how to review a course syllabus video

by Garnett O'Keefe 5 min read

Part of a video titled How to Read a Course Syllabus - YouTube
Read details carefully and highlight or make notes within the margins. Use your syllabus to guideMoreRead details carefully and highlight or make notes within the margins. Use your syllabus to guide your learning throughout the semester. And refer back to it often when questions arise.

How do you read a course syllabus?

3:105:02Understanding Your Course Syllabus - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipRead details carefully and highlight or make notes within the margins. Use your syllabus to guideMoreRead details carefully and highlight or make notes within the margins. Use your syllabus to guide your learning throughout the semester. And refer back to it often when questions arise.

What is a syllabus review?

Syllabus review is an opportunity for structured inquiry and reflection, providing a safe space to assess aspects of teaching as reflected in syllabi, for example, course goals, class norms and rules, expectations for and evaluations of student learning, and forms of assistance and support.

What should be included in a course syllabus?

The syllabus as a permanent record To do this, a syllabus should include the following: Basic course information (course by number, section, title, semester, meeting times, days, place, format) Instructor information (name, title, rank, office location, office phone number, e-mail) Description of the course content.

How do you assemble a course syllabus?

How Do You Create a Syllabus?List your class's name and official course code (if applicable)Fill in basic course information.Create a course goal.Note and describe who you are.Note all needed materials.Create a class calendar.Note any policies that differ from school policies.Note grading systems, scales, and curves.More items...•

What is syllabus example?

The definition of a syllabus is a summary of what will be covered in a course of study. An example of a syllabus is what a college professor hands out to his students on the first day of class.

Which of the following is a helpful way to use the syllabus?

Use a Syllabus (the right way): 4 Tips Most Students MissUse a syllabus to prepare the rest of your life. ... Use a syllabus to finish projects early. ... Record due dates on your own calendar — don't leave them on your syllabus. ... Use a syllabus to define your daily task list months in advance.

How do I make a syllabus accessible?

How can you integrate accessibility into your syllabus?Make instructions and expectations clear regarding activities and assignments. ... Avoid creating PDF documents. ... Use large, sans serif fonts on a plain background with high contrast between text and background.More items...•

What is the difference between a syllabus and curriculum?

Curriculum contains all the subjects and outlines how they will be studied during the course while syllabus is more detailed version for each subject under the course.

What are the objectives of syllabus?

Serving as a learning toolPlanning and self-management skills.Specific study and assessment taking strategies.Availability of instructor(s) and teacher assistants.Campus resources for assistance.Relevance and importance of the course to students.

Who prepares the syllabus?

A syllabus may be set out by an examination board or prepared by the tutor or instructor who teaches or controls the course.

What is course overview video?

Course overview videos are of the course developer. Please note that the professor teaching your course and hosting the live sessions may not be the course developer (in most cases, they will not be).

What are the tools of the course?

The tools of the course range from hard analytics and decision-making models to soft skills in aligning incentives and conflict resolution. The course covers a great range of industries—from commodities to basic manufactures to high tech—as well as services and goods.

What is the purpose of the Visual Analytics course?

The goal of the course is to provide you with the skills to make decisions and succeed in a data-rich and increasingly data-driven world.

Why do we need to narrate a different story and strategy?

Narrate a different story and strategy in order to recruit and retain talent while contextualizing and activating strategy.

What is the purpose of the marketing course?

The main objectives of the course are to sharpen your skills in problem diagnosis and management. You will learn fundamental marketing concepts; improve your familiarity and understanding of institutional marketing knowledge, terminology, and practice; and practice formulating, presenting, and defending your own marketing ideas and recommendations. The course will stress agility in thinking (“whole-brain” and “neuro-marketing” models), operating in complex and volatile market environments, and leading marketing actors and initiatives cooperatively.

What is a 21st century pedagogy course?

This course is designed to give you a framework to lead a progressive 21st century corporation. The pedagogy is designed as a blend of lecture, case studies, practitioners’ experiences, and class discussion in order to provide you with models and tools to improve outcomes. Finally, the course will expose you to new types of challenges and opportunities that you will encounter across the value chain—from finance, to supply chain, to product development, to marketing—and prepare you with models and skills to identify solutions.

