Grade | Per Credit Hour |
A | 4.0 |
A- | 3.7 |
B+ | 3.3 |
B | 3.0 |
Current JMU Student Withdrawal (completed at least one semester at JMU) April 13, 2021. Follow the purple guide to help you navigate through the withdrawal process. If you not affiliated with any of these offices, you may proceed to the next step.
Phone: 540-568-7820. Email: [email protected]. Location: Student Success Center, 5 th Floor. If you have financial aid, or scholarships at JMU, please note that financial aid eligibility can change as a result of withdrawing from all of your classes.
Finalizing your account can take up to a month.
Finalizing your account can take up to a month. Once your account is finalized if there is a balance, you will be mailed a billing statement. If you have a refund it will be processed through your BankMobile preference. Make sure your preference is setup before submitting your withdrawal.
Phone: 540-568-3300. Email: [email protected]. Location: 280 Champions Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 (1 st Floor of Champions Parking Deck) If you have a student parking permit, you may qualify for a prorated refund once you withdraw from the University.
If you currently live on campus, you will need to check out of your residence hall room with your RA or Hall Director. Be sure to check out within 48 hours of your withdrawal date because your JAC card access will be terminated at that time, and you will not be able to enter your building.
Phone: 540-568-3300. Email: [email protected]. Location: 280 Champions Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 (1 st Floor of Champions Parking Deck) If you have a student parking permit, you may qualify for a prorated refund once you withdraw from the University.
Phone: 540-568-4663. Email: [email protected]. Location: Huffman Hall (Village Area) If you currently live on campus, you will need to check out of your residence hall room with your RA or Hall Director.
Finalizing your account can take up to a month.
Finalizing your account can take up to a month. Once your account is finalized if there is a balance, you will be mailed a billing statement. If you have a refund it will be processed through your BankMobile preference. Make sure your preference is setup before submitting your withdrawal.
If you currently live on campus, you will need to check out of your residence hall room with your RA or Hall Director. Be sure to check out within 48 hours of your withdrawal date because your JAC card access will be terminated at that time, and you will not be able to enter your building.
The difference between "dropping" and "withdrawing from" a class. Dropping a class removes it from your schedule and erases it from your transcript. Withdrawing from a class records a grade of "W" to your transcript, which does not affect your GPA or add to your credit hours. A class can only be dropped in the first few days of a semester.
Dropping a class removes it from your schedule and erases it from your transcript. Withdrawing from a class records a grade of "W" to your transcript, which does not affect your GPA or add to your credit hours. A class can only be dropped in the first few days of a semester.
A class can only be dropped in the first few days of a semester. Once the drop deadline has passed, you may withdraw from a class until the course adjustment deadline. After the course adjustment deadline, withdrawals are at the discretion of the instructor.
Once the drop deadline has passed, you may withdraw from a class until the course adjustment deadline. After the course adjustment deadline, withdrawals are at the discretion of the instructor.
Registration for Fall 2020 semester will begin on April 21 for juniors; April 22 for sophomores; and April 23 for freshmen. Beginning April 8, students can check MyMadison to view their updated Fall 2020 enrollment appointment.
Final exam week will remain as originally scheduled, May 1-7. As exam week approaches, faculty will communicate with students regarding course-specific plans for finals.
Due to the impact of COVID-19 on university operations, JMU is extending the Spring 2020 course withdrawal deadline to April 24 for semester-long and Second Block (7W2) courses.
The undergraduate catalog for the CS major/minor states: “Students may enroll in each of CS 149, CS 159, CS 240 and CS 261 at most twice.” The CS department has decided to not count classes taken this semester toward this enrollment limit. It will therefore be ok to enroll in a course again next semester if you need to.
If you have any questions, please set an appointment with the CS Advisor, Paige Normand:
How to Refund a Course 1 Most refunds are returned via the original payment method. Please note that certain restrictions may apply and some purchases may only be eligible for credit refunds. For more information regarding our refund policy, please click here. 2 Refund requests cannot be submitted in the Udemy mobile app (please see the Requesting a refund on a mobile device section below).
Credit refunds are faster than refunds to your payment method, as the credits are posted to your account immediately, after your refund is processed. For more information regarding Udemy Credits and how they work, please click here.
A refund due, for charges paid out of pocket, will be processed within 30 days.
A refund due, for charges paid out of pocket, will be processed within 30 days. Any credit balance refund generated by courses paid for with Federal Student Aid will be processed within 14 days of the credit occurring.
A refund due, for charges paid out of pocket, will be processed within 30 days . Any credit balance refund generated by courses paid for with Federal Student Aid will be processed within 14 days of the credit occurring.
Involuntary Withdrawals. You will receive the standard tuition refund based on the date of the withdrawal if you are involuntarily withdrawn from courses due to lack of academic progress or suspension due to student conduct issues, including plagiarism.