear voter" can be eliminated because voters know that when they get a piece of literature they are the ones being addressed. These phrases are extra, unneeded words.

Why are civic organizations important?

Civic organizations can play an important role in your election campaign. While the development of civic organizations may be relatively low, there has been active, positive political participation by civic organizations in various election campaigns.

What happens if you develop literature for everyone in the district and try to shake the hand of every voter in the district

If you develop literature for everyone in the district and try to shake the hand of every voter in the district, then you are wasting a lot of money and a lot of time on people who will not vote for you no matter what you say or do.

Who wrote the Strategic Election Planning Manual?

In preparation for the 1995 Russian Duma elections, NDI political trainers Ken Payne , Kate Head , and Sheila O'Connell, along with Russian experts Aleksei Shustov and Oleg Nikishenkov wrote the Strategic Election Planning Manual. This manual has been one of the most popular publications in the National Democratic Institute - Moscow office library and used by countless campaigns over the years.

Why do we need to screen questions in a poll?

Screening questions Since the purpose of the poll is to formulate election strategy, you should be interested in talking only to those who will actually vote . Political polls typically begin with a set of screening questions to determine who is most likely to vote.

What is geographic targeting?

Geographic targeting is simply determining who will vote for your candidate based on where they live. For example, let us say that candidate "A" lives in town "A" and is well known and liked by her neighbors. Candidate "B" lives in town "B" and is well known and liked by his neighbors. Most of candidate "A's" supporters are going to come from town "A" and she needs to go to town "C" to persuade those residents who are not already committed to a candidate in the race that she is the best candidate. She would be foolish and wasting her time to go to town "B" and try to persuade those residents and neighbors of candidate "B" to vote for her.


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