Can you view Fletcher course evaluations?

To view Fletcher course evaluations, please note that you must have a valid Tufts University username and password. Course evaluations are for personal, academic use only and should not be shared outside of the institution.

What is a Course Syllabus?

A course syllabus is an important document given to you by your professor on the first day of class. Ideally, a course syllabus can be looked upon as a roadmap of your course -- it contains valuable information that will help you succeed and stay organized throughout the entire semester. In order to fully benefit from the course syllabus, it is important for you to read it, understand it, and keep it handy as you will be continuously referring to it throughout the duration of your course.

Why is a syllabus important?

If properly utilized, a course syllabus will help you plan your semester efficiently and help limit confusion and stress. In short, a course syllabus will indicate what you as a student will be expected to do in a course, and how your performance throughout the course will be evaluated and graded. Common questions about a course can often be ...

How many hours does Suffolk University take?

For a 3 credit course, you should anticipate a total of 135 hours, and for a 4 credit course, you should anticipate a total of 180 hours.

What are the two types of grading systems?

There are two common types of grading systems that professors may use: a) Weighted Average, and b) Point System . Below you will find examples of each of these two types of grading systems.

Why is it important to have a course schedule?

The course schedule will be extremely beneficial in keeping you organized. The course schedule allows you to look ahead and see when assignments are due, when exams will occur, and allow you to plan accordingly in order to balance your work load appropriately. It is always important to remember that the professor could update/change some items on the course schedule, so be sure to stay flexible, take notes, and ask your professor questions when needed.

Is a course syllabus easy to read?

At a first glance, a course syllabus may seem overwhelming, but be assured that it is actually a very easy to read document. Below you will find a list of sections you will commonly see your course syllabus, the type of information found in each of those sections, ...

What Are The Advantages Of A Video Syllabus?

There are some disadvantages of creating a video syllabus–namely the effort it takes to create one (depending on your vision for yours, it could be accomplished in as few as 30 minutes) and the relative difficulty (compared to a Word document, for example) of editing it.

1. Clarify a purpose

What do you want the syllabus to ‘do’ and ‘be’? A checklist of due dates and assignments? An invitation to learn? A framing of the content? Something more student-centered?

2. Decide on a format

Presentation-based slideshow? Visual ‘explainer video’? A creative and fun video full of visuals that clarify for students how the course has been designed for them or will benefit them?

3. Create its contents

Here’s one, but I (surprisingly) couldn’t find many examples out there. This is 37-minutes long–a detailed explanation of the course, its assignments, etc.

4. Pick your tools

There are countless quality video editors available. A few I’ve used include Hitfilm Express, Shotcut, Loom, Lightworks, Adobe Premier and Adobe Spark, and Canva. There are also video editing tools like Moovly, Boosted, WeVideo, Animoto, Clipchamp, VSDC, Filmr, and Videopad.

5. Publish

Decide on privacy setting, then make the video accessible to students. The aforementioned Vimeo and YouTube obviously host videos, as does Loom.

6. Save original file

This is an important step–save the original file both locally (on your device) and on the video editing platform itself if that’s possible. This will make it easier to revise it each semester or copy it as a kind of template for other classes you teach now or might in the future.

How many parts are in the syllabus review guide?

TheSy llabusReviewGuideis(comprised(of(six(parts(that provide(the(concept ualknow ledgeandpracticalknow:how to(conductequity:minded(self:reflectionon(anessential document(in(academic(life:(the(syllabus.(Throughoutthe Guide(are(examples(that(illustrate(the(ideas(motivating( syllabusreview,aswellopportunitiestopractice inquiryand( to(reflectonhowto(change(your(syllabi—andyourteaching more(generally—so(are(more(equity:minded.((((( 01. What is the rationale for doing syllabus review? p. 2

What is the purpose of faculty creating a syllabus?

Faculty*create*(or*use*existing)syllabi*to*communicate*the* structure*of*their*classrooms,*includingtheir*rules/*policies,*the* relationship*they*expect*to*have*with*students,*what*they*/*their*

Course Syllabi Are Useful For Students And Instructors

Course syllabi serve as a key resource to communicate your teaching practice in several ways:

Communicate Course Expectations In Your Syllabus

Whether you’re designing a syllabus from scratch or revising an existing one, consider including the following information to make learning transparent.

Explore Example Syllabi Statements

Syllabi help set the tone for your courses and communicate your willingness to interact with and support students from all backgrounds, communities, and experiences. Explore a non-exhaustive list of example syllabi statements and select one or more to adapt for your own teaching goals and context.

What is a syllabus for a course?

A course syllabus is a document created by instructors to communicate all need-to-know information about how students can be successful in a specific course.

What is a syllabus?

A syllabus isn't a document that you simply review at the start of the semester. It's an essential guide for both you and students throughout the course. Let's dive in.

What are the main principles of syllabus design?

Writing a syllabus that both prepares and excites your students for your course depends on more than just the information you include in it. Factor in how you include that information as well.

What to do in the weeks leading up to the new semester?

You may be researching innovative instructional design trends, organizing your in-person and online classrooms, or conducting research toward your own ongoing educational efforts. And of course, as your curriculum for the new semester is finalized, it's up to you to write a straightforward, detailed syllabus to communicate this information to your incoming students.

What is the purpose of the syllabus document?

This document serves as a single source of truth for the general progression of the course. Both the students and instructors will be expected to complete the objectives set out in the syllabus by the end of the semester.

Why do you use bullet points in a syllabus?

Incorporate bullet points to break up large blocks of text, left align content , and only bold points that naturally make sense to emphasize to help your students quickly navigate your syllabus and find the information they need.

Why is it important to have an in-depth syllabus?

An in-depth syllabus benefits students as well. It communicates all requirements and expectations ahead of time and sets your students up for success. Further , it can increase their excitement for the course and give them insight into what will be taught, ensuring that the course they signed up for is one that will benefit their academic journey.

What is syllabus review?

Syllabus review is an inquiry tool for promoting racial/ethnic equity and equity-minded practice . To achieve this goal, the syllabus review process promotes faculty inquiry into teaching approaches and practices, especially how they affect African American, Latinx, Native American, Pacific Islander, and other racially/ ethnically minoritized students; facilitates a self-assessment of these teaching approaches and practices from a racial/ethnic equity lens; and allows faculty to consider changes that result in more equitable teaching approaches and practice.

How do syllabi help students?

As artifacts of practice, syllabi can reinforce and reproduce the norms and rules that generally align with the experience of white students, or syllabi can counter those norms and rules. For racially/ethnically minoritized students who have experienced exclusion, marginalization, discrimination, and oppression in educational settings and elsewhere, syllabi can be tools for

Why is continuous inquiry and self reflection important?

Continuous inquiry and self-reflection are necessary for developing equity-minded competency because so many aspects of how higher education institutions have been designed and are currently practiced need to be re-thought and re-engineered so that they in fact serve the students who make up an ever-increasing share of the student population and who for the most part come from racially/ethnically minoritized groups. Regular inquiry and self-reflection allow faculty to better understand which of their classroom practices support student success, particularly for racially/ethnically minoritized students, and which policies and practices could be re-developed to better them.

Why is inquiry important in syllabi?

As artifacts of practice that capture how faculty see the course, what they assume students should be able to accomplish, and what they will do to advance student learning, in quiry into syllabi has the potential to reveal the assumptions, attitudes, values, and beliefs that shape teaching. In addition, examining the content and language of a syllabus can help make explicit

What is a syllabi?

Syllabi are a key feature of every academic course, documents that serve multiple purposes. Most often, syllabi are seen as contractsbetween students and the instructor and as records of what courses cover and how student outcomes and performance are evaluated for accountability purposes (Parkes & Harris, 2002).

Why do we use syllabi?

In particular, faculty can use syllabi to demystifythe implicit norms and ambiguous processes that characterize college such as how to be a “successful” student. Syllabi can welcomethem into a classroom where they will be cared for, and validatetheir pursuit of a college degree and ability to be successful. They can send the message that while students need to work hard in college, faculty are there to support and work in partnership

What is the CUE?

Additional resources & Appendices p. 25. Established in 1999, the mission of the Center for Urban Education(CUE) is to lead socially conscious research and develop tools for institutions of higher education to produce equity in outcomes.
